Software Dependencies: The starter code
will compile and run using JDK 1.5 or later. In addition to
Java, the starter code also uses two other libraries that you
need to install/get:
- JOGL and OpenGL: The base
program renders particle systems using JOGL (Java bindings
for OpenGL). You should download and install the
appropriate version on your system. Although you
can complete this assignment without writing any OpenGL,
you can find more information on OpenGL or JOGL, some
random introductory starting points are:
- Vecmath: 2D point and
vector primitives are used from the Java3D vecmath
library. You can download the full Java3D from here, but you just
need the vecmath.jar library (from here).
- Installation: To
compile/run Java will need the jars {gluegen-rt.jar,
jogl-all.jar, vecmath.jar}. To run the program make sure
that the directory containing the JOGL binaries is in your
PATH (or -Djava.library.path=./dlls/).
For example, in Windows you will need to have {gluegen-rt.dll,
jogl.dll, jogl_awt.dll, jogl_cg.dll} accessible.
- Detailed
instructions on setting up JOGL that may be helpful are
on the JOGL webpage.