Term Projects for CS612

Projects are usually done by teams of two students and are designed to give you an idea of what is like to do research in the area of compilers and high-performance computing. Towards this end, you and your partner are expected to complete "typical" research activities. These include,


Here is what we expect from you for the term paper/project:
  1. Do a literature search, starting from the papers we gave you for your topic
  2. Read relevant papers
  3. Decide whether you want to do a survey paper or term project
  4. If you are doing only a survey paper:
  5. If you are doing a term project:
  6. Regardless of whether you choose to do a survey paper or a term project, you must turn in a critique of every presentation given in class. What is your evaluation of the talk? The material? The presentation? The way in which the person answered questions? Did the talk omit important papers in the area? Did it represent the referenced papers correctly? What advice would you give to the presenter for improving his talk?