C Implementation of Bril
While Bril is a very useful testbed for exploring existing language
technologies and experimenting with new ideas, I was frustrated with the
tooling around the language. It took me three or four hours of fiddling around
with Node, npm, and Python to get brili
working, and I did not get either
or bril2txt
to work on my machine (I reimplemented them myself in
Python). I've rarely had such issues with my trusted systems programming
language, C. I decided to implement a simple, fast, and correct interpreter for
Bril. I call it cril
All code can be found in the project repository.
The goal here is simplicity and speed (in comparison to other student
interpreters). The only external library used was for parsing
JSON. The interpreter's evaluation loop, in
, first loops through the parsed Bril program and notes the
indices of labels. This was the simplest way to implement jumps and branches,
which become a simple setting of the instruction pointer to the label's index
(or an error if the label is not found in the label->index map). Actual
instructions are implemented with a set of functions, one for each op code.
Once the op
is known, the interpreter calls one of these functions, which
fetches arguments, does the required manipulation, and stores its result in the
right place (or in the case of effect operations, has the correct effect).
Op Code Implementation
All instructions but jmp
, br
, print
, and const
have a trivial
implementation. A function called get_or_quit
fetches arguments from the
source program and stores their values in a global array, sized to the max of
the argument count of all non-print instructions (2). If the variable is not
found in storage, an error is reported (containing the specific issue,
incorrect variable, and instruction pointer value) and the program quits.
Otherwise, the op implementing function calls put
with the argument that
implements the specific op code, which stores the result in the destination
variable. For example, the add
op code is implemented
as follows:
static void op_add() { get_or_quit(); put(mem_args[0]+mem_args[1]); }
Above, mem_args
is the name of the global argument array. Thus, most op codes
have 2 line implementations. Even br
, the most complex op code, requires only
16 lines to implement.
Memory Implentation (and More, for Free)
I needed a hash table implementation to implement variable storage, so I built
it myself. It can be found in src/table.{c,h}
. The dictionary uses open
addressing and linear chaining. The hash function copies the hash used by
java.lang.String’s hashCode()
method. The _hash
function computes
a polynomial whose coeffecients are the integer values of the string's
characters, evaluated at x=31
. The polynomial is evaluated with Horner's
method. The table
maps string keys to int64_t
values. I represent bril
integers and bril booleans with int64_t
to avoid storing the type of bril
variables. Since bril's typesystem only allows for those two types, this design
is sufficient for now. Incorporating more types will be simple: I can extend
the table_elem
struct with a type bitfield/enum value. For now, this simple
table suffices.
The table code is also used for the label->index map and to store the mapping between string op codes and the index for that op code's implementing function in an array of function pointers.
I ran cril
against the programs in bril/test
and made sure the outputs
matched <program>.out
. My interpreter gave correct results on the Fibonacci
program in benchmark/fibonacci.json
, while the brili
reference interpreter
gave wrong results on the last 3 outputted Fibonacci numbers due to rounding
issues with Javascript's BigInt
I collected relatively compute heavy Bril programs under benchmark
in the
cril repository. I took these programs from Wen-Ding Li's Bril benchmark
repository. I used his
Fibonacci and factorial implementation verbatim, and used his matrix
multiplication and polynomial multiplication programs to generate Bril programs
with options n=1
to n=5
(the size of the respective matrices and
Measurement and Comparison
I wanted to have a way to get reliable performance numbers to square off
against any other students' implementation of bril. First, I had the main
evaluation loop return a uint64_t
number of nanoseconds of elapsed time.
I used the POSIX provided timespec
structure to record the time tracked by
, the nanosecond resolution process time clock. This
tracks CPU ticks spent on the program process itself, irrespective of other
scheduled processes. This data is procured with the C standard library's
. Some notes:
- I start timing on after JSON parsing. I did not want that to be included. I do the same in my evaluation of the reference interpreter
- I stop timing after cleaning up all data structures used for interpretation
Then, in src/main.c
, I have a constant named NUM_RUNS
, and if cril
called with --benchmark
, it will run each program under benchmark
times, calculate a mean and standard deviation per program, and output the
results. I modified the reference brili
source code to perform the same
measurements on the same benchmark programs. Times reported are in
milliseconds, displayed as means plus or minus standard deviations.
Program | Cril | Brili |
Fibonacci | .099 ± .03 | .44 ± .23 |
Factorial | .019 ± .005 | .042 ± .073 |
MatMul 1 | .005 ± .002 | .004 ± .001 |
MatMul 2 | .014 ± .004 | .022 ± .025 |
MatMul 3 | .037 ± .008 | .041 ± .027 |
MatMul 4 | .08 ± .012 | .075 ± .05 |
MatMul 5 | .017 ± .023 | .136 ± .07 |
PolyMul 1 | .005 ± .002 | .006 ± .002 |
PolyMul 2 | .022 ± .014 | .011 ± .004 |
PolyMul 3 | .018 ± .003 | .019 ± .005 |
PolyMul 4 | .028 ± .006 | .027 ± .015 |
PolyMul 5 | .04 ± .008 | .04 ± .027 |