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This course explores methods for using programming languages and language semantics to enforce security. We will read recent papers on a variety of topics, including language-based authorization, enforcement of both confidentiality and integrity using type systems for controlling information flow, quantitative security measures, secure distributed computing, and methods for incorporating and checking uses of cryptography.

The course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 to 3:20PM in Hollister 368.

Instructor: Andrew Myers

Course information

Course meetings

The course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 to 3:20PM in Hollister 368.

Course Staff

Name Position Email Phone Office/consulting hours
Andrew Myers Instructor 255-8597 Upson 4133, Monday 11-12, Thursday 11-12


Some familiarity with programming language semantics is assumed. CS 4110 or 6110 will be an adequate background for this course.


This course will be centered around recent and classic research papers. The main work for students will be reading these papers and being prepared to discuss them in depth in class. Students will also be responsible for periodically presenting papers and leading discussion.

Each student will design and complete a small project in the area of language-based security.

There will be no examinations.

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