CS 5220
Sparse linear algebra
World of Linear Algebra
- Dense methods (last week)
- Sparse direct methods (Thurs)
- Iterative methods (today and Thurs)
Dense Methods
% Dense (LAPACK)
[L,U] = lu(A);
x = U\(L\b);
- Direct representation of matrices with simple data structures (no need for indexing data structure)
- Mostly \(O(n^3)\) factorizations (on \(O(n^2)\) data)
- Good for locality, get to high fraction of peak
Software Strategies: Dense Case
Assuming you want to use (vs develop) dense LA code:
- Learn enough to identify right algorithm
(e.g. is it symmetric? definite? banded? etc)
- Learn high-level organizational ideas
- Make sure you have a good BLAS
- For \(n\) large: wait a while
Sparse Solves?
Questions for you:
- What is a sparse matrix?
- If we only get 3% peak (vs 75%) why consider sparsity?
- What features of sparse matrices might matter for HPC?
Sparse Solves?
Consider \(Ax = b\) where \(A\) sparse.
- Few nonzeros per row
- Use a sparse format (e.g. compressed sparse row)
- Mostly – may have dense rows/columns
- 10% sparse is maybe best treated as dense!
- Dense submatrix structure helps performance!
- Representation may also be implicit (just matvec)
- Includes data sparse matrices
Sparse Solves?
One size does not fit all! What if \(A\) is
- From a low-order PDE solver?
- From a high-order PDE solver?
- Spectral methods?
- Spectral elements?
- From a social network?
- From a Gaussian process?
- Spatio-temporal stats or ML?
Sparse Direct Methods
% Sparse direct (UMFPACK + COLAMD)
[L,U,P,Q] = lu(A);
x = Q*(U\(L\(P*b)));
- Direct representation, keep only the nonzeros
- Factorization costs depend on problem structure (1D cheap; 2D reasonable; 3D gets expensive; not easy to give a general rule, and NP hard to order for optimal sparsity)
- Robust, but hard to scale to large 3D problems
Sparse Direct Strategies
Assuming you want to use (vs develop) sparse LA code
- Identify right algorithm (mainly Cholesky vs LU)
- Get a good solver (often from list)
- You don’t want to roll your own!
- Order your unknowns for sparsity
- Again, good to use someone else’s software!
- For \(n\) large, 3D: get lots of memory and wait
Sparse Iterations
% Sparse iterative (PCG + incomplete Cholesky)
tol = 1e-6;
maxit = 500;
R = cholinc(A,'0');
x = pcg(A,b,tol,maxit,R',R);
- Only need \(y = Ax\) (maybe \(y = A^T x\))
- Produce successively better (?) approximations
- Good convergence depends on preconditioning
- Best preconditioners are often hard to parallelize
LA Software: the Wider World
- Sparse direct: UMFPACK, TAUCS, SuperLU, MUMPS, Pardiso, SPOOLES, ...
- Sparse iterative: too many!
Sparse Iterative Software
Assuming you want to use (vs develop) sparse LA software...
- Identify a good algorithm (GMRES? CG?)
- Pick a good preconditioner
- Often helps to know the application
- ... and to know how the solvers work!
- Play with parameters, preconditioner variants, etc...
- Swear until you get acceptable convergence?
- Repeat for the next variation on the problem
Stacking Solvers
(Typical) example from a bone modeling package:
- Outer load stepping loop
- Newton method corrector for each load step
- Preconditioned CG for linear system
- Multigrid preconditioner
- Sparse direct solver for coarse-grid solve (UMFPACK)
- LAPACK/BLAS under that
- Up next: Stationary iterations
- Thurs: Krylov and sparse direct
Reading: Templates book
Page Rank: \[\pi^{(k+1)} = (1-\alpha) P \pi^{(k)} + \alpha \mathbf{1}\] where
- \(\pi_j\) represents probability of being at node \(j\)
- \(P_{ij} = 1/d_j\) if there is an edge \(j\) to \(i\) (0 o.w.)
- \(\alpha\) is a damping factor (often around 0.15)
Max difference from limit \(\pi^*\) decreases by \(1-\alpha\) per step.
Brain Storm!
- How would you represent \(P\)?
- How might you tune serial Page Rank?
- How might you parallelize Page Rank?
- What barriers would you anticipate for high performance?
Fixed Point Iteration
![Fixed point iteration]()
\(x_{k+1} = f(x_k) \rightarrow x_* = f(x_*)\)
Iterative Idea
- \(f\) is a contraction if \(\|f(x)-f(y)\| < \|x-y\|\), \(x \neq y\).
- \(f\) has a unique fixed point \(x_* = f(x_*)\).
- For \(x_{k+1} = f(x_k)\), \(x_k \rightarrow x_*\).
- If \(\|f(x)-f(y)\| < \alpha \|x-y\|\), \(\alpha < 1\), for all \(x, y\), then \[\|x_k-x_*\| < \alpha^k \|x-x_*\|\]
- Looks good if \(\alpha\) not too near 1...
Stationary Iterations
Write \(Ax = b\) as \(A = M-K\); get fixed point of \[M x_{k+1} = K x_k + b\] or \[x_{k+1} = M^{-1} (Kx_k+b)= (M^{-1} K) x_k + M^{-1} b.\]
- Convergence if \(\rho(M^{-1} K) < 1\)
- Best case for convergence: \(M = A\)
- Cheapest case: \(M = I\)
Stationary Iterations
Write \(Ax = b\) as \(A = M-K\); get fixed point of \[M x_{k+1} = K x_k + b\] or \[x_{k+1} = x_k + M^{-1} (b-Ax_k).\]
- Correction form is good for mixed precision!
- Also useful for building to Krylov methods
Reminder: Discretized 2D Poisson
![Second-order finite difference stencil for 2D Poisson]()
\((Lu)_{i,j} = h^{-2} \left( 4u_{i,j}-u_{i-1,j}-u_{i+1,j}-u_{i,j-1}-u_{i,j+1} \right)\)
Jacobi on 2D Poisson
Assuming homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions
for step = 1:nsteps
for i = 2:n-1
for j = 2:n-1
u_next(i,j) = ...
( u(i,j+1) + u(i,j-1) + ...
u(i-1,j) + u(i+1,j) )/4 - ...
u = u_next;
Basically do some averaging at each step.
Parallel (5 point stencil)
![Sketch of data dependencies in a 2D Poisson scheme with 5-point stencil]()
Boundary values: |
white |
Data on P0: |
green |
Ghost cell data: |
blue |
Parallel (9 point stencil)
![Sketch of data dependencies in a 2D Poisson scheme with 5-point stencil]()
Boundary values: |
white |
Data on P0: |
green |
Ghost cell data: |
blue |
Parallel (5 point stencil)
![Communication pattern for 5 point stencil]()
Communicate ghost cells before each step.
Parallel (9 point stencil)
![Communication pattern for 9 point stencil]()
Communicate in two phases (EW, NS) to get corners.
Parallel (9 point stencil)
![Communication pattern for 9 point stencil]()
Communicate in two phases (EW, NS) to get corners.
Gauss-Seidel on 2D Poisson
for step = 1:nsteps
for i = 2:n-1
for j = 2:n-1
u(i,j) = ...
( u(i,j+1) + u(i,j-1) + ...
u(i-1,j) + u(i+1,j) )/4 - ...
Bottom values depend on top; how to parallelize?
Red-Black Gauss-Seidel
![Checkerboard pattern for red-black Gauss-Seidel]()
Red depends only on black, and vice-versa.
Generalization: multi-color orderings
Red-Black Gauss-Seidel Step
for i = 2:n-1
for j = 2:n-1
if mod(i+j,2) == 0
u(i,j) = ...
for i = 2:n-1
for j = 2:n-1
if mod(i+j,2) == 1
u(i,j) = ...
Parallel Red-Black Gauss-Seidel
At each step
- Send black ghost cells
- Update red cells
- Send red ghost cells
- Update black ghost cells
More Sophistication
- Successive over-relaxation (SOR): extrapolate G-S
- Block Jacobi: \(M\) a block diagonal matrix from \(A\)
- Other block variants similar
- Generalize to overlapping (Schwarz) methods
- Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI): alternately solve on vertical lines and horizontal lines
- Multigrid
Mostly the opening act for Krylov methods.