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Lecture 9: Fuel and Type Classes

Require Import List.

(* Useful tactics for simplifying equalities *)
Ltac simpeq := repeat match goal with
  | _ => congruence || (progress subst)
  | H : ?x = ?x |- _ => clear H
  | H : _ = _ |- _ => progress injection H as H

Ltac inv H := inversion H; clear H; simpeq.


Fixpoint merge_fuel (fuel:nat) (xs ys : list nat) : list nat :=
  match fuel with
  | 0 => nil
  | S fuel' =>
    match xs,ys with
    | nil,_ => ys
    | _,nil => xs
    | x::xs, y::ys =>
        if Nat.leb x y then
          x::merge_fuel fuel' xs (y::ys)
          y::merge_fuel fuel' (x::xs) ys

= 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: nil : list nat
= 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: nil : list nat
= 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: nil : list nat
= 1 :: 2 :: nil : list nat
= 1 :: nil : list nat
= nil : list nat
Definition merge1 xs ys := merge_fuel (length xs + length ys) xs ys.
= 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: nil : list nat


Last time, we saw that we could define a measure for the size of a list, and use it to prove the termination of a function. We will now see how to do this manually by structural recursion on the accessibility predicate.

[Loading ML file extraction_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]

Our well-founded relation.

Read R x y as "x is strictly smaller than y".

Inductive R : (list nat * list nat) -> (list nat * list nat) -> Prop :=
  | R_left x xs ys : R (xs,ys) (x::xs, ys)
  | R_right y xs ys : R (xs,ys) (xs, y::ys).

An element is accessible if all strictly smaller elements are accessible.

Inductive Acc {A : Type} (R : A -> A -> Prop) (x : A) : Prop :=
  | Acc_intro : (forall y, R y x -> Acc R y) -> Acc R x.

Program Fixpoint merge_acc (xs ys : list nat) (a : Acc R (xs,ys))
  : list nat :=
  match a with
  | Acc_intro _ _ f =>
    match xs,ys with
    | nil,_ => ys
    | _,nil => xs
    | x::xs, y::ys => 
        if Nat.leb x y then
          x::merge_acc xs (y::ys) (f (xs,y::ys) (R_left x xs (y::ys)))
          y::merge_acc (x::xs) ys (f (x::xs,ys) (R_right y (x::xs) ys))
The command has indeed failed with message: No obligations remaining

We prove that all pairs of lists are accessible.

xs, ys: list nat

Acc R (xs, ys)
xs, ys: list nat

Acc R (xs, ys)
xs: list nat

forall ys : list nat, Acc R (xs, ys)
ys: list nat

Acc R (nil, ys)
a: nat
xs: list nat
IHxs: forall ys : list nat, Acc R (xs, ys)
ys: list nat
Acc R (a :: xs, ys)
ys: list nat

Acc R (nil, ys)

Acc R (nil, nil)
a: nat
ys: list nat
IHys: Acc R (nil, ys)
Acc R (nil, a :: ys)

Acc R (nil, nil)

forall y : list nat * list nat, R y (nil, nil) -> Acc R y
y: (list nat * list nat)%type
H: R y (nil, nil)

Acc R y
inv H.
a: nat
ys: list nat
IHys: Acc R (nil, ys)

Acc R (nil, a :: ys)
a: nat
ys: list nat
IHys: Acc R (nil, ys)

forall y : list nat * list nat, R y (nil, a :: ys) -> Acc R y
a: nat
ys: list nat
IHys: Acc R (nil, ys)
y: (list nat * list nat)%type
H: R y (nil, a :: ys)

Acc R y
inv H.
a: nat
xs: list nat
IHxs: forall ys : list nat, Acc R (xs, ys)
ys: list nat

Acc R (a :: xs, ys)
a: nat
xs: list nat
IHxs: forall ys : list nat, Acc R (xs, ys)

Acc R (a :: xs, nil)
a: nat
xs: list nat
IHxs: forall ys : list nat, Acc R (xs, ys)
a0: nat
ys: list nat
IHys: Acc R (a :: xs, ys)
Acc R (a :: xs, a0 :: ys)
a: nat
xs: list nat
IHxs: forall ys : list nat, Acc R (xs, ys)

Acc R (a :: xs, nil)
a: nat
xs: list nat
IHxs: forall ys : list nat, Acc R (xs, ys)

forall y : list nat * list nat, R y (a :: xs, nil) -> Acc R y
a: nat
xs: list nat
IHxs: forall ys : list nat, Acc R (xs, ys)
y: (list nat * list nat)%type
H: R y (a :: xs, nil)

Acc R y
a: nat
xs: list nat
IHxs: forall ys : list nat, Acc R (xs, ys)

Acc R (xs, nil)
a: nat
xs: list nat
IHxs: forall ys : list nat, Acc R (xs, ys)
a0: nat
ys: list nat
IHys: Acc R (a :: xs, ys)

Acc R (a :: xs, a0 :: ys)
a: nat
xs: list nat
IHxs: forall ys : list nat, Acc R (xs, ys)
a0: nat
ys: list nat
IHys: Acc R (a :: xs, ys)

forall y : list nat * list nat, R y (a :: xs, a0 :: ys) -> Acc R y
a: nat
xs: list nat
IHxs: forall ys : list nat, Acc R (xs, ys)
a0: nat
ys: list nat
IHys: Acc R (a :: xs, ys)
y: (list nat * list nat)%type
H: R y (a :: xs, a0 :: ys)

Acc R y
a: nat
xs: list nat
IHxs: forall ys : list nat, Acc R (xs, ys)
a0: nat
ys: list nat
IHys: Acc R (a :: xs, ys)

Acc R (xs, a0 :: ys)
eauto. Defined. Definition merge2 xs ys := merge_acc xs ys (all_acc xs ys).
= 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: nil : list nat

Type Classes

A type class defines an interface for some type. For instance, let us say that types A that implement the Show interface have a method named show that will convert them to a string.

[Loading ML file ring_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Open Scope string_scope. Require Import List. Open Scope list_scope. Require Import Arith. Class Show (A:Type) := { show : A -> string }.

Here is an instance for booleans.

Instance boolShow : Show bool := {
    show := fun (b:bool) => if b then "true" else "false"

= "true" : string
= "false" : string

Note that we cannot yet use this for natural numbers:

= ?s : Show nat where ?s : [ |- Show nat]
= (let (show) := ?Show in show) 3 : string where ?Show : [ |- Show nat]

To define a Show instance for natural numbers, let's first define a helper that shows a single digit.

Definition digit2string(d:nat) : string :=
  match d with
  | 0 => "0" | 1 => "1" | 2 => "2" | 3 => "3"
  | 4 => "4" | 5 => "5" | 6 => "6" | 7 => "7"
  | 8 => "8" | _ => "9"

Alas, it can be difficult to convince Coq that the iterated version of this helper function terminates. So, we can simply give it fuel.

Fixpoint digits'(fuel n:nat) (accum : string) : string :=
  match fuel with
  | 0 => accum
  | S fuel' =>
      match n with
      | 0 => accum
      | _ => let d := digit2string(n mod 10) in
             digits' fuel' (n / 10) (d ++ accum)

Fortunately, it's sufficient to use n as the fuel for itself, since we know we won't need to divide n by 10 more than n times. We could of course use the log of n (base 10) instead, but there's no benefit to being this precise, so we'll just use n.

Definition digits (n:nat) : string :=
  match digits' n n "" with
  | "" => "0"
  | ds => ds

Now we can define the Show instance for nat.

Instance natShow : Show nat := {
  show := digits

= "42" : string
= "12" : string

Importantly, we still have the ability to show booleans.

= "true" : string

We can also parameterized instances, allowing us to show data structures.

The following is a generic instance in that if we can have two types A and B that are instances of the Show class, then we can build a generic Show for the product type (A*B).

Instance pairShow (A B:Type)
  (showA : Show A) (showB : Show B)
  : Show (A*B) :=
  show := (fun p => "(" ++
                      (show (fst p)) ++
                      "," ++
                      (show (snd p)) ++

= "(3,4)" : string
= "(true,42)" : string
pairShow = fun (A B : Type) (showA : Show A) (showB : Show B) => {| show := fun p : A * B => ("(" ++ show (fst p) ++ "," ++ show (snd p) ++ ")")%string |} : forall A B : Type, Show A -> Show B -> Show (A * B) Arguments pairShow (A B)%type_scope showA showB

Similarly, we can define a generic show for lists, as long as the elements of the lists are [show]able.

Definition show_list{A:Type}{showA:Show A}(xs:list A) : string := 
  ("[" ++ ((fix loop (xs:list A) : string := 
             match xs with 
               | nil => "]"
               | h::nil => show h ++ "]"
               | h::t => show h ++ "," ++ loop t
             end) xs))%string.

Instance listShow(A:Type)(showA:Show A) : Show (list A) := {
  show := @show_list A showA

= "[1,2,3]" : string
= "[true,false]" : string
= "[(1,true),(42,false)]" : string
= "[[1,2,3],[4,5],[6]]" : string

Here is another way to have an anonymous argument, other than using the name [_].

Definition showOne {A:Type} `{Show A} (a:A) : string :=
  "The value is " ++ show a.

= "The value is true" : string
= "The value is 7" : string
Definition showTwo {A B:Type} `{Show A} `{Show B} (a:A) (b:B) : string := "First is " ++ show a ++ " and second is " ++ show b.
= "First is true and second is 7" : string
showOne = fun (A : Type) (H : Show A) (a : A) => ("The value is " ++ show a)%string : forall A : Type, Show A -> A -> string Arguments showOne {A}%type_scope {H} a
showTwo = fun (A B : Type) (H : Show A) (H0 : Show B) (a : A) (b : B) => ("First is " ++ show a ++ " and second is " ++ show b)%string : forall A B : Type, Show A -> Show B -> A -> B -> string Arguments showTwo {A B}%type_scope {H H0} a b

Type classes are a powerful abstraction tool that fit very well with some proof developments.

One tip is to make type classes as small and simple as possible. For example, you probably want to separate out the operations you want to use from the properties that the implementation is expected to satisfy.


We already saw monoids when we discussed Coq's module system. Let's see how to model monoids using type classes instead.

Class Monoid (M:Type) := {
    munit : M;
    mplus : M -> M -> M;                                  

We can define various instances of a monoid, such as strings, integers, and lists.

Instance StringMonoid : Monoid string := {
    munit := "";
    mplus := String.append;

Instance NatMonoid : Monoid nat := {
    munit := 0;
    mplus := Nat.add;

Instance ListMonoid {A:Type} : Monoid (list A) := {
    munit := List.nil;
    mplus := @List.app _;

How might we use a monoid? We can define a generic loging for an interpreter

Definition env := string -> nat.

Inductive expr : Type :=
  | Const : nat -> expr
  | Var : string -> expr
  | Plus : expr -> expr -> expr
  | Mult : expr -> expr -> expr
  | Minus : expr -> expr -> expr.

Fixpoint eval {A:Type} {m:Monoid A} (f:expr -> A) (log:A)
  (env : env) (e : expr) : (A * nat) :=
  match e with
  | Const n =>
      (mplus (f e) log, n)
  | Var x =>
      (mplus (f e) log, env x)
  | Plus e1 e2 =>
      let (l1,n1) := eval f log env e1 in
      let (l2,n2) := eval f log env e2 in
      (mplus (mplus log (mplus l1 l2)) (f e), n1 + n2)
  | Mult e1 e2 =>
      let (l1,n1) := eval f log env e1 in
      let (l2,n2) := eval f log env e2 in
      (mplus (mplus log (mplus l1 l2)) (f e), n1 * n2)
  | Minus e1 e2 =>
      let (l1,n1) := eval f log env e1 in
      let (l2,n2) := eval f log env e2 in
      (mplus (mplus log (mplus l1 l2)) (f e), n1 - n2)

Definition e := Plus (Const 7) (Mult (Const 3) (Const 4)).
Definition init := fun (_:string) => 0.
Definition count (e:expr) := 1.
Definition debug (e:expr) :=
  match e with
  | Const _ => "const,"
  | Var _ => "var,"
  | Plus _ _ => "plus,"
  | Mult _ _ => "mult,"
  | Minus _ _ => "minus,"

= (5, 19) : nat * nat
= ("const,const,const,mult,plus,", 19) : string * nat

We can also define a monoid from a pair of monoids.

Instance pairMonoid (A B:Type)
  (MA : Monoid A) (MB : Monoid B)
  : Monoid (A*B) :=
    munit := (munit, munit);
    mplus := (fun p1 p2 =>
                match p1,p2 with
                | (a1,b1),(a2,b2) => (mplus a1 a2, mplus b1 b2)

= (5, "const,const,const,mult,plus,", 19) : nat * string * nat


Monads are very useful for modeling things that are not just pure functions, that have some kind of external effect on the world such as reading input or producing output. They're essential for modeling statefulness a in pure, stateless, functional language like Coq.

Now we define a generic class for Monads. Here, it's not a type that's a monad, but rather a type constructor (i.e., a function from types to types, aka a functor. Monads have two operations: [ret] and [bind].

If we think of monads as a pattern for encoding effects, such as exceptions or state or non-determinism, then we can think of "M A" as describing side-effecting computations that produce a value of type A.

The [ret] operation takes a pure (effect-free) value of type A and injects it into the space of side-effecting computations.

The [bind] operation sequences two side-effecting computations, allowing the latter to depend upon the value of the first one.

Class Monad(M:Type -> Type) := {
  ret : forall {A:Type}, A -> M A ; 
  bind : forall {A B:Type}, M A -> (A -> M B) -> M B

We will define the usual, more convenient, notation for [bind].

Notation "x <- c1 ;; c2" :=
  (bind c1 (fun x => c2)) 
    (right associativity, at level 84, c1 at next level).

Notation "c1 ;; c2" :=
  (bind c1 (fun _ => c2)) (at level 100, right associativity).

One instance of the generic [Monad] class is the [option] monad defined as follows. It's a bit like exceptions where there is only one possible exception: [None].

Instance OptionMonad : Monad option := {
  ret := fun {A:Type} (x:A) => Some x ; 
  bind := fun {A B:Type} (x:option A) (f:A -> option B) =>
            match x with 
              | None => None
              | Some y => f y

How might we use this monad? We can 'fix' subtraction, which ordinarily has odd semantics in Coq, so that any computation of a negative number fails and that failure propagates to the final result.

Fixpoint subtract (x y:nat) : option nat := 
  match x, y with 
    | x, 0 => ret x
    | 0, S _ => None
    | S x', S y' => subtract x' y'

Instance exprShow : Show expr := {
  show := fix show_exp (e:expr) : string := 
              match e with 
                | Const n => show n
                | Var x => x
                | Plus e1 e2 => 
                  "(" ++ (show_exp e1) ++ "+" ++ (show_exp e2) ++ ")"
                | Mult e1 e2 => 
                  "(" ++ (show_exp e1) ++ "*" ++ (show_exp e2) ++ ")"
                | Minus e1 e2 => 
                  "(" ++ (show_exp e1) ++ "-" ++ (show_exp e2) ++ ")"
              end %string

Now we can write an expression evaluator very conveniently:

Fixpoint eval' (env:env) (e:expr) : option nat := 
  match e with 
  | Const n => ret n
  | Var x => ret (env x)                   
  | Plus e1 e2 => n1 <- eval' env e1 ;; 
                  n2 <- eval' env e2 ;;
                  ret (n1 + n2)
  | Mult e1 e2 => n1 <- eval' env e1 ;; 
                  n2 <- eval' env e2 ;;
                  ret (n1 + n2)
  | Minus e1 e2 => n1 <- eval' env e1 ;; 
                   n2 <- eval' env e2 ;;
                   subtract n1 n2

Example e1 : expr := Plus(Const 2) (Minus(Const 0) (Const 1)).
= None : option nat

That's better than normal evaluation:

= 2 : nat
Require Import String.

Going a step further, we can define an exception monad.

Inductive Exn(A:Type) : Type := 
| Result : A -> Exn A
| Fail : string -> Exn A.
Arguments Result {A}.
Arguments Fail {A}.

Instance ExnMonad : Monad Exn := {
  ret := fun {A:Type} (x:A) => Result x ; 
  bind := fun {A B:Type} (x:Exn A) (f:A -> Exn B) =>
            match x with 
              | Result y => f y
              | Fail s => Fail s

Fixpoint eval'' (env:env) (e:expr) : Exn nat := 
  match e with 
  | Const n => ret n
  | Var x => ret (env x)
  | Plus e1 e2 => n1 <- eval'' env e1 ;;
                  n2 <- eval'' env e2 ;;
                  ret (n1 + n2)
  | Mult e1 e2 => n1 <- eval'' env e1 ;;
                  n2 <- eval'' env e2 ;;
                  ret (n1 * n2)
  | Minus e1 e2 => n1 <- eval'' env e1 ;; 
                   n2 <- eval'' env e2 ;;
                   match subtract n1 n2 with 
                   | None => Fail "underflow"
                   | Some v => ret v

Definition tryCatch {A} (e:Exn A) (s:string) (handler:Exn A) : Exn A := 
  match e with 
    | Fail s' => if string_dec s s' then handler else e
    | _ => e

Definition eval_to_zero (e:expr) : Exn nat := 
  tryCatch (eval'' init e) "underflow" (ret 0).

eval_to_zero : expr -> Exn nat
= Fail "underflow" : Exn nat
= Result 0 : Exn nat

We can also use monads to model state.

We define a simple language of "expressions" with imperative update

Inductive expr_s : Type := 
| Var_s : string -> expr_s
| Plus_s : expr_s -> expr_s -> expr_s
| Times_s : expr_s -> expr_s -> expr_s
| Set_s : string -> expr_s -> expr_s
| Seq_s : expr_s -> expr_s -> expr_s
| If0_s : expr_s -> expr_s -> expr_s -> expr_s.

Definition state := string -> nat.

Definition upd (x:string) (n:nat) (s:state) : state := 
  fun v => if string_dec x v then n else s x.

An evaluator can be written that passes the state through everywhere, but it's tedious and error-prone:

Fixpoint eval_s (e:expr_s)(s:state) : (state * nat) := 
  match e with 
    | Var_s x => (s, s x)
    | Plus_s e1 e2 => 
      let (s1, n1) := eval_s e1 s in
      let (s2, n2) := eval_s e2 s1 in 
      (s2, n1+n2)
    | Times_s e1 e2 =>
      let (s1, n1) := eval_s e1 s in
      let (s2, n2) := eval_s e2 s1 in 
      (s2, n1*n2)
    | Set_s x e => 
      let (s1, n1) := eval_s e s in 
      (upd x n1 s1, n1)
    | Seq_s e1 e2 => 
      let (s1, n1) := eval_s e1 s in
      eval_s e2 s1
    | If0_s e1 e2 e3 => 
      let (s1, n1) := eval_s e1 s in 
      match n1 with 
        | 0 => eval_s e2 s1
        | _ => eval_s e3 s1

Definition state_comp (A:Type) := state -> (state * A).

Instance StateMonad : Monad state_comp := {
  ret := fun {A:Type} (x:A) => (fun (s:state) => (s,x)) ; 
  bind := fun {A B:Type} (c : state_comp A) (f: A -> state_comp B) => 
            fun (s:state) => 
              let (s',v) := c s in 
              f v s'

Definition read (x:string) : state_comp nat := 
  fun s => (s, s x).

Definition write (x:string) (n:nat) : state_comp nat := 
  fun s => (upd x n s, n).

The evaluator looks much cleaner with the state monad, using the functions [read] and [write] to capture interaction with the state.

Fixpoint eval_sm (e:expr_s) : state_comp nat := 
  match e with 
    | Var_s x => read x
    | Plus_s e1 e2 => 
      n1 <- eval_sm e1 ;; 
      n2 <- eval_sm e2 ;;
      ret (n1 + n2)
    | Times_s e1 e2 =>
      n1 <- eval_sm e1 ;; 
      n2 <- eval_sm e2 ;; 
      ret (n1 * n2)
    | Set_s x e => 
      n <- eval_sm e ;; 
      write x n 
    | Seq_s e1 e2 => 
      _ <- eval_sm e1 ;; 
      eval_sm e2
    | If0_s e1 e2 e3 => 
      n <- eval_sm e1 ;;
      match n with 
        | 0 => eval_sm e2
        | _ => eval_sm e3 

We can also use monads to model nondeterministic computation.

Inductive expr_nd : Type := 
| Choose_nd : list nat -> expr_nd
| Plus_nd : expr_nd -> expr_nd -> expr_nd
| Times_nd : expr_nd -> expr_nd -> expr_nd.

Definition flatten {A:Type} (xs:list (list A)) : list A := 
  fold_right (fun x a => x ++ a) nil xs.

Instance listMonad : Monad list := {
  ret := fun {A:Type} (x:A) => (x::nil) ;
  bind := fun {A B:Type} (c:list A) (f: A -> list B) => 
            flatten (map f c)

Fixpoint eval_nd (e:expr_nd) : list nat := 
  match e with 
  | Choose_nd ns =>
  | Plus_nd e1 e2 => 
      n1 <- eval_nd e1 ;; 
      n2 <- eval_nd e2 ;; 
      ret (n1 + n2)
  | Times_nd e1 e2 => 
      n1 <- eval_nd e1 ;; 
      n2 <- eval_nd e2 ;;
      ret (n1 * n2)

= 4 :: 5 :: 5 :: 6 :: nil : list nat

Monads ideally satisfy the following laws, and a good exercise is to try to show that any monad you define satisfies these laws.

Class Monad_with_Laws (M: Type -> Type) {MonadM : Monad M} := {
  m_left_id : forall {A B:Type} (x:A) (f:A -> M B),
    bind (ret x) f = f x ;
  m_right_id : forall {A B:Type} (c:M A),
    bind c ret = c ;
  m_assoc : forall {A B C} (c:M A) (f:A->M B) (g:B -> M C), 
    bind (bind c f) g = bind c (fun x => bind (f x) g)

forall (A B : Type) (x : A) (f : A -> option B), (x <- ret x;; f x) = f x

forall (A B : Type) (x : A) (f : A -> option B), (x <- ret x;; f x) = f x
A, B: Type
x: A
f: A -> option B

(x <- ret x;; f x) = f x
reflexivity. Qed.

forall A : Type, Type -> forall c : option A, (x <- c;; ret x) = c

forall A : Type, Type -> forall c : option A, (x <- c;; ret x) = c
A, B: Type
c: option A

(x <- c;; ret x) = c
destruct c; reflexivity. Qed.

forall (A B C : Type) (c : option A) (f : A -> option B) (g : B -> option C), (x <- (x <- c;; f x);; g x) = (x <- c;; x <- f x;; g x)

forall (A B C : Type) (c : option A) (f : A -> option B) (g : B -> option C), (x <- (x <- c;; f x);; g x) = (x <- c;; x <- f x;; g x)
A, B, C: Type
c: option A
f: A -> option B
g: B -> option C

(x <- (x <- c;; f x);; g x) = (x <- c;; x <- f x;; g x)
destruct c; reflexivity. Qed.

This demonstration is easy for the option monad:

Instance OptionMonadLaws : @Monad_with_Laws option _ := {
    m_left_id := @option_left_id;
    m_right_id := @option_right_id;
    m_assoc := @option_assoc