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CS6118 - Types and Semantics is about designing and understand programming languages, whether they be domain specific or general purpose. The goal of this class is to provide a variety of tools for designing custom (programming) languages for whatever task is at hand. Part of that will be a variety of insights on how languages work along with experiences from working with academics and industry on creating new languages such as Ceylon and Kotlin. The class focuses on types and semantics and the interplay between them. This means category theory and constructive type theory (e.g. Coq and richer variations) are ancillary topics of the class. The class also covers unconventional semantic domains such as classical linear type theory in order to both break students from convential thinking and to provide powerful targets capable of formalizing thinks like networking protocols, resource-sensitive computation, and concurrency constructs. The class project is to design and formalize a (programming) language for a purpose of the student's choosing, and assignments are designed to ensure students have had a chance to practice applying the techniques learned in class before culminating these skills in the class project.

Class Times: TuTh 2:55-4:10

Location: Snee Hall 1120

Instructor: Ross Tate
Office: 4136 Upson Hall
Office Hours: Wed. 1:00-2:00 and by appointment

Grading There will be seven homework assignments, a project, a midterm, and a (non-cummulative) final. The breakdown is:
Assignments: 35%
Project: 25%
Midterm: 20%
Final: 20%

Related Reading


Week 1
Aug 23 Goals of the Course
Discussion of Student Interests
Overview of Language Design Challenges
Week 2
Aug 28 Semantics of Subtyping
Basic Category Theory: Categories and Functors
Lecture 2
Aug 30 WAT
Naturality of Operators
Static/Dynamic Behavorial Subtyping
Principal Types
Lecture 3
Week 3
Sep 4 Introduction to Coq
Inductive Data Types
Dependent Matches
Lecture 4
Coq Code
Sep 6 Equality in Coq
Formalizing Subtyping in Coq
Lecture 5
Coq Code
Homework Code
Week 4
Sep 11 Lists and Comprehensions Lecture 6
Sep 13 SQL and Opfibrations Lecture 7 Homework 1 Due
Week 5
Sep 18 Opfibrations in Detail Lecture 8
Opfibration Notes
Sep 20 SQL Joins: Products in Opfibrations Lecture 9
Week 6
Sep 25 Aggregation: Monad Algebras Lecture 10
Sep 27 Lifting Expressions: Monoidal Functors Lecture 11 Homework 2 Due
Week 7
Oct 2 Midterm Review Lecture 12 Bring Questions!!!
Oct 4 Midterm
Week 8
Oct 9 No Class
Celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving!
Oct 11 Intuitionist Logic
Curry-Howard Isomorphism
System PJ
Week 9
Oct 16 Classical Linear Type Theory
Parallelism and Multicut Extensions
Lecture 15
Sequent Calculus
Oct 18 Duality
Lecture 16
Week 10
Oct 23 Additive Extensions
Exponential Modalities
Lecture 17
Oct 25 Contraction and Weakening Extensions
Constructive Classical Logic?!
Lecture 18 First Half of Homework 3 Due
Week 11
Oct 30 Strictness vs. Laziness Lecture 19
Nov 1 Effects
Lecture 20 Second Half of Homework 3 Due
Week 12
Nov 6 Effectors
Lecture 21
Nov 8 Premonoidal Categories
Lecture 22
Week 13
Nov 13 Inductive Types
Coinductive Types
Lecture 23
Nov 15 (Constructive) Domain Theory Lecture 24 Homework 4 Due
Week 14
Nov 20 Quotient Types Lecture 25
Nov 22 No Class
Celebrate American Thanksgiving!
Week 15
Nov 27 Final Review Lecture 26 Bring Questions!!!
Nov 29 Final Homework 5 Due

Homework Policies

Cornell University has a Code of Academic Integrity, with which you should be familiar. Violations of this code are treated very seriously by Cornell and can have long-term repercussions. In this course, you are encouraged to discuss the content of the course with other students, and you may also discuss homework problems with other students. However, you must do your own work, write up assignments yourself, and if you discuss a problem with another student, you are expected to document this fact in your write-up. It is a violation of the code to copy work, including programs, from other students; it is also a violation to use solutions to homework problems from previous iterations of the same course. Note that Cornell holds responsible for the code violation both the recipient and the donor of improper information.