CS5430 Project: Phase IV Deliverable (Spring 2013)
Decide where (CSUG or MEng Lab) you want to conduct your presentation and when.
Then, schedule a Presentation/Demo meeting slot for
April 1 - April 5.
Use the sign-up sheet posted on the door of Upson 4115 to schedule your meeting.
The sign-up sheet will be available on or before March 27 at 11:30am.
Your group must sign-up before March 28, at 4pm.
Submit the following files to CMS (at least):
TEAM.txt which contains the names (and net-ids) for all team members.
Also, for each team member give a 1 or 2 paragraph description of the tasks
this team member performed and the number of hours this required.
README.txt which contains
the names and a description of the contents for the other files in the directory.
Source files that contain the source needed to compile and run your software.
This should include
- files containing the code to authenticate human users
that will later be used in your project
- scaffolding and GUI code used in the Demo you give the
graders to show that your system actually works as intended.
FUNCTIONALITY.txt, which should discuss the interface that your system implements.
What operations does it export?
What is the effect of each operation?
ASSURANCE.txt, which describes how and what you tested in the software
being submitted.
Also describe here any other
means you used to increase assurance in correctness of the system and
the absence of vulnerabilities.
Be sure to pay careful attention to the following (and, as appropriate,
discuss them in FUNCTIONALITY.txt).
Methods by which secrets (e.g., passwords) are chosen or generated and are erased.
Methods by which secrets are stored.
Unnwarranted dependence on assumptions about operating system functionality.