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Lecture 5: Interpreters

[Loading ML file ring_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Open Scope string_scope. (* Lets us to write strings as "x". *) Require Import List. Import ListNotations. Open Scope list_scope. (* Lets us to write lists as [1; 2; 3] *)
[Loading ML file zify_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
[Loading ML file micromega_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]

Arithmetic Expressions

A data type for arithmetic expressions

Inductive expr : Type :=
  | Const : nat -> expr
  | Var : string -> expr
  | Plus : expr -> expr -> expr
  | Mult : expr -> expr -> expr.

Evaluation. We represent the environment as a function from variables to values.

Fixpoint eval (env : string -> nat) (e : expr) : nat :=
  match e with
  | Const n => n
  | Var x => env x
  | Plus e1 e2 => eval env e1 + eval env e2
  | Mult e1 e2 => eval env e1 * eval env e2


Definition e := Plus
                  (Mult (Const 2) (Var "x"))
                  (Mult (Const 3) (Var "y")).
Definition env :=
  fun x => match x with "x" => 1 | "y" => 2 | _ => 0 end.
= 8 : nat


Simplifies constants and uses the laws of arithmetic:

  • a + 0 = a and 0 + a = a
  • a * 0 = 0 and 0 * a = 0
  • a * 1 = a and 1 * a = a
Fixpoint simplify (e : expr) : expr :=
  match e with
  | Const n => Const n
  | Var x => Var x
  | Plus e1 e2 => 
    match simplify e1, simplify e2 with
    | Const 0, e2' => e2'
    | e1', Const 0 => e1'
    | Const n, Const m => Const (n + m)
    | e1', e2' => Plus e1' e2'
  | Mult e1 e2 => 
    match simplify e1, simplify e2 with
    | Const 0, _ => Const 0
    | _, Const 0 => Const 0
    | Const 1, e2' => e2'
    | e1', Const 1 => e1'
    | Const n, Const m => Const (n * m)
    | e1', e2' => Mult e1' e2'

We prove that simplify doesn't change the meaning of the expression

env: string -> nat
e: expr

eval env (simplify e) = eval env e
env: string -> nat
e: expr

eval env (simplify e) = eval env e
env: string -> nat
n: nat

n = n
env: string -> nat
s: string
env s = env s
env: string -> nat
e1, e2: expr
IHe1: eval env (simplify e1) = eval env e1
IHe2: eval env (simplify e2) = eval env e2
eval env match simplify e1 with | Const 0 => simplify e2 | Const (S n0 as n) => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const (S n0) | Const (S _ as m) => Const (n + m) | Var s => Plus (Const (S n0)) (Var s) | Plus e0 e3 => Plus (Const (S n0)) (Plus e0 e3) | Mult e0 e3 => Plus (Const (S n0)) (Mult e0 e3) end | Var s => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Var s | Const (S n0) => Plus (Var s) (Const (S n0)) | Var s0 => Plus (Var s) (Var s0) | Plus e0 e3 => Plus (Var s) (Plus e0 e3) | Mult e0 e3 => Plus (Var s) (Mult e0 e3) end | Plus e0 e3 => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Plus e0 e3 | Const (S n0) => Plus (Plus e0 e3) (Const (S n0)) | Var s => Plus (Plus e0 e3) (Var s) | Plus e4 e5 => Plus (Plus e0 e3) (Plus e4 e5) | Mult e4 e5 => Plus (Plus e0 e3) (Mult e4 e5) end | Mult e0 e3 => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Mult e0 e3 | Const (S n0) => Plus (Mult e0 e3) (Const (S n0)) | Var s => Plus (Mult e0 e3) (Var s) | Plus e4 e5 => Plus (Mult e0 e3) (Plus e4 e5) | Mult e4 e5 => Plus (Mult e0 e3) (Mult e4 e5) end end = eval env e1 + eval env e2
env: string -> nat
e1, e2: expr
IHe1: eval env (simplify e1) = eval env e1
IHe2: eval env (simplify e2) = eval env e2
eval env match simplify e1 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const 1 => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const (S n1) => Const (S n1) | Var s => Var s | Plus e0 e3 => Plus e0 e3 | Mult e0 e3 => Mult e0 e3 end | Const (S (S n1) as n) => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const 1 => Const (S (S n1)) | Const (S (S _) as m) => Const (n * m) | Var s => Mult (Const (S (S n1))) (Var s) | Plus e0 e3 => Mult (Const (S (S n1))) (Plus e0 e3) | Mult e0 e3 => Mult (Const (S (S n1))) (Mult e0 e3) end | Var s => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const 1 => Var s | Const (S (S n1)) => Mult (Var s) (Const (S (S n1))) | Var s0 => Mult (Var s) (Var s0) | Plus e0 e3 => Mult (Var s) (Plus e0 e3) | Mult e0 e3 => Mult (Var s) (Mult e0 e3) end | Plus e0 e3 => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const 1 => Plus e0 e3 | Const (S (S n1)) => Mult (Plus e0 e3) (Const (S (S n1))) | Var s => Mult (Plus e0 e3) (Var s) | Plus e4 e5 => Mult (Plus e0 e3) (Plus e4 e5) | Mult e4 e5 => Mult (Plus e0 e3) (Mult e4 e5) end | Mult e0 e3 => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const 1 => Mult e0 e3 | Const (S (S n1)) => Mult (Mult e0 e3) (Const (S (S n1))) | Var s => Mult (Mult e0 e3) (Var s) | Plus e4 e5 => Mult (Mult e0 e3) (Plus e4 e5) | Mult e4 e5 => Mult (Mult e0 e3) (Mult e4 e5) end end = eval env e1 * eval env e2
env: string -> nat
n: nat

n = n
env: string -> nat
s: string

env s = env s
env: string -> nat
e1, e2: expr
IHe1: eval env (simplify e1) = eval env e1
IHe2: eval env (simplify e2) = eval env e2

eval env match simplify e1 with | Const 0 => simplify e2 | Const (S n0 as n) => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const (S n0) | Const (S _ as m) => Const (n + m) | Var s => Plus (Const (S n0)) (Var s) | Plus e0 e3 => Plus (Const (S n0)) (Plus e0 e3) | Mult e0 e3 => Plus (Const (S n0)) (Mult e0 e3) end | Var s => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Var s | Const (S n0) => Plus (Var s) (Const (S n0)) | Var s0 => Plus (Var s) (Var s0) | Plus e0 e3 => Plus (Var s) (Plus e0 e3) | Mult e0 e3 => Plus (Var s) (Mult e0 e3) end | Plus e0 e3 => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Plus e0 e3 | Const (S n0) => Plus (Plus e0 e3) (Const (S n0)) | Var s => Plus (Plus e0 e3) (Var s) | Plus e4 e5 => Plus (Plus e0 e3) (Plus e4 e5) | Mult e4 e5 => Plus (Plus e0 e3) (Mult e4 e5) end | Mult e0 e3 => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Mult e0 e3 | Const (S n0) => Plus (Mult e0 e3) (Const (S n0)) | Var s => Plus (Mult e0 e3) (Var s) | Plus e4 e5 => Plus (Mult e0 e3) (Plus e4 e5) | Mult e4 e5 => Plus (Mult e0 e3) (Mult e4 e5) end end = eval env e1 + eval env e2
env: string -> nat
e1, e2: expr
IHe1: eval env (simplify e1) = eval env e1
IHe2: eval env (simplify e2) = eval env e2

eval env match simplify e1 with | Const 0 => simplify e2 | Const (S n0 as n) => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const (S n0) | Const (S _ as m) => Const (n + m) | Var s => Plus (Const (S n0)) (Var s) | Plus e0 e3 => Plus (Const (S n0)) (Plus e0 e3) | Mult e0 e3 => Plus (Const (S n0)) (Mult e0 e3) end | Var s => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Var s | Const (S n0) => Plus (Var s) (Const (S n0)) | Var s0 => Plus (Var s) (Var s0) | Plus e0 e3 => Plus (Var s) (Plus e0 e3) | Mult e0 e3 => Plus (Var s) (Mult e0 e3) end | Plus e0 e3 => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Plus e0 e3 | Const (S n0) => Plus (Plus e0 e3) (Const (S n0)) | Var s => Plus (Plus e0 e3) (Var s) | Plus e4 e5 => Plus (Plus e0 e3) (Plus e4 e5) | Mult e4 e5 => Plus (Plus e0 e3) (Mult e4 e5) end | Mult e0 e3 => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Mult e0 e3 | Const (S n0) => Plus (Mult e0 e3) (Const (S n0)) | Var s => Plus (Mult e0 e3) (Var s) | Plus e4 e5 => Plus (Mult e0 e3) (Plus e4 e5) | Mult e4 e5 => Plus (Mult e0 e3) (Mult e4 e5) end end = eval env (simplify e1) + eval env (simplify e2)
env: string -> nat
e1, e2: expr

eval env match simplify e1 with | Const 0 => simplify e2 | Const (S n0 as n) => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const (S n0) | Const (S _ as m) => Const (n + m) | Var s => Plus (Const (S n0)) (Var s) | Plus e0 e3 => Plus (Const (S n0)) (Plus e0 e3) | Mult e0 e3 => Plus (Const (S n0)) (Mult e0 e3) end | Var s => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Var s | Const (S n0) => Plus (Var s) (Const (S n0)) | Var s0 => Plus (Var s) (Var s0) | Plus e0 e3 => Plus (Var s) (Plus e0 e3) | Mult e0 e3 => Plus (Var s) (Mult e0 e3) end | Plus e0 e3 => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Plus e0 e3 | Const (S n0) => Plus (Plus e0 e3) (Const (S n0)) | Var s => Plus (Plus e0 e3) (Var s) | Plus e4 e5 => Plus (Plus e0 e3) (Plus e4 e5) | Mult e4 e5 => Plus (Plus e0 e3) (Mult e4 e5) end | Mult e0 e3 => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Mult e0 e3 | Const (S n0) => Plus (Mult e0 e3) (Const (S n0)) | Var s => Plus (Mult e0 e3) (Var s) | Plus e4 e5 => Plus (Mult e0 e3) (Plus e4 e5) | Mult e4 e5 => Plus (Mult e0 e3) (Mult e4 e5) end end = eval env (simplify e1) + eval env (simplify e2)
env: string -> nat
e1, e2: expr
n, n0: nat

eval env match n0 with | 0 => Const (S n) | S _ => Const (S (n + n0)) end = S (n + n0)
destruct n0; simpl; lia.
env: string -> nat
e1, e2: expr
IHe1: eval env (simplify e1) = eval env e1
IHe2: eval env (simplify e2) = eval env e2

eval env match simplify e1 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const 1 => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const (S n1) => Const (S n1) | Var s => Var s | Plus e0 e3 => Plus e0 e3 | Mult e0 e3 => Mult e0 e3 end | Const (S (S n1) as n) => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const 1 => Const (S (S n1)) | Const (S (S _) as m) => Const (n * m) | Var s => Mult (Const (S (S n1))) (Var s) | Plus e0 e3 => Mult (Const (S (S n1))) (Plus e0 e3) | Mult e0 e3 => Mult (Const (S (S n1))) (Mult e0 e3) end | Var s => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const 1 => Var s | Const (S (S n1)) => Mult (Var s) (Const (S (S n1))) | Var s0 => Mult (Var s) (Var s0) | Plus e0 e3 => Mult (Var s) (Plus e0 e3) | Mult e0 e3 => Mult (Var s) (Mult e0 e3) end | Plus e0 e3 => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const 1 => Plus e0 e3 | Const (S (S n1)) => Mult (Plus e0 e3) (Const (S (S n1))) | Var s => Mult (Plus e0 e3) (Var s) | Plus e4 e5 => Mult (Plus e0 e3) (Plus e4 e5) | Mult e4 e5 => Mult (Plus e0 e3) (Mult e4 e5) end | Mult e0 e3 => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const 1 => Mult e0 e3 | Const (S (S n1)) => Mult (Mult e0 e3) (Const (S (S n1))) | Var s => Mult (Mult e0 e3) (Var s) | Plus e4 e5 => Mult (Mult e0 e3) (Plus e4 e5) | Mult e4 e5 => Mult (Mult e0 e3) (Mult e4 e5) end end = eval env e1 * eval env e2
env: string -> nat
e1, e2: expr
IHe1: eval env (simplify e1) = eval env e1
IHe2: eval env (simplify e2) = eval env e2

eval env match simplify e1 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const 1 => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const (S n1) => Const (S n1) | Var s => Var s | Plus e0 e3 => Plus e0 e3 | Mult e0 e3 => Mult e0 e3 end | Const (S (S n1) as n) => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const 1 => Const (S (S n1)) | Const (S (S _) as m) => Const (n * m) | Var s => Mult (Const (S (S n1))) (Var s) | Plus e0 e3 => Mult (Const (S (S n1))) (Plus e0 e3) | Mult e0 e3 => Mult (Const (S (S n1))) (Mult e0 e3) end | Var s => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const 1 => Var s | Const (S (S n1)) => Mult (Var s) (Const (S (S n1))) | Var s0 => Mult (Var s) (Var s0) | Plus e0 e3 => Mult (Var s) (Plus e0 e3) | Mult e0 e3 => Mult (Var s) (Mult e0 e3) end | Plus e0 e3 => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const 1 => Plus e0 e3 | Const (S (S n1)) => Mult (Plus e0 e3) (Const (S (S n1))) | Var s => Mult (Plus e0 e3) (Var s) | Plus e4 e5 => Mult (Plus e0 e3) (Plus e4 e5) | Mult e4 e5 => Mult (Plus e0 e3) (Mult e4 e5) end | Mult e0 e3 => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const 1 => Mult e0 e3 | Const (S (S n1)) => Mult (Mult e0 e3) (Const (S (S n1))) | Var s => Mult (Mult e0 e3) (Var s) | Plus e4 e5 => Mult (Mult e0 e3) (Plus e4 e5) | Mult e4 e5 => Mult (Mult e0 e3) (Mult e4 e5) end end = eval env (simplify e1) * eval env (simplify e2)
env: string -> nat
e1, e2: expr

eval env match simplify e1 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const 1 => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const (S n1) => Const (S n1) | Var s => Var s | Plus e0 e3 => Plus e0 e3 | Mult e0 e3 => Mult e0 e3 end | Const (S (S n1) as n) => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const 1 => Const (S (S n1)) | Const (S (S _) as m) => Const (n * m) | Var s => Mult (Const (S (S n1))) (Var s) | Plus e0 e3 => Mult (Const (S (S n1))) (Plus e0 e3) | Mult e0 e3 => Mult (Const (S (S n1))) (Mult e0 e3) end | Var s => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const 1 => Var s | Const (S (S n1)) => Mult (Var s) (Const (S (S n1))) | Var s0 => Mult (Var s) (Var s0) | Plus e0 e3 => Mult (Var s) (Plus e0 e3) | Mult e0 e3 => Mult (Var s) (Mult e0 e3) end | Plus e0 e3 => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const 1 => Plus e0 e3 | Const (S (S n1)) => Mult (Plus e0 e3) (Const (S (S n1))) | Var s => Mult (Plus e0 e3) (Var s) | Plus e4 e5 => Mult (Plus e0 e3) (Plus e4 e5) | Mult e4 e5 => Mult (Plus e0 e3) (Mult e4 e5) end | Mult e0 e3 => match simplify e2 with | Const 0 => Const 0 | Const 1 => Mult e0 e3 | Const (S (S n1)) => Mult (Mult e0 e3) (Const (S (S n1))) | Var s => Mult (Mult e0 e3) (Var s) | Plus e4 e5 => Mult (Mult e0 e3) (Plus e4 e5) | Mult e4 e5 => Mult (Mult e0 e3) (Mult e4 e5) end end = eval env (simplify e1) * eval env (simplify e2)
env: string -> nat
e1, e2: expr
n, n0: nat

eval env match n0 with | 0 => Const (S (S n)) | S _ => Const (S (n0 + S (n0 + n * S n0))) end = S (n0 + S (n0 + n * S n0))
destruct n0; simpl; lia. Qed.

Interlude: induction

expr_ind : forall P : expr -> Prop, (forall n : nat, P (Const n)) -> (forall s : string, P (Var s)) -> (forall e : expr, P e -> forall e0 : expr, P e0 -> P (Plus e e0)) -> (forall e : expr, P e -> forall e0 : expr, P e0 -> P (Mult e e0)) -> forall e : expr, P e

The induction principle is a recursive function.

Fixpoint expr_ind' (P : expr -> Prop)
  (Hconst : forall n, P (Const n))
  (Hvar : forall s, P (Var s))
  (Hplus : forall e1 e2, P e1 -> P e2 -> P (Plus e1 e2))
  (Hmult : forall e1 e2, P e1 -> P e2 -> P (Mult e1 e2))
  (e : expr) : P e :=
  match e with
  | Const n => Hconst n
  | Var s => Hvar s
  | Plus e1 e2 => 
    Hplus e1 e2 (expr_ind' P Hconst Hvar Hplus Hmult e1)
                (expr_ind' P Hconst Hvar Hplus Hmult e2)
  | Mult e1 e2 => 
    Hmult e1 e2 (expr_ind' P Hconst Hvar Hplus Hmult e1)
                (expr_ind' P Hconst Hvar Hplus Hmult e2)

expr_ind' : forall P : expr -> Prop, (forall n : nat, P (Const n)) -> (forall s : string, P (Var s)) -> (forall e1 e2 : expr, P e1 -> P e2 -> P (Plus e1 e2)) -> (forall e1 e2 : expr, P e1 -> P e2 -> P (Mult e1 e2)) -> forall e : expr, P e

Infinitary trees

Inductive tree :=
  | Leaf : tree
  | Node : (nat -> tree) -> tree.

Definition t0 := Node (fun n => Leaf).
Definition t1 := Node (fun n => if Nat.leb n 10 then t0 else Leaf).

Fixpoint branch n :=
  match n with
  | 0 => Leaf
  | S n' => Node (fun m => if Nat.leb n m then branch n' else Leaf)

Definition t2 := Node (fun n => t1).

Fixpoint wide n :=
  match n with
  | 0 => Leaf
  | S n' => Node (fun m => wide n')

Definition t3 := wide 10.
Depth of an infinitary tree along a path.

This shows the sense in which the tree is finite: the depth along each path is a finite natural number.

Fixpoint depth (path : nat -> nat) (t : tree) : nat :=
  match t with
  | Leaf => 0
  | Node f => 1 + depth (fun x => path (1 + x)) (f (path 0))

= 10 : nat
Definition t4 := Node (fun n => wide n). Definition t5 := Node (fun n => Node (fun m => wide (n + m))).
= 11 : nat
= 9 : nat

Conclusion. A value of an inductive type: * Can be infinitely wide * Can be infinitely deep * But has finite depth along any given path

Stack Machine

We now define a stack machine, and compile arithmetic expressions to it. The stack machine has a stack of numbers, and the following operations:

Inductive op :=
  | PushOp : nat -> op
  | VarOp : string -> op
  | AddOp : op
  | MultOp : op.

To compile an expression, we first compile its subexpressions (which will put their results on the stack), and then we add the operations that combine the results of the subexpressions to get the final result.

Fixpoint compile (e : expr) : list op :=
  match e with
  | Const n => [PushOp n]
  | Var x => [VarOp x]
  | Plus e1 e2 => compile e1 ++ compile e2 ++ [AddOp]
  | Mult e1 e2 => compile e1 ++ compile e2 ++ [MultOp]

= [PushOp 2; VarOp "x"; MultOp; PushOp 3; VarOp "y"; MultOp; AddOp] : list op

The following function runs a single operation on the input stack, and returns the output stack. In the case of stack underflow, it returns None.

Definition run1 (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (op : op) : option (list nat) :=
  match op, stack with
  | PushOp n, s => Some (n :: s)
  | VarOp x, s => Some (env x :: s)
  | AddOp, s1 :: s2 :: s => Some ((s2 + s1) :: s)
  | MultOp, s1 :: s2 :: s => Some ((s2 * s1) :: s)
  | _, _ => None

This function runs an entire list of operations.

Fixpoint run (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op) : option (list nat) :=
  match ops, stack with
  | [], s => Some s
  | op :: ops, s => 
    match run1 env s op with
    | Some s' => run env s' ops
    | None => None

We prove that compiling and then running gives the same result as evaluating. To make the induction go through, we need the following generalized lemma.

env: string -> nat
e: expr
stack: list nat
ops: list op

run env stack (compile e ++ ops) = run env (eval env e :: stack) ops
env: string -> nat
e: expr
stack: list nat
ops: list op

run env stack (compile e ++ ops) = run env (eval env e :: stack) ops
e: expr

forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e ++ ops) = run env (eval env e :: stack) ops
n: nat
env: string -> nat
stack: list nat
ops: list op

run env (n :: stack) ops = run env (n :: stack) ops
s: string
env: string -> nat
stack: list nat
ops: list op
run env (env s :: stack) ops = run env (env s :: stack) ops
e1, e2: expr
IHe1: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e1 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e1 :: stack) ops
IHe2: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e2 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e2 :: stack) ops
env: string -> nat
stack: list nat
ops: list op
run env stack ((compile e1 ++ compile e2 ++ [AddOp]) ++ ops) = run env (eval env e1 + eval env e2 :: stack) ops
e1, e2: expr
IHe1: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e1 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e1 :: stack) ops
IHe2: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e2 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e2 :: stack) ops
env: string -> nat
stack: list nat
ops: list op
run env stack ((compile e1 ++ compile e2 ++ [MultOp]) ++ ops) = run env (eval env e1 * eval env e2 :: stack) ops
n: nat
env: string -> nat
stack: list nat
ops: list op

run env (n :: stack) ops = run env (n :: stack) ops
s: string
env: string -> nat
stack: list nat
ops: list op

run env (env s :: stack) ops = run env (env s :: stack) ops
e1, e2: expr
IHe1: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e1 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e1 :: stack) ops
IHe2: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e2 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e2 :: stack) ops
env: string -> nat
stack: list nat
ops: list op

run env stack ((compile e1 ++ compile e2 ++ [AddOp]) ++ ops) = run env (eval env e1 + eval env e2 :: stack) ops
e1, e2: expr
IHe1: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e1 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e1 :: stack) ops
IHe2: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e2 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e2 :: stack) ops
env: string -> nat
stack: list nat
ops: list op

run env stack (compile e1 ++ compile e2 ++ [AddOp] ++ ops) = run env (eval env e1 + eval env e2 :: stack) ops
e1, e2: expr
IHe1: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e1 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e1 :: stack) ops
IHe2: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e2 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e2 :: stack) ops
env: string -> nat
stack: list nat
ops: list op

run env (eval env e1 :: stack) (compile e2 ++ [AddOp] ++ ops) = run env (eval env e1 + eval env e2 :: stack) ops
e1, e2: expr
IHe1: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e1 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e1 :: stack) ops
IHe2: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e2 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e2 :: stack) ops
env: string -> nat
stack: list nat
ops: list op

run env (eval env e2 :: eval env e1 :: stack) ([AddOp] ++ ops) = run env (eval env e1 + eval env e2 :: stack) ops
e1, e2: expr
IHe1: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e1 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e1 :: stack) ops
IHe2: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e2 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e2 :: stack) ops
env: string -> nat
stack: list nat
ops: list op

run env (eval env e1 + eval env e2 :: stack) ops = run env (eval env e1 + eval env e2 :: stack) ops
e1, e2: expr
IHe1: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e1 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e1 :: stack) ops
IHe2: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e2 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e2 :: stack) ops
env: string -> nat
stack: list nat
ops: list op

run env stack ((compile e1 ++ compile e2 ++ [MultOp]) ++ ops) = run env (eval env e1 * eval env e2 :: stack) ops
e1, e2: expr
IHe1: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e1 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e1 :: stack) ops
IHe2: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e2 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e2 :: stack) ops
env: string -> nat
stack: list nat
ops: list op

run env stack (compile e1 ++ compile e2 ++ [MultOp] ++ ops) = run env (eval env e1 * eval env e2 :: stack) ops
e1, e2: expr
IHe1: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e1 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e1 :: stack) ops
IHe2: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e2 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e2 :: stack) ops
env: string -> nat
stack: list nat
ops: list op

run env (eval env e1 :: stack) (compile e2 ++ [MultOp] ++ ops) = run env (eval env e1 * eval env e2 :: stack) ops
e1, e2: expr
IHe1: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e1 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e1 :: stack) ops
IHe2: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e2 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e2 :: stack) ops
env: string -> nat
stack: list nat
ops: list op

run env (eval env e2 :: eval env e1 :: stack) ([MultOp] ++ ops) = run env (eval env e1 * eval env e2 :: stack) ops
e1, e2: expr
IHe1: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e1 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e1 :: stack) ops
IHe2: forall (env : string -> nat) (stack : list nat) (ops : list op), run env stack (compile e2 ++ ops) = run env (eval env e2 :: stack) ops
env: string -> nat
stack: list nat
ops: list op

run env (eval env e1 * eval env e2 :: stack) ops = run env (eval env e1 * eval env e2 :: stack) ops
reflexivity. Qed.

Final result: compiling and then running gives the same result as evaluating

env: string -> nat
e: expr

run env [] (compile e) = Some [eval env e]
env: string -> nat
e: expr

run env [] (compile e) = Some [eval env e]
env: string -> nat
e: expr

compile e = compile e ++ []
env: string -> nat
e: expr
run env [] (compile e ++ []) = Some [eval env e]
env: string -> nat
e: expr

compile e = compile e ++ []
env: string -> nat
e: expr

compile e ++ [] = compile e
apply app_nil_r.
env: string -> nat
e: expr

run env [] (compile e ++ []) = Some [eval env e]
apply run_compile_ind. Qed.