- Model something visual: The
easy part of PBA is thinking of interesting things to
animate: draping cloth, splashing water,
particle-based flowers blowing in the breeze, massive
explosions, kooky characters, abstract virtual
worlds, or the largest bowl of Jello ever. Be creative. (If
you are interested in a particular phenomena but don't
know where to start or the background, just ask.)
- Multi-physics Simulation:
Try modeling different types of materials, from
liquids, to solids. Try tearing things apart. Make
sticky objects. Create and destroy things. Melt and
boils things. Smash them to bits. You can do all these
things with enough smart particles. See the Lagoa Multiphysics
demo for inspiration.
- Appearance modeling:
How you draw your particles will greatly effect what
you can achieve [Reeves 1983]. Consider
(dynamic) particle appearance models for improved
results, or build a surface mesh.
- Go 3D! There
is nothing inherently 2D about this project. Go 3D by
replacing your Point2d/Vector2d with Point3d/Vector3d,
making minor changes to your OpenGL drawing code,
etc. Note
you may wish to do this first... before implementing the
whole assignment.
- Design and animate
procedurally: It can be tedious to manually
create/draw and interact with your examples when they
are complex. Generating
particles/springs/forces/etc procedurally, i.e., via
functions or scripts, will allow you to create complex
examples easily, e.g., recall Karl
Sim's "Particle Dreams" animation, or Reeves
models of plants (e.g., modeling
grass with particles).
- Build better tools:
You may need special tools to create your artifact.
That's a fun part of animation, too!
- Run long jobs offline
to simulate detailed examples and get the most out of
your solver. It's amazing what you can do with a
million particles. Of course, you'll want to get it
working on smaller examples first.
- Create a compelling
high-resolution still: An image can be worth
a thousand words, or a billion particles. See if you
can use your simulator to create a single captivating
image that says it all.
- Render frames using a
3rd-party renderer: Export 3D geometry
(e.g., particle positions) and make a nicely
rendered animation with a 3rd-party renderer, such
as Yafaray or
- For implicit blobby
surfaces of particle-based fluids and goop, try
using POV-Ray
since it can render
for unions of blobs directly---without you
having to first extract triangle isosurface
meshes. Steven An made a simple water-like
example for you here: (pov,
Submit your creative artifact.