CS 611 Course Information


MWF 10:10AM to 11:00AM, Olin Hall 218


Grades will be assigned in CS 611 on the basis on several factors. There are six homeworks, which collectively are worth 40% of your grade. The preliminary exam is worth 20%, and the final exam is worth 30%. You will also be asked to scribe about three lectures; the final 10% of your grade is based on this and other class participation. These percentages are intended only as guidelines; they may be adjusted as the course progresses.

Homework policies

Cornell University has a Code of Academic Integrity, with which you should be familiar. Violations of this code are treated very seriously by Cornell and can have long-term repercussions. In this course, you are encouraged to discuss the content of the course with other students, and you may also discuss homework problems with other students. However, you must do your own work, and if you discuss a problem with another student, you are expected to document this fact in your write-up. It is a violation of the code to copy work, including programs, from other students; it is also a violation to use solutions to homework problems from previous iterations of the same course. Note that Cornell holds responsible for the code violation both the recipient and the donor of improper information.


Communication with the staff is best done through the staff mailing list, cs611@cs.cornell.edu. You may also post questions of interest to the whole class on the newsgroup, cornell.class.cs611. When appropriate, the staff may also answer questions sent to the staff mailing list on the newsgroup.

Name E-mail Office Office hours
Instructor Andrew Myers andru@cs.cornell.edu Upson 4119C W 1:30–2:30PM
Teaching Assistant Nate Nystrom nystrom@cs.cornell.edu Upson 4112 Th 11–12AM
Teaching Assistant Yanling Wang wangyl@cs.cornell.edu Upson 5157 Tu 1:30PM–2:30PM
Admin. Assistant Andrea Cleveland andrea@cs.cornell.edu Upson 4107



Required texts:

Other useful books:


On the programming side, experience with at least a Pascal- or C-like language is assumed. Preferably, students will have some knowledge and experience working with a functional language, such as Scheme, ML, or Haskell. The more experience with programming in different programming languages, the better.

On the theoretical side, we assume a basic proficiency in undergraduate mathematics, logic, and computer science. A basic knowledge of computability (such as Turing machines and recursive functions) and logic (that is, predicate calculus), as well as some mathematical maturity is required.

This course is designed for PhD or MEng students in CS, Math, OR, and EE.  If you are an undergraduate student, you must talk to the instructor to find out if the course is suitable for you. MEng students are also recommended to speak with the instructor in cases of doubt.

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