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Lecture 13: Hoare Logic

Greg Morrisett, with modifications by EPFL's CS 628 and Cornell's CS 6115 staff.
No redistribution allowed (usage by permission in CS 6115).

Imperative Programming in Coq

Just as in Haskell, we can simulate writing programs that manipulate state by taking advantage of monads. Another way to think about this is that we can embed the primitives of IMP into Coq and we automatically get a higher-order, dependently-typed, stateful programming language.

The language is IMP-like, but it is a little different in that a command computes a value. Intuitively, the value computed by a sequence of commands is the value of the last command in the sequence. Further, unlike IMP, in which there is a finite set of mutable variables, we we will have the ability to dynamically allocate new mutable heap locations. We also get to use Coq's functional expressions as the expressions in the language, including if.

We do this here as a _shallow embedding_ in which we reuse the metalanguage of Coq to build the constructs of the desired language, in this case using a monad to capture the statefulness of the language. With shallow embedding, we inherit all the strengths and weaknesses of the metalanguage. For example, we can't write down imperative loops directly because that's not part of Gallina. On the other hand, we get dependent types and all the other machinery of Coq.

The alternative approach, which we have already seen earlier when defining the semantics of IMP, is a _deep embedding_ in which we inductively define the syntax of the language, giving us complete control over what the language looks like. However, this requires us to explicitly specify the semantics of the language as inductive relations, and the features of the metalanguage are harder to exploit.

The development below builds a module that is parameterized by some universe of values that we can store in the heap, and then later instantiate the universe with a type of my choice. In the module, we will define basic notions of a heap, of commands as a monad which manipulates heaps, and appropriate Hoare-logic rules for reasoning about these commands.

Module Type UNIVERSE.
  Parameter t : Type.

Module FunctionalIMP (U : UNIVERSE).

We will model pointers using nats, but any type that provides an equality and way to generate a fresh value would do.

  Definition ptr := nat.
  Definition ptr_eq_dec := Peano_dec.eq_nat_dec.
ptr_eq_dec : forall n m : nat, {n = m} + {n <> m}
Definition ptr_le_gt_dec := Compare_dec.le_gt_dec.
ptr_le_gt_dec : forall n m : nat, {n <= m} + {n > m}

We will model heaps as lists of pointers and values drawn from the universe.

  Definition heap := list (ptr * U.t).

We model commands of type t as functions that take a heap and return an optional pair of a heap and a t. So this is really a combination of the state and option monad.

  Definition Cmd (t:Type) := heap -> option (heap * t).

The definitions of ret and bind for the monad. Unlike Haskell, we could actually prove that the monad laws hold! (This would be a good exercise.)

  Definition ret t (x:t) : Cmd t := fun h => Some (h,x).  

  Definition bind t u (c : Cmd t) (f : t -> Cmd u) : Cmd u := 
    fun h1 => 
      match c h1 with 
        | None => None
        | Some (h2,v) => f v h2

Some notation to approximate Haskell's "do" notation.

  Declare Scope cmd_scope.
  Notation "x <- c ; f" := (bind c (fun x => f))
    (right associativity, at level 84, c at next level) : cmd_scope.
  Notation "c ;; f" := (bind c (fun _:unit => f))
    (right associativity, at level 84) : cmd_scope.
  Local Open Scope cmd_scope.

Like Haskell's runST, we can provide a run for the monad, starting with an empty heap.

  Definition run (t:Type) (c:Cmd t) := c nil.

Some example commands

  Definition c1 := ret 0.
c1 : Cmd nat
= Some (nil, 0) : option (heap * nat)
Definition c2 := x <- ret 0 ; y <- ret 1 ; ret (x+y).
= Some (nil, 1) : option (heap * nat)

Failure -- this is like throwing an exception. A good exercise for people unfamiliar with monads is to define a try _ catch _ construct.

  Definition exit t : Cmd t := fun h => None.

Allocation -- to allocate a fresh location, we run through the heap and find the biggest pointer, and simply return the next biggest pointer. Another good exercise is to change the definitions here to carry along the "next available pointer" as part of the state of the system.

  Definition max (p1 p2:ptr) := if ptr_le_gt_dec p1 p2 then p2 else p1.

  Fixpoint max_heap (h:heap) := 
    match h with 
      | nil => 0
      | (p,_)::rest => max p (max_heap rest)

  Fixpoint insert (h:heap) (x:ptr) (v:U.t) : heap := 
    match h with 
      | nil => (x,v)::nil
      | (y,w)::h' => 
        if ptr_le_gt_dec x y then
        else (y,w)::(insert h' x v)

The new u command allocates a new location in the heap, initializes it with the value u, and returns the pointer to the freshly-allocated location.

  Definition new (u:U.t) : Cmd ptr := 
    fun h => 
      let p := 1 + max_heap h in Some (insert h p u, p).

Lookup a pointer in the heap, returning the value associated with it if any.

  Fixpoint lookup (h:heap) (p:ptr) : option U.t := 
    match h with 
      | nil => None
      | (p',u')::rest => if ptr_eq_dec p p' then Some u' else lookup rest p

The read command looks up the given pointer and returns the value if any, and fails if there is no value present. It leaves the heap unchanged.

  Definition read (p:ptr) : Cmd U.t := 
    fun h => match lookup h p with 
               | None => None
               | Some u => Some (h, u)

Remove the pointer p from the heap, returning a new heap.

  Fixpoint remove (h:heap) (p:ptr) : heap := 
    match h with 
      | nil => nil
      | (p',u')::h => if ptr_eq_dec p p' then remove h p else (p',u')::(remove h p)

To write u into the pointer p, we first check that p is defined in the heap, and then remove it, and add it back with the value u.

  Definition write (p:ptr) (u:U.t) : Cmd unit := 
    fun h => match lookup h p with 
               | None => None
               | Some _ => Some (insert (remove h p) p u, tt)

To free the pointer p, we simply remove it from the heap. Again, this will fail if p wasn't in the heap to begin with.

  Definition free (p:ptr) : Cmd unit := 
    fun h => match lookup h p with 
               | None => None
               | Some _ => Some (remove h p, tt)

Hoare Logic

Now that we've defined a language of commands, we can define a logic for reasoning about commands.

  Definition hprop := heap -> Prop.

The Hoare Total-Correctness Triple {{P}}c{{Q}} holds when: if we run c in a heap h satisfying P, we get back a heap h' and value v, satisfying Q h v h'. Notice that our post-conditions allow us to relate the input heap, the output value, and the output heap. The ability to refer to the initial heap is important for giving rules that are as strong as possible without having to introduce auxilliary variables.

  Definition hoare_tc_triple(t:Type)
    (P : hprop)(c:Cmd t)(Q : heap -> t -> hprop) := 
    forall h, P h -> match c h with 
                       | None => False
                       | Some (h',v) => Q h v h'
  Notation "{{ P }} c {{ Q }}" := (hoare_tc_triple P c Q) 
    (at level 90) : cmd_scope.

A standard Greg (Morrisett) simplification tactic.

  Ltac mysimp := 
    unfold hprop, hoare_tc_triple, bind, max, free, read, write in * ; intros ; 
      repeat (match goal with
                | [ H : _ /\ _ |- _] => destruct H
                | [ H : (_ * _)%type |- _] => destruct H
                | [ H1 : forall _, ?P1 _ -> _, H2 : ?P1 ?h |- _] => 
                  generalize (H1 h H2) ; clear H1 ; intros
                | [ H1 : forall _ _ _, ?P1 _ _ -> _, H2 : ?P1 ?x ?h |- _] => 
                  generalize (H1 _ _ _ H2) ; clear H1 ; intros
                | [ H : match ?e with | Some _ => _ | None => _ end |- _ ] => 
                  destruct e
                | [ |- context[ptr_eq_dec ?x ?y] ] => 
                  destruct (ptr_eq_dec x y) ; subst
                | [ H : context[ptr_le_gt_dec ?x ?y] |- _ ] => 
                  destruct (ptr_le_gt_dec x y); subst 
                | [ |- _ /\ _ ] => split
                | [ H : exists _, _ |- _] => destruct H
                | [ H : Some ?x = Some ?y |- _ ] => inversion H ; clear H ; subst
                | _ => assert False ; [ contradiction | lia ]
              end) ; subst ; simpl in * ; try firstorder ; auto with arith.

A heap h always satisfies the predicate top.

  Definition top : hprop := fun _ => True.

The Hoare-rule for return: We can run the command in any initial state and end up in a state where the heap is unchanged, and the return value is equal to the value we passed in. This is pretty obviously the weakest precondition needed to ensure the command won't fail, and the strongest post-condition we can show about the resulting state.

t: Type
v: t

{{top}} ret v {{fun (h : heap) (x : t) (h' : heap) => x = v /\ h = h'}}
mysimp. Qed.

An alternative, more conventional rule. I don't like this because it forces me to come up with a predicate -- i.e., we can only use it in a context where P is already known.

t: Type
v: t
P: t -> hprop

{{P v}} ret v {{fun (_ : heap) (x : t) => P x}}
t: Type
v: t
P: t -> hprop

{{P v}} ret v {{fun (_ : heap) (x : t) => P x}}
mysimp. Qed.

The rule of consequence: we can strengthen the pre-condition (i.e., require more before executing), and weaken the post-condition (i.e., ensure less.)

t: Type
c: Cmd t
P1, P2: hprop
Q1, Q2: heap -> t -> hprop

{{P1}} c {{Q1}} -> (forall h : heap, P2 h -> P1 h) -> (forall (h : heap) (x : t) (h' : heap), Q1 h x h' -> Q2 h x h') -> {{P2}} c {{Q2}}
t: Type
c: Cmd t
P1, P2: hprop
Q1, Q2: heap -> t -> hprop

{{P1}} c {{Q1}} -> (forall h : heap, P2 h -> P1 h) -> (forall (h : heap) (x : t) (h' : heap), Q1 h x h' -> Q2 h x h') -> {{P2}} c {{Q2}}
mysimp. Qed.

forall n : ptr, max 0 n = n
induction n ; auto. Qed.
h: heap

forall n : nat, n > max_heap h -> lookup h n = None
h: heap

forall n : nat, n > max_heap h -> lookup h n = None
p: ptr
t: U.t
h: list (ptr * U.t)
IHh: forall n : nat, n > max_heap h -> lookup h n = None
l: p <= max_heap h
H: p > max_heap h

Some t = None
p: ptr
t: U.t
h: list (ptr * U.t)
IHh: forall n : nat, n > max_heap h -> lookup h n = None
g: p > max_heap h
H: p > p
Some t = None
p: ptr
t: U.t
h: list (ptr * U.t)
IHh: forall n : nat, n > max_heap h -> lookup h n = None
n: nat
g: p > max_heap h
H: n > p
n0: n <> p
lookup h n = None
p: ptr
t: U.t
h: list (ptr * U.t)
IHh: forall n : nat, n > max_heap h -> lookup h n = None
l: p <= max_heap h
H: p > max_heap h

Some t = None
contradict H; mysimp.
p: ptr
t: U.t
h: list (ptr * U.t)
IHh: forall n : nat, n > max_heap h -> lookup h n = None
g: p > max_heap h
H: p > p

Some t = None
contradict H; mysimp.
p: ptr
t: U.t
h: list (ptr * U.t)
IHh: forall n : nat, n > max_heap h -> lookup h n = None
n: nat
g: p > max_heap h
H: n > p
n0: n <> p

lookup h n = None
p: ptr
t: U.t
h: list (ptr * U.t)
IHh: forall n : nat, n > max_heap h -> lookup h n = None
n: nat
g: p > max_heap h
H: n > p
n0: n <> p

n > max_heap h
lia. Qed. Hint Resolve lookup_max : core.

The new u command can be run in any initial state h, and results in a state (p,u)::h where p is fresh. The freshness is captured by the fact that lookup h p = None, i.e., the pointer was unallocated in the pre-state.

u: U.t

{{top}} new u {{fun (h : heap) (p : ptr) (h' : heap) => lookup h p = None /\ h' = insert h p u}}
u: U.t

{{top}} new u {{fun (h : heap) (p : ptr) (h' : heap) => lookup h p = None /\ h' = insert h p u}}
mysimp. Qed.

Note that the post-condition for new is weaker than it has to be. We could strengthen it to capture the fact that p is actually 1 + the max pointer in the heap. But leaving the specification weaker allows us to change our allocation strategy.

p: ptr
h: heap

lookup h p = None -> remove h p = h
induction h ; mysimp ; simpl in * ; mysimp ; try congruence. Qed.

The free p command can be run in any state where p is defined, and results in a state where p is removed.

p: ptr

{{fun h : heap => lookup h p <> None}} free p {{fun (h : heap) (_ : unit) (h' : heap) => h' = remove h p}}
p: ptr

{{fun h : heap => lookup h p <> None}} free p {{fun (h : heap) (_ : unit) (h' : heap) => h' = remove h p}}
p, p0: ptr
t: U.t
h: list (ptr * U.t)
n: p <> p0
H: lookup h p <> None
H0: match match lookup h p with | Some _ => Some (remove h p, tt) | None => None end with | Some (h', _) => h' = remove h p | None => False end

match match lookup h p with | Some _ => Some ((p0, t) :: remove h p, tt) | None => None end with | Some (h', _) => h' = (p0, t) :: remove h p | None => False end
destruct (lookup h p) ; mysimp. Qed.

The read p command can be run in any state where p is defined, and results in an unchanged state. The value returned is equal to the the value associated with p.

p: ptr

{{fun h : heap => lookup h p <> None}} read p {{fun (h : heap) (v : U.t) (h' : heap) => h = h' /\ lookup h p = Some v}}
p: ptr

{{fun h : heap => lookup h p <> None}} read p {{fun (h : heap) (v : U.t) (h' : heap) => h = h' /\ lookup h p = Some v}}
p: ptr
h: heap
H: lookup h p <> None

match match lookup h p with | Some u => Some (h, u) | None => None end with | Some (h', v) => h = h' /\ lookup h p = Some v | None => False end
destruct (lookup h p) ; mysimp. Qed.

The write p u command can be run in any state where p is defined, and results in a state where p maps to u, but is otherwise unchanged.

p: ptr
u: U.t

{{fun h : heap => lookup h p <> None}} write p u {{fun (h : heap) (_ : unit) (h' : heap) => h' = insert (remove h p) p u}}
p: ptr
u: U.t

{{fun h : heap => lookup h p <> None}} write p u {{fun (h : heap) (_ : unit) (h' : heap) => h' = insert (remove h p) p u}}
mysimp ; destruct (lookup h p) ; mysimp. Qed.

The rule for bind is the most complicated, but that's more because we want to support dependency than anything else. Intuitively, if {{P1}}c{{Q1}} and {{P2 x}}f x{{Q2 x}}, then the compound command x <- c ; f has as the weakest pre-condition needed to ensure we don't fail that P1 holds and for any (demonically-chosen state and value) x and h' which c might compute (and hence satisfies Q1 h x h'), we can show that P2 x h' holds. Both conditions are needed to ensure that neither command will fail.

The post-condition is the strongest post-condition we can calculate as the composition of the commands. It is effectively the relational composition of the post-conditions for c and f respectively.

Again, note that we can effectively compute the pre- and post- conditions instead of forcing a prover to magically come up with appropriate conditions.

  Definition precomp(t:Type)(P1:hprop)(Q1:heap->t->hprop)(P2:t->hprop) : hprop := 
    fun h => P1 h /\ (forall (x:t)(h':heap), Q1 h x h' -> P2 x h').

  Definition postcomp(t u:Type)(Q1:heap->t->hprop)(Q2:t->heap->u->hprop) : 
    heap -> u -> hprop := 
    fun h x h' => exists y, exists h'', Q1 h y h'' /\ Q2 y h'' x h'.

t, u: Type
c: Cmd t
f: t -> Cmd u
P1: hprop
Q1: heap -> t -> hprop
P2: t -> hprop
Q2: t -> heap -> u -> hprop

{{P1}} c {{Q1}} -> (forall x : t, {{P2 x}} f x {{Q2 x}}) -> {{precomp P1 Q1 P2}} x <- c; f x {{postcomp Q1 Q2}}
t, u: Type
c: Cmd t
f: t -> Cmd u
P1: hprop
Q1: heap -> t -> hprop
P2: t -> hprop
Q2: t -> heap -> u -> hprop

{{P1}} c {{Q1}} -> (forall x : t, {{P2 x}} f x {{Q2 x}}) -> {{precomp P1 Q1 P2}} x <- c; f x {{postcomp Q1 Q2}}
unfold precomp, postcomp ; mysimp ; generalize (H0 _ _ (H2 _ _ H)) ; intros ; mysimp. Qed. Notation "x <-- c ; f" := (bind_tc c (fun x => f)) (right associativity, at level 84, c at next level) : cmd_scope. Notation "c ;;; f" := (bind_tc c (fun _ => f)) (right associativity, at level 84) : cmd_scope.

Just for fun, we can define our own version of if.

t: Type
B1, B2: Prop
b: {B1} + {B2}
c1, c2: Cmd t
P1, P2: hprop
Q1, Q2: heap -> t -> hprop

{{P1}} c1 {{Q1}} -> {{P2}} c2 {{Q2}} -> {{fun h : heap => if b then P1 h else P2 h}} if b then c1 else c2 {{fun (h : heap) (x : t) (h' : heap) => if b then Q1 h x h' else Q2 h x h'}}
t: Type
B1, B2: Prop
b: {B1} + {B2}
c1, c2: Cmd t
P1, P2: hprop
Q1, Q2: heap -> t -> hprop

{{P1}} c1 {{Q1}} -> {{P2}} c2 {{Q2}} -> {{fun h : heap => if b then P1 h else P2 h}} if b then c1 else c2 {{fun (h : heap) (x : t) (h' : heap) => if b then Q1 h x h' else Q2 h x h'}}
destruct b ; mysimp. Qed.

Now we can give a proper interface to run -- we should only pass it commands that will return a value and then we can guarantee that we won't get a failure.

t: Type
c: Cmd t

{{top}} c {{fun (_ : heap) (_ : t) => top}} -> t
t: Type
c: Cmd t

{{top}} c {{fun (_ : heap) (_ : t) => top}} -> t
t: Type
c: Cmd t
H: forall h : heap, True -> match c h with | Some (_, _) => True | None => False end

t: Type
c: Cmd t
H: forall h : heap, True -> match c h with | Some (_, _) => True | None => False end

match c nil with | Some (_, _) => True | None => False end -> t
destruct (c nil) ; mysimp. Defined. End FunctionalIMP. Module MyUniverse <: UNIVERSE.

Alas, our universe of storable values cannot be big enough to store computations. If we try to add computations to the types in U, we get a non-positive occurrence. In short, you seem to need generally recursive types to build storable commands. Not suprisingly, this leads to termination problems, as we can use Landin's knot to build a diverging computation...

  Inductive U : Type := 
  | Nat_t : nat -> U
  | Pair_t : U -> U -> U.

  Definition t := U.
End MyUniverse.

Module MyFunctionalImp := FunctionalIMP (MyUniverse).

Import MyUniverse.
Import MyFunctionalImp.
Local Open Scope cmd_scope.

More example commands -- some can go wrong!

Definition c3 := z <- new (Nat_t 0) ; w <- read z ; ret w.
= Some ((1, Nat_t 0) :: nil, Nat_t 0) : option (heap * t)
Definition c4 := z <- new (Nat_t 0) ; write z (Nat_t z) ;; ret z.
= Some ((1, Nat_t 1) :: nil, 1) : option (heap * ptr)
Definition c5 := free 1.
= None : option (heap * unit)
Definition c6 := x <- new (Nat_t 0) ; free x ;; read x.
= None : option (heap * t)
Definition c7 := x <- new (Nat_t 0) ; (if ptr_le_gt_dec x 10 then free x else ret tt) ;; z <- new (Nat_t 3) ; (if ptr_le_gt_dec x 10 then ret (Nat_t 42) else read x).

Does c7 succeed? Notice that the two if expressions have the same guard expression.

= Some ((1, Nat_t 3) :: nil, Nat_t 42) : option (heap * U)

Some example proofs that these commands have specifications -- one way to view this is that we are building commands and inferring specifications for them, fully automatically!

Definition p1 := ret_tc 0.
p1 : {{top}} ret 0 {{fun (h : heap) (x : nat) (h' : heap) => x = 0 /\ h = h'}}

Unfortunately, the specifications that we calculate are rather unwieldy. Even these simple proofs yield default specifications that are impossible to read.

Definition p2 := x <-- ret_tc 0 ; y <-- ret_tc 1 ; ret_tc (x+y).
p2 : {{precomp top (fun (h : heap) (x : nat) (h' : heap) => x = 0 /\ h = h') (fun _ : nat => precomp top (fun (h : heap) (x : nat) (h' : heap) => x = 1 /\ h = h') (fun _ : nat => top))}} x <- ret 0; x0 <- ret 1; ret (x + x0) {{postcomp (fun (h : heap) (x : nat) (h' : heap) => x = 0 /\ h = h') (fun x : nat => postcomp (fun (h : heap) (x0 : nat) (h' : heap) => x0 = 1 /\ h = h') (fun (y : nat) (h : heap) (x0 : nat) (h' : heap) => x0 = x + y /\ h = h'))}}
Definition p3 := z <-- new_tc (Nat_t 0) ; w <-- read_tc z ; ret_tc w.
p3 : {{precomp top (fun (h : heap) (p : ptr) (h' : heap) => lookup h p = None /\ h' = insert h p (Nat_t 0)) (fun z : ptr => precomp (fun h : heap => lookup h z <> None) (fun (h : heap) (v : t) (h' : heap) => h = h' /\ lookup h z = Some v) (fun _ : t => top))}} x <- new (Nat_t 0); x0 <- read x; ret x0 {{postcomp (fun (h : heap) (p : ptr) (h' : heap) => lookup h p = None /\ h' = insert h p (Nat_t 0)) (fun z : ptr => postcomp (fun (h : heap) (v : t) (h' : heap) => h = h' /\ lookup h z = Some v) (fun (w : t) (h : heap) (x : t) (h' : heap) => x = w /\ h = h'))}}
Definition p4 := z <-- new_tc (Nat_t 0) ; write_tc z (Nat_t z) ;;; ret_tc z.
p4 : {{precomp top (fun (h : heap) (p : ptr) (h' : heap) => lookup h p = None /\ h' = insert h p (Nat_t 0)) (fun z : ptr => precomp (fun h : heap => lookup h z <> None) (fun (h : heap) (_ : unit) (h' : heap) => h' = insert (remove h z) z (Nat_t z)) (fun _ : unit => top))}} x <- new (Nat_t 0); write x (Nat_t x);; ret x {{postcomp (fun (h : heap) (p : ptr) (h' : heap) => lookup h p = None /\ h' = insert h p (Nat_t 0)) (fun z : ptr => postcomp (fun (h : heap) (_ : unit) (h' : heap) => h' = insert (remove h z) z (Nat_t z)) (fun (_ : unit) (h : heap) (x : ptr) (h' : heap) => x = z /\ h = h'))}}
Definition p5 := free_tc 1.
p5 : {{fun h : heap => lookup h 1 <> None}} free 1 {{fun (h : heap) (_ : unit) (h' : heap) => h' = remove h 1}}
Definition p6 := x <-- new_tc (Nat_t 0) ; free_tc x ;;; read_tc x.
p6 : {{precomp top (fun (h : heap) (p : ptr) (h' : heap) => lookup h p = None /\ h' = insert h p (Nat_t 0)) (fun x : ptr => precomp (fun h : heap => lookup h x <> None) (fun (h : heap) (_ : unit) (h' : heap) => h' = remove h x) (fun (_ : unit) (h : heap) => lookup h x <> None))}} x <- new (Nat_t 0); free x;; read x {{postcomp (fun (h : heap) (p : ptr) (h' : heap) => lookup h p = None /\ h' = insert h p (Nat_t 0)) (fun x : ptr => postcomp (fun (h : heap) (_ : unit) (h' : heap) => h' = remove h x) (fun (_ : unit) (h : heap) (v : t) (h' : heap) => h = h' /\ lookup h x = Some v))}}
Definition p7 := x <-- new_tc (Nat_t 0) ; (if_tc (ptr_le_gt_dec x 10) (free_tc x) (ret_tc tt)) ;;; z <-- new_tc (Nat_t 0) ; (if_tc (ptr_le_gt_dec x 10) (ret_tc (Nat_t 42)) (read_tc x)).
p7 : {{precomp top (fun (h : heap) (p : ptr) (h' : heap) => lookup h p = None /\ h' = insert h p (Nat_t 0)) (fun x : ptr => precomp (fun h : heap => if ptr_le_gt_dec x 10 then lookup h x <> None else top h) (fun (h : heap) (x0 : unit) (h' : heap) => if ptr_le_gt_dec x 10 then h' = remove h x else x0 = tt /\ h = h') (fun _ : unit => precomp top (fun (h : heap) (p : ptr) (h' : heap) => lookup h p = None /\ h' = insert h p (Nat_t 0)) (fun (_ : ptr) (h : heap) => if ptr_le_gt_dec x 10 then top h else lookup h x <> None)))}} x <- new (Nat_t 0); (if ptr_le_gt_dec x 10 then free x else ret tt);; _ <- new (Nat_t 0); (if ptr_le_gt_dec x 10 then ret (Nat_t 42) else read x) {{postcomp (fun (h : heap) (p : ptr) (h' : heap) => lookup h p = None /\ h' = insert h p (Nat_t 0)) (fun x : ptr => postcomp (fun (h : heap) (x0 : unit) (h' : heap) => if ptr_le_gt_dec x 10 then h' = remove h x else x0 = tt /\ h = h') (fun _ : unit => postcomp (fun (h : heap) (p : ptr) (h' : heap) => lookup h p = None /\ h' = insert h p (Nat_t 0)) (fun (_ : ptr) (h : heap) (x0 : U) (h' : heap) => if ptr_le_gt_dec x 10 then x0 = Nat_t 42 /\ h = h' else h = h' /\ lookup h x = Some x0)))}}

More generally, we can write a function, like swap, and give it a human-readable specification. Then we can use the combinators to build most of the proof, and all we are left with are the two verification conditions from the rule of consequence.

Definition swap x y := xv <- read x ; yv <- read y ; write x yv ;; write y xv.

Definition p8 :=
  x <-- new_tc (Nat_t 0) ;
  y <-- new_tc (Nat_t 1) ;  
  xv <-- read_tc x ; yv <-- read_tc y ; write_tc x yv ;;; write_tc y xv.
p8 : {{precomp top (fun (h : heap) (p : ptr) (h' : heap) => lookup h p = None /\ h' = insert h p (Nat_t 0)) (fun x : ptr => precomp top (fun (h : heap) (p : ptr) (h' : heap) => lookup h p = None /\ h' = insert h p (Nat_t 1)) (fun y : ptr => precomp (fun h : heap => lookup h x <> None) (fun (h : heap) (v : t) (h' : heap) => h = h' /\ lookup h x = Some v) (fun _ : t => precomp (fun h : heap => lookup h y <> None) (fun (h : heap) (v : t) (h' : heap) => h = h' /\ lookup h y = Some v) (fun yv : t => precomp (fun h : heap => lookup h x <> None) (fun (h : heap) (_ : unit) (h' : heap) => h' = insert (remove h x) x yv) (fun (_ : unit) (h : heap) => lookup h y <> None)))))}} x <- new (Nat_t 0); x0 <- new (Nat_t 1); x1 <- read x; x2 <- read x0; write x x2;; write x0 x1 {{postcomp (fun (h : heap) (p : ptr) (h' : heap) => lookup h p = None /\ h' = insert h p (Nat_t 0)) (fun x : ptr => postcomp (fun (h : heap) (p : ptr) (h' : heap) => lookup h p = None /\ h' = insert h p (Nat_t 1)) (fun y : ptr => postcomp (fun (h : heap) (v : t) (h' : heap) => h = h' /\ lookup h x = Some v) (fun xv : t => postcomp (fun (h : heap) (v : t) (h' : heap) => h = h' /\ lookup h y = Some v) (fun yv : t => postcomp (fun (h : heap) (_ : unit) (h' : heap) => h' = insert (remove h x) x yv) (fun (_ : unit) (h : heap) (_ : unit) (h' : heap) => h' = insert (remove h y) y xv)))))}}

We first prove a key lemma from the "McCarthy" axioms of memory that allows us to reason about updates when two pointers are different.

forall (h : heap) (p1 p2 : ptr), p1 <> p2 -> lookup h p2 = lookup (remove h p1) p2

forall (h : heap) (p1 p2 : ptr), p1 <> p2 -> lookup h p2 = lookup (remove h p1) p2
induction h ; repeat mysimp. Qed.

forall (h : heap) (p1 : ptr) (v : t) (p2 : ptr), p1 <> p2 -> lookup h p2 = lookup (insert h p1 v) p2

forall (h : heap) (p1 : ptr) (v : t) (p2 : ptr), p1 <> p2 -> lookup h p2 = lookup (insert h p1 v) p2
induction h ; repeat mysimp; match goal with | [ |- context[ptr_le_gt_dec ?p1 ?p2] ] => destruct (ptr_le_gt_dec p1 p2) end ; repeat mysimp. Qed.

forall (h : heap) (p : ptr) (v : t), lookup (insert h p v) p = Some v

forall (h : heap) (p : ptr) (v : t), lookup (insert h p v) p = Some v
p0: ptr
t0: t
h: list (ptr * t)
IHh: forall (p : ptr) (v : t), lookup (insert h p v) p = Some v
p: ptr
v: t

lookup (if ptr_le_gt_dec p p0 then (p, v) :: (p0, t0) :: h else (p0, t0) :: insert h p v) p = Some v
p0: ptr
t0: t
h: list (ptr * t)
IHh: forall (p : ptr) (v : t), lookup (insert h p v) p = Some v
v: t
g: p0 > p0

Some t0 = Some v
contradict g; mysimp. Qed.

Then we build a tactic that simplifies memory lookups.

Ltac s := 
  match goal with
    | [ H : ?y <> ?x |- context[lookup (remove ?h ?x) ?y] ] => 
      rewrite <- (@lookup_remove_other h x y) ; [ auto | try congruence]
    | [ H : ?y <> ?x |- context[lookup (insert ?h ?x ?v) ?y] ] => 
      rewrite <- (@lookup_insert_other h x v y) ; [ auto | try congruence]
    | [ |- context [lookup (insert ?h ?x ?v) ?x] ] => 
        rewrite (lookup_insert h x v)
    | _ => mysimp ; simpl in * ; subst ; try congruence ; auto 
Ltac memsimp := repeat progress (s ; intros).

Finally, we build the proof that swap has the following nice specification.

x, y: ptr

{{fun h : heap => lookup h x <> None /\ lookup h y <> None}} swap x y {{fun (h : heap) (_ : unit) (h' : heap) => lookup h' y = lookup h x /\ lookup h' x = lookup h y}}
x, y: ptr

{{fun h : heap => lookup h x <> None /\ lookup h y <> None}} swap x y {{fun (h : heap) (_ : unit) (h' : heap) => lookup h' y = lookup h x /\ lookup h' x = lookup h y}}
x, y: ptr

forall h : heap, lookup h x <> None /\ lookup h y <> None -> precomp (fun h0 : heap => lookup h0 x <> None) (fun (h0 : heap) (v : t) (h' : heap) => h0 = h' /\ lookup h0 x = Some v) (fun _ : t => precomp (fun h0 : heap => lookup h0 y <> None) (fun (h0 : heap) (v : t) (h' : heap) => h0 = h' /\ lookup h0 y = Some v) (fun yv : t => precomp (fun h0 : heap => lookup h0 x <> None) (fun (h0 : heap) (_ : unit) (h' : heap) => h' = insert (remove h0 x) x yv) (fun (_ : unit) (h0 : heap) => lookup h0 y <> None))) h
x, y: ptr
forall (h : heap) (x0 : unit) (h' : heap), postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (v : t) (h'0 : heap) => h0 = h'0 /\ lookup h0 x = Some v) (fun xv : t => postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (v : t) (h'0 : heap) => h0 = h'0 /\ lookup h0 y = Some v) (fun yv : t => postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (_ : unit) (h'0 : heap) => h'0 = insert (remove h0 x) x yv) (fun (_ : unit) (h0 : heap) (_ : unit) (h'0 : heap) => h'0 = insert (remove h0 y) y xv))) h x0 h' -> lookup h' y = lookup h x /\ lookup h' x = lookup h y
x, y: ptr
h'0: heap
H: lookup h'0 x <> None
H0: lookup h'0 y <> None
x0: t
H2: lookup h'0 x = Some x0
x1: t
H4: lookup h'0 y = Some x1
x2: unit

lookup (insert (remove h'0 x) x x1) y <> None
x, y: ptr
forall (h : heap) (x0 : unit) (h' : heap), postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (v : t) (h'0 : heap) => h0 = h'0 /\ lookup h0 x = Some v) (fun xv : t => postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (v : t) (h'0 : heap) => h0 = h'0 /\ lookup h0 y = Some v) (fun yv : t => postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (_ : unit) (h'0 : heap) => h'0 = insert (remove h0 x) x yv) (fun (_ : unit) (h0 : heap) (_ : unit) (h'0 : heap) => h'0 = insert (remove h0 y) y xv))) h x0 h' -> lookup h' y = lookup h x /\ lookup h' x = lookup h y
x, y: ptr

forall (h : heap) (x0 : unit) (h' : heap), postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (v : t) (h'0 : heap) => h0 = h'0 /\ lookup h0 x = Some v) (fun xv : t => postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (v : t) (h'0 : heap) => h0 = h'0 /\ lookup h0 y = Some v) (fun yv : t => postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (_ : unit) (h'0 : heap) => h'0 = insert (remove h0 x) x yv) (fun (_ : unit) (h0 : heap) (_ : unit) (h'0 : heap) => h'0 = insert (remove h0 y) y xv))) h x0 h' -> lookup h' y = lookup h x /\ lookup h' x = lookup h y
x, y: ptr
x0: unit
x1: t
x4: heap
H1: lookup x4 x = Some x1
x3: t
H3: lookup x4 y = Some x3
x5: unit

lookup (insert (remove (insert (remove x4 x) x x3) y) y x1) x = lookup x4 y
destruct (ptr_eq_dec x y) ; memsimp. Defined. Definition c := x <- new (Nat_t 0) ; y <- new (Nat_t x) ; z <- new (Nat_t 3) ; v <- read y ; swap z y.

{{top}} c {{fun (_ : heap) (_ : unit) => top}}

forall h : heap, top h -> precomp top (fun (h0 : heap) (p : ptr) (h' : heap) => lookup h0 p = None /\ h' = insert h0 p (Nat_t 0)) (fun x : ptr => precomp top (fun (h0 : heap) (p : ptr) (h' : heap) => lookup h0 p = None /\ h' = insert h0 p (Nat_t x)) (fun y : ptr => precomp top (fun (h0 : heap) (p : ptr) (h' : heap) => lookup h0 p = None /\ h' = insert h0 p (Nat_t 3)) (fun z : ptr => precomp (fun h0 : heap => lookup h0 y <> None) (fun (h0 : heap) (v : t) (h' : heap) => h0 = h' /\ lookup h0 y = Some v) (fun (_ : t) (h0 : heap) => lookup h0 z <> None /\ lookup h0 y <> None)))) h

forall (h : heap) (x : unit) (h' : heap), postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (p : ptr) (h'0 : heap) => lookup h0 p = None /\ h'0 = insert h0 p (Nat_t 0)) (fun x0 : ptr => postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (p : ptr) (h'0 : heap) => lookup h0 p = None /\ h'0 = insert h0 p (Nat_t x0)) (fun y : ptr => postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (p : ptr) (h'0 : heap) => lookup h0 p = None /\ h'0 = insert h0 p (Nat_t 3)) (fun z : ptr => postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (v : t) (h'0 : heap) => h0 = h'0 /\ lookup h0 y = Some v) (fun (_ : t) (h0 : heap) (_ : unit) (h'0 : heap) => lookup h'0 y = lookup h0 z /\ lookup h'0 z = lookup h0 y)))) h x h' -> top h'

forall h : heap, top h -> top h /\ (forall (x : ptr) (h' : heap), lookup h x = None /\ h' = insert h x (Nat_t 0) -> top h' /\ (forall (x0 : ptr) (h'0 : heap), lookup h' x0 = None /\ h'0 = insert h' x0 (Nat_t x) -> top h'0 /\ (forall (x1 : ptr) (h'1 : heap), lookup h'0 x1 = None /\ h'1 = insert h'0 x1 (Nat_t 3) -> lookup h'1 x0 <> None /\ (forall (x2 : t) (h'2 : heap), h'1 = h'2 /\ lookup h'1 x0 = Some x2 -> lookup h'2 x1 <> None /\ lookup h'2 x0 <> None))))

forall (h : heap) (x : unit) (h' : heap), postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (p : ptr) (h'0 : heap) => lookup h0 p = None /\ h'0 = insert h0 p (Nat_t 0)) (fun x0 : ptr => postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (p : ptr) (h'0 : heap) => lookup h0 p = None /\ h'0 = insert h0 p (Nat_t x0)) (fun y : ptr => postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (p : ptr) (h'0 : heap) => lookup h0 p = None /\ h'0 = insert h0 p (Nat_t 3)) (fun z : ptr => postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (v : t) (h'0 : heap) => h0 = h'0 /\ lookup h0 y = Some v) (fun (_ : t) (h0 : heap) (_ : unit) (h'0 : heap) => lookup h'0 y = lookup h0 z /\ lookup h'0 z = lookup h0 y)))) h x h' -> top h'
h: heap
H: top h
x: ptr
H0: lookup h x = None
x0: ptr
H2: lookup (insert h x (Nat_t 0)) x0 = None
x1: ptr
H4: lookup (insert (insert h x (Nat_t 0)) x0 (Nat_t x)) x1 = None

lookup (insert (insert (insert h x (Nat_t 0)) x0 (Nat_t x)) x1 (Nat_t 3)) x0 <> None

forall (h : heap) (x : unit) (h' : heap), postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (p : ptr) (h'0 : heap) => lookup h0 p = None /\ h'0 = insert h0 p (Nat_t 0)) (fun x0 : ptr => postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (p : ptr) (h'0 : heap) => lookup h0 p = None /\ h'0 = insert h0 p (Nat_t x0)) (fun y : ptr => postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (p : ptr) (h'0 : heap) => lookup h0 p = None /\ h'0 = insert h0 p (Nat_t 3)) (fun z : ptr => postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (v : t) (h'0 : heap) => h0 = h'0 /\ lookup h0 y = Some v) (fun (_ : t) (h0 : heap) (_ : unit) (h'0 : heap) => lookup h'0 y = lookup h0 z /\ lookup h'0 z = lookup h0 y)))) h x h' -> top h'

forall (h : heap) (x : unit) (h' : heap), postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (p : ptr) (h'0 : heap) => lookup h0 p = None /\ h'0 = insert h0 p (Nat_t 0)) (fun x0 : ptr => postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (p : ptr) (h'0 : heap) => lookup h0 p = None /\ h'0 = insert h0 p (Nat_t x0)) (fun y : ptr => postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (p : ptr) (h'0 : heap) => lookup h0 p = None /\ h'0 = insert h0 p (Nat_t 3)) (fun z : ptr => postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (v : t) (h'0 : heap) => h0 = h'0 /\ lookup h0 y = Some v) (fun (_ : t) (h0 : heap) (_ : unit) (h'0 : heap) => lookup h'0 y = lookup h0 z /\ lookup h'0 z = lookup h0 y)))) h x h' -> top h'

forall h : heap, unit -> forall h' : heap, (exists (y : ptr) (h'' : heap), (lookup h y = None /\ h'' = insert h y (Nat_t 0)) /\ (exists (y0 : ptr) (h''0 : heap), (lookup h'' y0 = None /\ h''0 = insert h'' y0 (Nat_t y)) /\ (exists (y1 : ptr) (h''1 : heap), (lookup h''0 y1 = None /\ h''1 = insert h''0 y1 (Nat_t 3)) /\ (exists (y2 : t) (h''2 : heap), (h''1 = h''2 /\ lookup h''1 y0 = Some y2) /\ lookup h' y0 = lookup h''2 y1 /\ lookup h' y1 = lookup h''2 y0)))) -> top h'
memsimp. Defined.

We might like to add a new command that reads out a number or that reads out a pair.

Definition read_nat (p:ptr) : Cmd nat := 
  v <- read p ; 
  match v with 
    | Nat_t n => ret n
    | _ => exit _

Definition read_pair (p:ptr) : Cmd (U*U) := 
  v <- read p ; 
  match v with
    | Pair_t x y => ret (x,y)
    | _ => exit _

We can define appropriate proof rules for these now.

p: ptr

{{fun h : heap => exists n : nat, lookup h p = Some (Nat_t n)}} read_nat p {{fun (h : heap) (v : nat) (h' : heap) => h = h' /\ lookup h p = Some (Nat_t v)}}
p: ptr

{{fun h : heap => exists n : nat, lookup h p = Some (Nat_t n)}} read_nat p {{fun (h : heap) (v : nat) (h' : heap) => h = h' /\ lookup h p = Some (Nat_t v)}}
unfold read_nat ; mysimp ; destruct (lookup h p) ; mysimp ; congruence. Qed.
p: ptr

{{fun h : heap => exists us : U * U, lookup h p = Some (Pair_t (fst us) (snd us))}} read_pair p {{fun (h : heap) (v : U * U) (h' : heap) => h = h' /\ lookup h p = Some (Pair_t (fst v) (snd v))}}
p: ptr

{{fun h : heap => exists us : U * U, lookup h p = Some (Pair_t (fst us) (snd us))}} read_pair p {{fun (h : heap) (v : U * U) (h' : heap) => h = h' /\ lookup h p = Some (Pair_t (fst v) (snd v))}}
unfold read_pair ; mysimp ; destruct (lookup h p) ; mysimp ; congruence. Qed.

Now we can prove that the following code will not get stuck.

Definition alloc_and_swap := 
  x <- new (Nat_t 0) ; y <- new (Pair_t (Nat_t 1) (Nat_t 2)) ; swap x y ;; 
  read_nat y.

Here is the proof...

{{top}} alloc_and_swap {{fun (_ : heap) (_ : nat) => top}}
h: heap
H: top h
x: ptr
H0: lookup h x = None
x0: ptr
H2: lookup (insert h x (Nat_t 0)) x0 = None

lookup (insert (insert h x (Nat_t 0)) x0 (Pair_t (Nat_t 1) (Nat_t 2))) x <> None
h: heap
H: top h
x: ptr
H0: lookup h x = None
x0: ptr
H2: lookup (insert h x (Nat_t 0)) x0 = None
x1: unit
h'1: heap
H5: lookup h'1 x = lookup (insert (insert h x (Nat_t 0)) x0 (Pair_t (Nat_t 1) (Nat_t 2))) x0
H4: lookup h'1 x0 = lookup (insert (insert h x (Nat_t 0)) x0 (Pair_t (Nat_t 1) (Nat_t 2))) x
exists n : nat, lookup h'1 x0 = Some (Nat_t n)
h: heap
H: top h
x: ptr
H0: lookup h x = None
x0: ptr
H2: lookup (insert h x (Nat_t 0)) x0 = None
x1: unit
h'1: heap
H5: lookup h'1 x = lookup (insert (insert h x (Nat_t 0)) x0 (Pair_t (Nat_t 1) (Nat_t 2))) x0
H4: lookup h'1 x0 = lookup (insert (insert h x (Nat_t 0)) x0 (Pair_t (Nat_t 1) (Nat_t 2))) x

exists n : nat, lookup h'1 x0 = Some (Nat_t n)
h: heap
H: top h
x: ptr
H0: lookup h x = None
x0: ptr
H2: lookup (insert h x (Nat_t 0)) x0 = None
x1: unit
h'1: heap
H5: lookup h'1 x = lookup (insert (insert h x (Nat_t 0)) x0 (Pair_t (Nat_t 1) (Nat_t 2))) x0
H4: lookup h'1 x0 = lookup (insert (insert h x (Nat_t 0)) x0 (Pair_t (Nat_t 1) (Nat_t 2))) x

exists n : nat, lookup (insert (insert h x (Nat_t 0)) x0 (Pair_t (Nat_t 1) (Nat_t 2))) x = Some (Nat_t n)
h: heap
H: top h
x0: ptr
H2: lookup (insert h x0 (Nat_t 0)) x0 = None
H0: lookup h x0 = None
x1: unit
h'1: heap
H4, H5: lookup h'1 x0 = lookup (insert (insert h x0 (Nat_t 0)) x0 (Pair_t (Nat_t 1) (Nat_t 2))) x0

exists n : nat, Some (Pair_t (Nat_t 1) (Nat_t 2)) = Some (Nat_t n)
h: heap
H: top h
x0: ptr
H2: Some (Nat_t 0) = None
H0: lookup h x0 = None
x1: unit
h'1: heap
H4, H5: lookup h'1 x0 = lookup (insert (insert h x0 (Nat_t 0)) x0 (Pair_t (Nat_t 1) (Nat_t 2))) x0

exists n : nat, Some (Pair_t (Nat_t 1) (Nat_t 2)) = Some (Nat_t n)
congruence. Defined.
alloc_and_swap_tc = consequence_tc (x <-- new_tc (Nat_t 0); y <-- new_tc (Pair_t (Nat_t 1) (Nat_t 2)); swap_tc x y;;; read_nat_tc y) (((fun (h : heap) (H : top h) => conj (H : top h) ((fun (x : ptr) (h' : heap) (H0 : lookup h x = None /\ h' = insert h x (Nat_t 0)) => and_ind (fun (H1 : lookup h x = None) (H2 : h' = insert h x (Nat_t 0)) => conj H (fun (x0 : ptr) (h'0 : heap) (H3 : lookup h' x0 = None /\ h'0 = insert h' x0 (Pair_t (...) (...))) => and_ind (fun (H4 : lookup h' x0 = None) (H5 : h'0 = insert h' x0 (...)) => conj (conj (... : ...) (... : ...)) (fun (_ : unit) (h'1 : heap) (H6 : ...) => and_ind (...) H6)) H3)) H0) : forall (x : ptr) (h' : heap), lookup h x = None /\ h' = insert h x (Nat_t 0) -> top h' /\ (forall (x0 : ptr) (h'0 : heap), lookup h' x0 = None /\ h'0 = insert h' x0 (Pair_t (Nat_t 1) (Nat_t 2)) -> (lookup h'0 x <> None /\ lookup h'0 x0 <> None) /\ (unit -> forall h'1 : heap, lookup h'1 x0 = lookup h'0 x /\ lookup h'1 x = lookup h'0 x0 -> exists n : nat, lookup h'1 x0 = Some (Nat_t n))))) : forall h : heap, top h -> top h /\ (forall (x : ptr) (h' : heap), lookup h x = None /\ h' = insert h x (Nat_t 0) -> top h' /\ (forall (x0 : ptr) (h'0 : heap), lookup h' x0 = None /\ h'0 = insert h' x0 (Pair_t (Nat_t 1) (Nat_t 2)) -> (lookup h'0 x <> None /\ lookup h'0 x0 <> None) /\ (unit -> forall h'1 : heap, lookup h'1 x0 = lookup h'0 x /\ lookup h'1 x = lookup h'0 x0 -> exists n : nat, lookup h'1 x0 = Some (Nat_t n))))) : forall h : heap, top h -> precomp top (fun (h0 : heap) (p : ptr) (h' : heap) => lookup h0 p = None /\ h' = insert h0 p (Nat_t 0)) (fun x : ptr => precomp top (fun (h0 : heap) (p : ptr) (h' : heap) => lookup h0 p = None /\ h' = insert h0 p (Pair_t (Nat_t 1) (Nat_t 2))) (fun y : ptr => precomp (fun h0 : heap => lookup h0 x <> None /\ lookup h0 y <> None) (fun (h0 : heap) (_ : unit) (h' : heap) => lookup h' y = lookup h0 x /\ lookup h' x = lookup h0 y) (fun (_ : unit) (h0 : heap) => exists n : nat, lookup h0 y = Some (Nat_t n)))) h) (((fun (h : heap) (x : nat) (h' : heap) (H : exists (y : ptr) (h'' : heap), (lookup h y = None /\ h'' = insert h y (Nat_t 0)) /\ (exists (y0 : ptr) (h''0 : heap), (lookup h'' y0 = None /\ h''0 = insert h'' y0 (Pair_t (Nat_t 1) (Nat_t 2))) /\ (exists (_ : unit) (h''1 : heap), (lookup h''1 y0 = lookup h''0 y /\ lookup h''1 y = lookup h''0 y0) /\ h''1 = h' /\ lookup h''1 y0 = Some (Nat_t x)))) => match H with | ex_intro _ x0 x1 => (fun (x2 : ptr) (H0 : exists h'' : heap, (lookup h x2 = None /\ h'' = insert h x2 (Nat_t 0)) /\ (exists (y : ptr) (h''0 : heap), (lookup h'' y = None /\ h''0 = insert h'' y (Pair_t (...) (...))) /\ (exists (_ : unit) (h''1 : heap), (lookup h''1 y = lookup h''0 x2 /\ lookup h''1 x2 = lookup h''0 y) /\ h''1 = h' /\ lookup h''1 y = Some (...)))) => match H0 with | ex_intro _ x3 x4 => (fun (x5 : heap) (H1 : (lookup h x2 = None /\ x5 = insert h x2 (Nat_t 0)) /\ (exists (y : ptr) (h'' : heap), (... = None /\ h'' = ...) /\ (exists (_ : unit) (h''0 : heap), ... /\ ...))) => match H1 with | conj x6 x7 => (fun (H2 : ... = None /\ x5 = ...) (H3 : exists (y : ptr) (h'' : heap), ... /\ ...) => match H2 with | conj x8 x9 => (...) x8 x9 end) x6 x7 end) x3 x4 end) x0 x1 end) : forall (h : heap) (x : nat) (h' : heap), (exists (y : ptr) (h'' : heap), (lookup h y = None /\ h'' = insert h y (Nat_t 0)) /\ (exists (y0 : ptr) (h''0 : heap), (lookup h'' y0 = None /\ h''0 = insert h'' y0 (Pair_t (Nat_t 1) (Nat_t 2))) /\ (exists (_ : unit) (h''1 : heap), (lookup h''1 y0 = lookup h''0 y /\ lookup h''1 y = lookup h''0 y0) /\ h''1 = h' /\ lookup h''1 y0 = Some (Nat_t x)))) -> top h') : forall (h : heap) (x : nat) (h' : heap), postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (p : ptr) (h'0 : heap) => lookup h0 p = None /\ h'0 = insert h0 p (Nat_t 0)) (fun x0 : ptr => postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (p : ptr) (h'0 : heap) => lookup h0 p = None /\ h'0 = insert h0 p (Pair_t (Nat_t 1) (Nat_t 2))) (fun y : ptr => postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (_ : unit) (h'0 : heap) => lookup h'0 y = lookup h0 x0 /\ lookup h'0 x0 = lookup h0 y) (fun (_ : unit) (h0 : heap) (v : nat) (h'0 : heap) => h0 = h'0 /\ lookup h0 y = Some (Nat_t v)))) h x h' -> top h') : {{top}} alloc_and_swap {{fun (_ : heap) (_ : nat) => top}} Expanded type for implicit arguments alloc_and_swap_tc : forall [h : heap], top h -> match match match match (fix lookup (h0 : heap) (p : ptr) {struct h0} : option t := match h0 with | nil => None | ... => if ... then ... else ... end) ((fix insert ... ... ... {struct h0} : heap := match ... with | ... ... | ... ... end) ((... ...) h (1 + ...) (Nat_t 0)) (1 + max_heap (...)) (Pair_t (Nat_t 1) (Nat_t 2))) (1 + max_heap h) with | Some u => Some (insert (insert h (1 + max_heap h) (Nat_t 0)) (1 + max_heap (insert h (...) (...))) (Pair_t (Nat_t 1) (Nat_t 2)), u) | None => None end with | Some (h2, v) => (fun xv : t => yv <- read (1 + max_heap (insert h (1 + max_heap h) (Nat_t 0))); write (1 + max_heap h) yv;; write (1 + max_heap (insert h (1 + ...) (Nat_t 0))) xv) v h2 | None => None end with | Some (h2, v) => (fun _ : unit => read_nat (1 + max_heap (insert h (1 + max_heap h) (Nat_t 0)))) v h2 | None => None end with | Some (h', v) => (fun (_ : heap) (_ : nat) => top) h v h' | None => False end Arguments alloc_and_swap_tc [h] _

Print out the proof -- it's huge!

We can even define loops and infer pre- and post-conditions for them, thanks to our ability to define predicates inductively. Here, we define a loop that iterates n times a command body.

Definition iter(t:Type)(body: t -> Cmd t) : nat -> t -> Cmd t := 
  fix loop(n:nat) : t -> Cmd t := 
  match n with 
    | 0 => body
    | S n => fun x => v <- body x ; loop n v

The pre-condition for the loop can be computed by composing the pre-condition of the body P with its post-condition Q using the precomp predicate transformer.

Definition iter_precomp(t:Type)(P:t->hprop)(Q:t->heap->t->hprop): nat->t->hprop := 
  fix loop(n:nat) : t->hprop := 
  match n with 
    | 0 => P
    | S n => fun x => precomp (P x) (Q x) (loop n)

The post-condition for the loop can be computed by composing the post-condition of the body Q with itself, using the postcomp predicate transformer.

Definition iter_postcomp(t:Type)(Q:t->heap->t->hprop) : nat->t->heap->t->hprop := 
  fix loop(n:nat) : t -> heap -> t -> hprop := 
  match n with 
    | 0 => Q
    | S n => fun x => postcomp (Q x) (loop n)

Finally, if we can show that a loop body has pre-condition P and post-condition Q, then we can conclude that iterating the body n times results in a command with pre-condition obtained by iter_precomp P Q and post-condition obtained by iter_postcomp Q.

t: Type
P: t -> hprop
Q: t -> heap -> t -> hprop
body: t -> Cmd t

(forall x : t, {{P x}} body x {{Q x}}) -> forall (n : nat) (x : t), {{fun h : heap => iter_precomp P Q n x h}} iter body n x {{fun (h : heap) (v : t) (h' : heap) => iter_postcomp Q n x h v h'}}
t: Type
P: t -> hprop
Q: t -> heap -> t -> hprop
body: t -> Cmd t

(forall x : t, {{P x}} body x {{Q x}}) -> forall (n : nat) (x : t), {{fun h : heap => iter_precomp P Q n x h}} iter body n x {{fun (h : heap) (v : t) (h' : heap) => iter_postcomp Q n x h v h'}}
t: Type
P: t -> hprop
Q: t -> heap -> t -> hprop
body: t -> Cmd t
H: forall x : t, {{P x}} body x {{Q x}}
n: nat
IHn: forall x : t, {{fun h : heap => iter_precomp P Q n x h}} iter body n x {{fun (h : heap) (v : t) (h' : heap) => iter_postcomp Q n x h v h'}}

forall x : t, {{fun h : heap => precomp (P x) (Q x) (iter_precomp P Q n) h}} v <- body x; iter body n v {{fun (h : heap) (v : t) (h' : heap) => postcomp (Q x) (iter_postcomp Q n) h v h'}}
t: Type
P: t -> hprop
Q: t -> heap -> t -> hprop
body: t -> Cmd t
H: forall x : t, {{P x}} body x {{Q x}}
n: nat
IHn: forall x : t, {{fun h : heap => iter_precomp P Q n x h}} iter body n x {{fun (h : heap) (v : t) (h' : heap) => iter_postcomp Q n x h v h'}}
x: t

{{fun h : heap => precomp (P x) (Q x) (iter_precomp P Q n) h}} v <- body x; iter body n v {{fun (h : heap) (v : t) (h' : heap) => postcomp (Q x) (iter_postcomp Q n) h v h'}}
t: Type
P: t -> hprop
Q: t -> heap -> t -> hprop
body: t -> Cmd t
H: forall x : t, {{P x}} body x {{Q x}}
n: nat
IHn: forall x : t, {{fun h : heap => iter_precomp P Q n x h}} iter body n x {{fun (h : heap) (v : t) (h' : heap) => iter_postcomp Q n x h v h'}}
x: t

forall x : t, {{iter_precomp P Q n x}} iter body n x {{iter_postcomp Q n x}}
t: Type
P: t -> hprop
Q: t -> heap -> t -> hprop
body: t -> Cmd t
H: forall x : t, {{P x}} body x {{Q x}}
n: nat
IHn: forall x : t, {{fun h : heap => iter_precomp P Q n x h}} iter body n x {{fun (h : heap) (v : t) (h' : heap) => iter_postcomp Q n x h v h'}}
x, x0: t

{{iter_precomp P Q n x0}} iter body n x0 {{iter_postcomp Q n x0}}
apply (consequence_tc (IHn x0)) ; auto. Qed. Definition chain n := v <- new (Nat_t 0) ; iter (fun x => new (Nat_t x)) n v.
= Some ((1, Nat_t 0) :: (2, Nat_t 1) :: (3, Nat_t 2) :: (4, Nat_t 3) :: (5, Nat_t 4) :: nil, 5) : option (heap * nat)
Definition chain_tc n := v <-- new_tc (Nat_t 0) ; iter_tc (fun x => new_tc (Nat_t x)) n v.

The problem with Hoare logic

A key problem with Hoare logic is that it doesn't support abstraction very well. Consider the following situation: We first define an increment function and then give it a specification.

Definition inc (p:ptr) := v <- read_nat p ; write p (Nat_t (1 + v)).

The specification tells us that if p points to n, then running inc p results in a state where p points to 1+n.

p: ptr

{{fun h : heap => exists n : nat, lookup h p = Some (Nat_t n)}} inc p {{fun (h1 : heap) (_ : unit) (h2 : heap) => exists n : nat, lookup h1 p = Some (Nat_t n) /\ lookup h2 p = Some (Nat_t (1 + n))}}
p: ptr

{{fun h : heap => exists n : nat, lookup h p = Some (Nat_t n)}} inc p {{fun (h1 : heap) (_ : unit) (h2 : heap) => exists n : nat, lookup h1 p = Some (Nat_t n) /\ lookup h2 p = Some (Nat_t (1 + n))}}
p: ptr

{{fun h : heap => exists n : nat, lookup h p = Some (Nat_t n)}} v <- read_nat p; write p (Nat_t (1 + v)) {{fun (h1 : heap) (_ : unit) (h2 : heap) => exists n : nat, lookup h1 p = Some (Nat_t n) /\ lookup h2 p = Some (Nat_t (1 + n))}}
p: ptr

{{?P1}} v <- read_nat p; write p (Nat_t (1 + v)) {{?Q1}}
p: ptr
forall h : heap, (exists n : nat, lookup h p = Some (Nat_t n)) -> ?P1 h
p: ptr
forall (h : heap) (x : unit) (h' : heap), ?Q1 h x h' -> exists n : nat, lookup h p = Some (Nat_t n) /\ lookup h' p = Some (Nat_t (1 + n))
p: ptr

{{?P1}} read_nat p {{?Q1}}
p: ptr
forall x : nat, {{?P2 x}} write p (Nat_t (1 + x)) {{?Q2 x}}
p: ptr
forall h : heap, (exists n : nat, lookup h p = Some (Nat_t n)) -> precomp ?P1 ?Q1 ?P2 h
p: ptr
forall (h : heap) (x : unit) (h' : heap), postcomp ?Q1 ?Q2 h x h' -> exists n : nat, lookup h p = Some (Nat_t n) /\ lookup h' p = Some (Nat_t (1 + n))
p: ptr

forall x : nat, {{?P2 x}} write p (Nat_t (1 + x)) {{?Q2 x}}
p: ptr
forall h : heap, (exists n : nat, lookup h p = Some (Nat_t n)) -> precomp (fun h0 : heap => exists n : nat, lookup h0 p = Some (Nat_t n)) (fun (h0 : heap) (v : nat) (h' : heap) => h0 = h' /\ lookup h0 p = Some (Nat_t v)) ?P2 h
p: ptr
forall (h : heap) (x : unit) (h' : heap), postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (v : nat) (h'0 : heap) => h0 = h'0 /\ lookup h0 p = Some (Nat_t v)) ?Q2 h x h' -> exists n : nat, lookup h p = Some (Nat_t n) /\ lookup h' p = Some (Nat_t (1 + n))
p: ptr
x: nat

{{?P2 x}} write p (Nat_t (1 + x)) {{?Q2 x}}
p: ptr
forall h : heap, (exists n : nat, lookup h p = Some (Nat_t n)) -> precomp (fun h0 : heap => exists n : nat, lookup h0 p = Some (Nat_t n)) (fun (h0 : heap) (v : nat) (h' : heap) => h0 = h' /\ lookup h0 p = Some (Nat_t v)) ?P2 h
p: ptr
forall (h : heap) (x : unit) (h' : heap), postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (v : nat) (h'0 : heap) => h0 = h'0 /\ lookup h0 p = Some (Nat_t v)) ?Q2 h x h' -> exists n : nat, lookup h p = Some (Nat_t n) /\ lookup h' p = Some (Nat_t (1 + n))
p: ptr

forall h : heap, (exists n : nat, lookup h p = Some (Nat_t n)) -> precomp (fun h0 : heap => exists n : nat, lookup h0 p = Some (Nat_t n)) (fun (h0 : heap) (v : nat) (h' : heap) => h0 = h' /\ lookup h0 p = Some (Nat_t v)) (fun (_ : nat) (h0 : heap) => lookup h0 p <> None) h
p: ptr
forall (h : heap) (x : unit) (h' : heap), postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (v : nat) (h'0 : heap) => h0 = h'0 /\ lookup h0 p = Some (Nat_t v)) (fun (x0 : nat) (h0 : heap) (_ : unit) (h'0 : heap) => h'0 = insert (remove h0 p) p (Nat_t (1 + x0))) h x h' -> exists n : nat, lookup h p = Some (Nat_t n) /\ lookup h' p = Some (Nat_t (1 + n))
p: ptr

forall (h : heap) (x : unit) (h' : heap), postcomp (fun (h0 : heap) (v : nat) (h'0 : heap) => h0 = h'0 /\ lookup h0 p = Some (Nat_t v)) (fun (x0 : nat) (h0 : heap) (_ : unit) (h'0 : heap) => h'0 = insert (remove h0 p) p (Nat_t (1 + x0))) h x h' -> exists n : nat, lookup h p = Some (Nat_t n) /\ lookup h' p = Some (Nat_t (1 + n))
memsimp. Qed.

Now suppose we have two points, and some information about both of the pointers. Unfortunately, our specification for inc is too weak to allow us to recover the fact that p2 still points to some number, so we'll no longer be able to dereference it!

p1, p2: ptr

{{fun h : heap => (exists n1 : nat, lookup h p1 = Some (Nat_t n1)) /\ (exists n2 : nat, lookup h p2 = Some (Nat_t n2))}} inc p1 {{fun (h1 : heap) (_ : unit) (h2 : heap) => exists n1 : nat, lookup h1 p1 = Some (Nat_t n1) /\ lookup h2 p1 = Some (Nat_t (1 + n1))}}
p1, p2: ptr

{{fun h : heap => (exists n1 : nat, lookup h p1 = Some (Nat_t n1)) /\ (exists n2 : nat, lookup h p2 = Some (Nat_t n2))}} inc p1 {{fun (h1 : heap) (_ : unit) (h2 : heap) => exists n1 : nat, lookup h1 p1 = Some (Nat_t n1) /\ lookup h2 p1 = Some (Nat_t (1 + n1))}}
p1, p2: ptr

{{?P1}} inc p1 {{?Q1}}
p1, p2: ptr
forall h : heap, (exists n1 : nat, lookup h p1 = Some (Nat_t n1)) /\ (exists n2 : nat, lookup h p2 = Some (Nat_t n2)) -> ?P1 h
p1, p2: ptr
forall (h : heap) (x : unit) (h' : heap), ?Q1 h x h' -> exists n1 : nat, lookup h p1 = Some (Nat_t n1) /\ lookup h' p1 = Some (Nat_t (1 + n1))
p1, p2: ptr

forall h : heap, (exists n1 : nat, lookup h p1 = Some (Nat_t n1)) /\ (exists n2 : nat, lookup h p2 = Some (Nat_t n2)) -> (fun h0 : heap => exists n : nat, lookup h0 p1 = Some (Nat_t n)) h
p1, p2: ptr
forall (h : heap) (x : unit) (h' : heap), (fun (h1 : heap) (_ : unit) (h2 : heap) => exists n : nat, lookup h1 p1 = Some (Nat_t n) /\ lookup h2 p1 = Some (Nat_t (1 + n))) h x h' -> exists n1 : nat, lookup h p1 = Some (Nat_t n1) /\ lookup h' p1 = Some (Nat_t (1 + n1))
p1, p2: ptr

forall (h : heap) (x : unit) (h' : heap), (fun (h1 : heap) (_ : unit) (h2 : heap) => exists n : nat, lookup h1 p1 = Some (Nat_t n) /\ lookup h2 p1 = Some (Nat_t (1 + n))) h x h' -> exists n1 : nat, lookup h p1 = Some (Nat_t n1) /\ lookup h' p1 = Some (Nat_t (1 + n1))
memsimp. Qed.

The problem is even more compounded when we use abstract predicates, which are necessary to get at the notion of abstract types. Here, the inc provider has no way to anticipate what properties P might be preserved by inc, since P could talk about any property of the heap.

p1: ptr
P: hprop

{{fun h : heap => (exists n1 : nat, lookup h p1 = Some (Nat_t n1)) /\ P h}} inc p1 {{fun (h1 : heap) (_ : unit) (h2 : heap) => exists n1 : nat, lookup h1 p1 = Some (Nat_t n1) /\ lookup h2 p1 = Some (Nat_t (1 + n1))}}
p1: ptr
P: hprop

{{fun h : heap => (exists n1 : nat, lookup h p1 = Some (Nat_t n1)) /\ P h}} inc p1 {{fun (h1 : heap) (_ : unit) (h2 : heap) => exists n1 : nat, lookup h1 p1 = Some (Nat_t n1) /\ lookup h2 p1 = Some (Nat_t (1 + n1))}}
p1: ptr
P: hprop

{{?P1}} inc p1 {{?Q1}}
p1: ptr
P: hprop
forall h : heap, (exists n1 : nat, lookup h p1 = Some (Nat_t n1)) /\ P h -> ?P1 h
p1: ptr
P: hprop
forall (h : heap) (x : unit) (h' : heap), ?Q1 h x h' -> exists n1 : nat, lookup h p1 = Some (Nat_t n1) /\ lookup h' p1 = Some (Nat_t (1 + n1))
p1: ptr
P: hprop

forall h : heap, (exists n1 : nat, lookup h p1 = Some (Nat_t n1)) /\ P h -> (fun h0 : heap => exists n : nat, lookup h0 p1 = Some (Nat_t n)) h
p1: ptr
P: hprop
forall (h : heap) (x : unit) (h' : heap), (fun (h1 : heap) (_ : unit) (h2 : heap) => exists n : nat, lookup h1 p1 = Some (Nat_t n) /\ lookup h2 p1 = Some (Nat_t (1 + n))) h x h' -> exists n1 : nat, lookup h p1 = Some (Nat_t n1) /\ lookup h' p1 = Some (Nat_t (1 + n1))
p1: ptr
P: hprop

forall (h : heap) (x : unit) (h' : heap), (fun (h1 : heap) (_ : unit) (h2 : heap) => exists n : nat, lookup h1 p1 = Some (Nat_t n) /\ lookup h2 p1 = Some (Nat_t (1 + n))) h x h' -> exists n1 : nat, lookup h p1 = Some (Nat_t n1) /\ lookup h' p1 = Some (Nat_t (1 + n1))
memsimp. Qed.

Docutils System Messages

System Message: ERROR/3 (lec13_hoare.v, line 42); backlink

Unknown target name: "embedding".

System Message: ERROR/3 (lec13_hoare.v, line 51); backlink

Unknown target name: "embedding".