Evaluating the Performance Implications of Physical Addressing
Introduction to Virtual Addressing
Modern processors use virtual addressing
to access actual memory locations through a translation layer.
Only highly privileged software, such as the operating system (OS),
has access to physical memory addresses while all other processes
can only refer to memory via these virtual ones.
When a process requests memory (e.g., via malloc
the OS will allocate physical memory in fixed size chunks, called pages,
and then map them into the process' virtual address space.
This allows the OS to allocate whichever regions of physical memory happen to be free despite the fact that the process may have requested a large, contiguous allocation.
Virtual addressing provides a few key abstractions for user-level software:
- A fully contiguous address space.
- A unique address space not shared by any other process.
The former enables software to easily calculate relative memory addresses; accessing any element in an array requires only one or two instructions to add the offset of the base pointer and then load from memory. Similarly, locations on the program stack are computed relative to the current stack pointer. Neither of these "pointer arithmetic" operations would be valid if executed on the physical addresses. The latter is a useful security primitive that enables strong process memory isolation "for free," since there is no way for a process to even reference memory owned by another process (unless the OS maps some physical location into both address spaces).
The Case Against Virtual Addressing
The translation of virtual addresses is accelerated by dedicated hardware called the Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB). This acts as a "translation cache" and hides most of the cost of virtual address translation, except for when an address is not present in the TLB. Missing in the TLB triggers a complex series of physical memory accesses called "walking the page table" and tends to be extremely expensive (especially if this has to be handled by software).
For workloads that allocate very large amounts of memory, the TLB can't actually "reach" all of the necessary memory addresses, causing frequent TLB misses. In these cases, it's not uncommon for the CPU to be running only a single application which would like to manage its own memory anyway; the aforementioned advantages of virtual addressing are significantly reduced but the cost in TLB misses can be devastating to performance. The other major cause of TLB misses is frequent context switching between processes, which typically triggers a complete flush of the TLB state. For multithreaded applications which rely heavily on system calls (e.g., webservers), this can incur overheads of up to 20%.
Furthermore, virtual addressing is not a requirement for memory security. There are many different proposals (and even some usable implementations) of tagged memory architectures, where physical memory locations are associated with tags that control how those locations can be accessed by software. Some examples include: the CHERI capability architecture; the PUMP processor for software-defined metadata; and the secure information flow CPU, Hyperflow. Instead of relying on a process' inability to address memory, these designs use hardware to efficiently check whether or not a memory access is allowed by the system's security policy. In these designs, the protection provided by virtual addressing is either mostly or completely redundant.
Removing Virtual Addressing
Let us imagine that we are running code on one of these tagged memory architectures
and we want to eliminate virtual addressing and the overheads it entails.
In this world, we can still ask our OS for memory via malloc
; however it returns
back to us a physically contiguous memory region (rather than virtually contiguous).
For the large memory applications described above that manage their own memory,
they would likely start by malloc
-ing most of the computer's physical memory
and then never calling malloc
again. Little would change for such programs
(except that the spatial locality assumptions their designers had originally
made about memory layout are more likely to reflect reality).
However, programs which request new allocations throughout their lifetimes
may no longer be able to execute correctly. Since malloc
returns a physical memory region,
the OS needs to find a large enough space inside the memory to allocate. Due to the
presence of fragmentation,
it is possible that no such region exists. In that case, malloc
returns 0
in all likelihood, the program explodes.
Remember that such fragmentation was present with virtual addressing as well, but the OS could stitch together various fragmented segments to form a single virtual allocation. Therefore, programs should strive to allocate memory in fixed-size chunks; essentially, they should assume that the OS can only allocate them pages of physical memory and it's their job to stripe datastructures across them.
Experimental Setup
To evaluate the impact of software changes required in lieu of virtual addressing, we ran experiments with the following configurations. First, we ran all of our tests on a computer with 8 Intel i7-7700 CPUs clocked at 3.60GHz, with 32GB of physical memory, running Ubuntu 16.04. Secondly, we followed the guidlines provided by LLVM to reduce variance; in particular, every test was executed on a single, isolated processor core. While we ran all of our tests ten times and report averages of our measurements, with this setup we observed very little variance with typically less than 0.01% standard deviation. Finally, we assumed that some reasonable amount of stack could be pre-allocated contiguously, even on a physically addressed machine. We chose 32KB since that was approximately the smallest sized stack required to execute the benchmarks normally.
Unfortunately, we could not actually execute any tests using physical addressing, since there is no reliable method for allocating physical memory in user space. While there are several proposals for how to implement these features, they aren't currently supported in Linux. While there are reconfigurations and workarounds that could enable this evaluation the solutions are not lightweight. Therefore, our results are overhead measurements that represent worst-case performance; we don't actually expect any of our tests to result in speedups.
Dealing With The Stack
The stack presents another potential issue. Current compilers assume that stack-allocated variables can be addressed relative to the stack pointer, which is stored in a register. Obviously, while this is an efficient mechanism for address computation, this scheme doesn't work if any given stack frame is not comprised of physically contiguous memory.
For certain applications, it is likely that we can allocate a single stack page at start-up and then go on with our lives. In this case, the restrictions mentioned above aren't really an issue. However, programs may allocate large data structures on the stack, may recurse deeply or may have dynamically sized stack allocations. In these cases, we can run into the issues described above since the stack we've already allocated may not be large enough.
One solution to this problem is to dynamically allocate stack frames whenever a function call
is made. In this case, every function prologue needs to check the current stack and see if
there's enough space. If there is, then the function executes normally; otherwise,
the function asks the OS for a memory region big enough to store the current function's
entire stack frame before running. During the function epilogue, the program should
then free
that memory.
It turns out that gcc has implemented
exactly this functionality and calls it "stack splitting".
You can check out that link for a detailed explanation of the -fsplit-stack
option for
gcc, but it essentially implements the algorithm described above, modulo some tricks
for making the common case fast and maintaining its own small free list for stack pages.
Overhead of Stack Checking
We evaluated the performance impact of using split stacks on two microbenchmarks
designed to be bottlenecked on function calls, which respectively do and do not
trigger run-time memory allocations.
The first microbenchmark was a naive program to compute the 50th
number in the Fibonnacci sequence without memoization; this did not require
a large amount of stack so we use it to measure the overhead of just checking
whether or not there is enough space.
The other microbenchmark naively recursively computes the sum of the first n integers.
We executed this benchmark with n=1000000000
so that it would trigger run-time allocations
by recursing very deeply.

This diagram plots the execution time of these two microbenchmarks with the -fstack-split
option enabled, normalized to regular execution (statically allocated stacks).
As you can see, our Fibonnacci benchmark has only about a 15% increase in runtime
caused by checking remaining stack space. While not an insignificant cost, most
programs will not execute nearly as high a density of function calls and should not
see such high overheads.
The recursive sum benchmark ended up executing 6410250 different run-time allocations
of 1544 bytes. While it had a very large performance impact, we could certainly tune
the stack allocation algorithm to request larger chunks of memory to reduce the frequency
of malloc
system calls.
PARSEC Benchmarks
While these microbenchmarks give us a good upper bound on worst-case overhead, we wanted to evaluate some more realistic tests. We chose the PARSEC benchmarks, mostly because we used them for a prior project in this class and could test them easily. The execution times for these benchmarks are the built-in "Regions of Interest" and exclude initialization and warm up times for each program.

With these four benchmarks, there was almost no impact of applying the split-stack option. We should note that the StreamCluster benchmark actually sped up when using split-stack; likely this is some sort of memory alignment effect à la Mytcowicz et al.. In any case, we should probably consider this impact to be negligible.
Of these benchmarks, only Ferret actually required dynamically allocating stack space. Each of these allocations was 618 KB, which is a potential concern. It is unclear, in a real system using only physical addressing, whether or not allocations of this size would be frequently servicable or not. I hypothesize that real systems with many gigabytes or terabytes of memory with even severe fragmentation will be able to regularly respond to allocations in the kilobyte range; however, evalutaing this is future work.
Large Object Allocations
The other major modification to programs would be supporting large memory allocations.
Since it is probably unreliable to request very large contiguous memory regions, we must adopt a new
strategy. To evaluate the potential impact of these changes, we modified the Blackscholes
benchmark from the PARSEC suite. Blackscholes uses two dynamically allocated arrays,
which we replaced with custom Array
objects that we implemented to use only fixed size
allocations. We chose to modify this application not only because it consists of a single,
easily-modifiable source file, but also because it iterates through large arrays
and is very likely to be negatively impacted by array access latency and spatial locality within the array.
Custom Array Implementation
We implemented our Array
using a tree-based datastructure that mimics
the functionality of page tables in a virtual address environment.
We support up to three levels of allocation, where the final
level contains data and all previous levels contain pointers to
other pages. In the following diagram, the L1 page contains
pointers to L2 pages, which contain pointers to the L3 pages.
Each L3 page contains the actual object array data.

As an optimization, the constructor for Array
determines how many
levels of pages are required to store all of the data. For instance,
in the event the data fits in a single page, then the L1 page will hold data
and no L2 or L3 pages will be allocated.
Evaluating Tree Overheads
We had to modify the Blackscholes benchmark slightly to replace the calls
to malloc
to use our C++ Array
objects. This only involved modifying
the array allocation and deallocation since we overloaded the []
for normal array dereferences.
Blackscholes only uses pointer arithmetic for allocation purposes so we didn't
need to modify any other instructions.
The main sources of overhead we anticipated from these datastructures were not only the increased number of instructions to access data, but also the reduced spatial locality of data within the array, which depends on how big our physical allocations actually were. Therefore, we evaluated a number of different configurations, where our library used different sized "pages," ranging from 4KB to 1MB.
Furthermore, the original Blackscholes program used complicated pointer
arithmetic to allocate five contiguous arrays from a single call to malloc
In our original modification, we treated these as five separate Array
since we can't guarantee address continuity. In the "Modified Blackscholes"
test, we re-wrote this to be a single array of struct
objects so that
there might be more spatial locality between fields accessed around the same time.

We saw a worst-case overhead around 17% with 8 KB pages. Out of the
base Array
object implementation, 32 KB performed the best. Intuitively,
it makes sense that larger pages start to provide diminishing returns once they
exceed L1 and L2 CPU cache sizes. We tried to confirm these intuitions using
performance counters but found that L1 cache miss rates were very close across
all configurations and LLC (last level cache) miss rates varied wildly even
across executions of the same configuration. Likely this was caused by interference
with processes running on other cores or the OS itself.
However, using other performance counters we did notice that both the original and modified Blackscholes programs had very similar IPC (instruction per cycle) values, indicating that CPU efficiency wasn't significantly impacted and the primary overhead was simply caused by executing more instructions.
As a simple test of this, we modified the Array
code to always use trees
of depth three (two layers of pointers and a single data layer), which removed
some of the runtime checks required to access data. The results for that test are
in the "No Branches" column above. Other than in the 1 MB case, this configuration
performed much better than the others, with only a 3% overhead in the 16 KB case.
In a robust implementation, one could achieve this effect by
using a "factory" pattern
to create the appropriate depth Array
for the given allocation. Ideally,
we would be able to determine this requirement statically so that array accesses
could be in-lined; this would probably avoid the vast majority of the overheads
caused by using this data structure.
Random Access Overheads
The Blackscholes benchmark primarily scans through large arrays; we wanted to measure the overhead of a microbenchmark with significantly less spatial locality. In addition, we wanted to compare the impact of our changes on a long running test that used small arrays. To achieve both of these, we wrote a small benchmark that initializes the values of an array to a set of pseudorandom values (generated by multiplying the index by a large prime number). Then we execute a pointer chase through the array by looking up the value at location 0 and then treating the value as the next index to inspect (modulo array size).
Unlike the Blackscholes benchmark, this runs a large number of iterations but can be configured to use a small or large array. The small test was sized to fit into a single data page and therefore should not incur extra memory accesses compared to the traditional array implementation. For this test, we used 4KB pages. Like before, we include a "No Branches" configuration which is precompiled to remove the run-time checks to determine the correct element look-up behavior.

We can see here that the random access cost on large arrays is, unsurprisingly,
expensive. In the linear access case, there is still quite a bit of spatial locality
and Array
pointer pages are likely to be in cache for multiple data accesses. With random
access, the larger amount of memory required to store the data increases the cache pressure.
Small arrays do suffer from some overhead in this test but likely this is primarily
caused by the increase in dynamic instruction count (the "No Branches" case executes 1.5 times
as many instructions as the baseline).
While our results are not completely easily explicable, they do at least somewhat follow our intuitions. Memory allocation is a complex process dependent upon a number of system variables and operating system implementation. In order to better understand what is going on with these results, we must both sample across more test benchmarks and measure performance in a more controlled setting (e.g., by using Stabilizer).
These preliminary results suggest that highly optimized datastructures, tuned for physical memory allocation could impose very little overhead. Furthermore, at least for programs which do not allocate large amounts of memory on the stack, the cost of checking stack size and occasionally allocating new stack frame pages would be negligible. All in all, if we could actually address physical memory, we very well might see improvements in performance while also simplifying much of the underlying hardware and operating system.
The source code for the Array
object, the microbenchmarks and the instrumentation
modifications we made to libgcc can be found on github.