Lumped Parameter Simulations
Examples include:
- SPICE-level circuit simulation
- nodal voltages vs. voltage distributions
- Structural simulation
- beam end displacements vs. continuum field
- Chemical concentrations in stirred tank reactor
- concentrations in tank vs. spatially varying concentrations
Lumped Parameter Simulations
- Typically ordinary differential equations (ODEs)
- Constraints: differential-algebraic equations (DAEs)
Often (not always) sparse.
Consider ODEs \(\dot{x} = f(x)\) (special case \(f(x) = Ax\)).
- Dependency graph: edge \((i,j)\) if \(f_j\) depends on \(x_i\)
- Sparsity means each \(f_j\) depends on only a few \(x_i\)
- Often arises from physical or logical locality
- Corresponds to \(A\) being sparse (mostly zeros)
Sparsity and Partitioning
Want to partition sparse graphs so that
- Subgraphs are same size (load balance)
- Cut size is minimal (minimize communication)
We’ll talk more about this later.
Static Analysis
Consider ODEs \(\dot{x} = f(x)\) (special case \(f(x) = Ax\)).
Might want \(f(x_*) = 0\).
- Boils down to \(Ax = b\) (e.g. for Newton-like steps)
- Can solve directly or iteratively
- Sparsity matters a lot!
Dynamic Analysis
Consider ODEs \(\dot{x} = f(x)\) (special case \(f(x) = Ax\)).
Might want \(x(t)\) for many \(t\) given \(x_0\)
- Involves time-stepping (explicit or implicit)
- Implicit methods involve linear/nonlinear solves
- Need to understand stiffness and stability issues
Modal Analysis
Consider ODEs \(\dot{x} = f(x)\) (special case \(f(x) = Ax\)).
Might want eigenvalues/vectors of \(A\) or \(f'(x_*)\).
Explicit Time Stepping
- Example: forward Euler: \(x_{k+1} = x_k + (\Delta t) f(x_k)\)
- Next step depends only on earlier steps
- Simple algorithms
- May have stability issues with stiff systems
Implicit Time Stepping
- Example: backward Euler: \(x_{k+1} = x_k + (\Delta t) f(x_{k+1})\)
- Next step depends on itself and on earlier steps
- Algorithms involve solves — complication, communication!
- Larger time steps, each step costs more
A Common Kernel
In all cases, lots of time in sparse matvec:
- Iterative linear solvers: repeated sparse matvec
- Iterative eigensolvers: repeated sparse matvec
- Explicit time marching: matvecs at each step
- Implicit time marching: iterative solves (involving matvecs)
We need to figure out how to make matvec fast!
Sparse Storage
- Sparse matrix \(\implies\) mostly zero entries
- Can also have “data sparseness” — representation with less than \(O(n^2)\) storage, even if most entries nonzero
- Could be implicit (e.g. directional differencing)
- Sometimes explicit representation is useful
- Easy to get lots of indirect indexing!
- Compressed sparse storage schemes help
Example: Compressed Sparse Row
Illustration of compressed sparse row format
This can be even more compact:
- Could organize by blocks (block CSR)
- Could compress column index data (16-bit vs 64-bit)
- Various other optimizations — see OSKI
- ODE and DAE models widely used in engineering
- Different analyses: static, dynamic, modal
- Sparse linear algebra is often key
Distributed Parameter Models
Types of PDEs
Elliptic |
electrostatics |
steady |
global |
Hyperbolic |
sound waves |
yes |
local |
Parabolic |
diffusion |
yes |
global |
Types of PDEs
Different types involve different communication:
- Global dependence \(\implies\) lots of communication (or tiny steps)
- Local dependence from finite wave speeds; limits communication
Example: 1D Heat Equation
Consider flow (e.g. of heat) in a uniform rod
- Heat \((Q) \propto\) temperature \((u) \times\) mass \((\rho)\)
- Heat flow \(\propto\) temperature gradient (Fourier’s law)
Example: 1D Heat Equation
Consider flow (e.g. of heat) in a uniform rod
- Heat \((Q) \propto\) temperature \((u) \times\) mass \((\rho)\)
- Heat flow \(\propto\) negative temperature gradient (Fourier’s law)
\frac{\partial Q}{\partial t}
&\propto h \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} \\
&\approx C \left[ \frac{u(x-h)-u(x)}{h} + \frac{u(x+h)-u(x)}{h} \right] \\
&= C \left[ \frac{u(x-h)-2u(x)+u(x+h)}{h^2} \right] \rightarrow
C \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2}
Spatial Discretization
Heat equation with \(u(0) = u(1) = 0\). \[
\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = C \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2}
Spatial Discretization
Spatial semi-discretization (second-order finite difference): \[
\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2} \approx
\frac{u(x-h)-2u(x) + u(x+h)}{h^2}
Spatial Discretization
Yields system of ODEs (“method of lines”): \[\begin{aligned}
\frac{du}{dt} &= -Ch^{-2} T u \\
T &= \begin{bmatrix}
2 & -1 \\
-1 & 2 & -1 \\
& \ddots & \ddots & \ddots \\
& & -1 & 2 & -1 \\
& & & -1 & 2
Now need to time step!
Explicit Time Stepping
- Simplest scheme is Euler: \[u(t + \Delta t) \approx u(t) + u'(t) \Delta t = (I - Ch^2 T) u(t)\]
- Time step \(\equiv\) sparse matvec with \((I-Ch^2 T)\)
- This may not end well…
Explicit Data Dependence
Nearest neighbor interactions per step \(\implies\)
finite rate of numerical information propagation
Explicit Time Stepping in Parallel
for t = 1 to N
communicate boundary data ("ghost cell")
take time steps locally
Overlapping Communication with Computation
for t = 1 to N
start boundary data sendrecv
compute new interior values
finish sendrecv
compute new boundary values
Batching Time Steps
for t = 1 to N by B
start boundary data sendrecv (B values)
compute new interior values
finish sendrecv (B values)
compute new boundary values
Explicit Pain
Explicit Pain
- Unstable for \(\Delta t > O(h^2)\)
- Generally happens for parabolic (diffusive) equations
- But these ideas are great for hyperbolic equations!
Implicit Stepping
- Backward Euler: \(u(t+\Delta t) \approx u(t) + \dot{u}(t + \Delta t)\)
- Discretized time step: \(u(t+\Delta T) = (I + Ch^2 T)^{-1} u(t)\)
- No time step restriction for stabliity (good!)
- But each step involves a linear solve (not so good!)
- Good if you like numerical linear algebra?
Explicit and Implicit
- Propagates information at finite rate
- Steps look like sparse matvec (in linear case)
- Stable step determined by fastest time scale
- Works fine for hyperbolic PDEs
Explicit and Implicit
- No need to resolve fastest time scales
- Steps can be long… but expensive
- Linear/nonlinear solves at each step
- Often these solves involve sparse matvecs
- Critical for parabolic PDEs
Poisson Problems
Consider 2D Poisson \[
-\nabla^2 u
= -\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2} - \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial y^2}
= f
- Prototypical elliptic problem (steady state)
- Similar to a backward Euler step on heat equation
Second-Order Finite Differences
\[u_{i,j} = h^{-2} \left(
4u_{ij} - u_{i-1,j} - u_{i+1,j} - u_{i,j-1} - u_{i,j+1} \right)
Second-Order Finite Differences
L = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc|ccc|ccc}
4 & -1 & & -1 & & & & & \\
-1 & 4 & -1 & & -1 & & & & \\
& -1 & 4 & & & -1 & & & \\ \hline
-1 & & & 4 & -1 & & -1 & & \\
& -1 & & -1 & 4 & -1 & & -1 & \\
& & -1 & & -1 & 4 & & & -1 \\ \hline
& & & -1 & & & 4 & -1 & \\
& & & & -1 & & -1 & 4 & -1 \\
& & & & & -1 & & -1 & 4
\end{array} \right]
Poisson Solvers in 2D/3D
\(N = n^d\) total unknowns
Ref: Demmel, Applied Numerical Linear Algebra, SIAM, 1997.
Poisson Solvers in 2D
Dense LU |
\(N^3\) |
\(N^2\) |
Band LU |
\(N^2\) |
\(N^{3/2}\) |
Jacobi |
\(N^2\) |
\(N\) |
Explicit inv |
\(N^2\) |
\(N^2\) |
Poisson Solvers in 2D
CG |
\(N^{3/2}\) |
\(N\) |
Red-black SOR |
\(N^{3/2}\) |
\(N\) |
Sparse LU |
\(N^{3/2}\) |
\(N \log N\) |
\(N \log N\) |
\(N\) |
Multigrid |
\(N\) |
\(N\) |
General Implicit Picture
- Implicit solves or steady state \(\implies\) solving systems
- Nonlinear solvers generally linearize
- Linear solvers can be
- Direct (hard to scale)
- Iterative (often problem-specific)
- Iterative solves boil down to matvec!
PDE Solver Summary
Can be implicit or explicit (as with ODEs)
- Explicit (sparse matvec) — fast, but short steps?
- works fine for hyperbolic PDEs
- Implicit (sparse solve)
- Direct solvers are hard!
- Sparse solvers turn into matvec again
PDE Solver Summary
Differential operators turn into local mesh stencils
- Matrix connectivity looks like mesh connectivity
- Can partition into subdomains that communicate only through boundary data
- More on graph partitioning later
PDE Solver Summary
Not all nearest neighbor ops are equally efficient!
- Depends on mesh structure
- Also depends on flops/point
- Next week: Distributed memory with MPI
- HW1 is posted: please run on Perlmutter!