Final project
Due 2020-12-21 (noon); blitz talk due 2020-12-16 (noon).
The final projects can be done in small teams or individually, and are meant to be an open-ended way for you to connect the course material to something else you are interested in. You should reason about performance in your project, but the details depend on what you intend to do. Some things to think about putting into a final report or presentation might include:
- Timing results (perhaps before and after tuning)
- Speedup or scaled speedup plots (for strong/weak scaling studies)
- Comments on the effect of tiling, vectorization, and other single-core optimizations
- Convergence plots for iterative methods
- Algorithmic rearrangements for performance
- Any relevant speed/accuracy tradeoffs
You are allowed to include a link to a code base, but the final outcome of your work is really the report and presentation.
Virtual presentation blitz instructions
Please record a short (at most five minutes) talk about your project, aimed at your fellow students. You can record this using Panopto, and should upload the recording to the class Canvas page. To upload, go to the “Panopto recordings” link on the left hand menu of the page, and add your recording to the “Final video” folder. Videos will be shared with the rest of the class to share.
Final report
Please submit a final report on your project by noon of December 21. Early submissions are appreciated, but not expected. Please do get these reports in on time, as I don’t have all that much time to grade them! You should submit this via CMS.