CS 519: Computer Networks
Spring 2002
MW 2:55-4:10pm, Upson B17
End of Semester Information
The last day to submit a regrade request for homeworks 1 and 2, prelim 1 and programming assignment 1 is Wednesday 5/1. To request a regrade, submit a written request along with your orginal graded work. The best place to do this would be in class on Wednesday. You could also drop these materials off with Kathy Carpenter in 4115 Upson. If you choose this option, please also send mail to cs519.

The last day to submit a regrade request for homework 3, prelim 2 and programming assignment 2 is Monday 5/6 by 4:30 PM (after 4:30 it will be impossible for you to leave your written request and graded materials with Kathy). To request a regrade, submit a written request along with your orginal graded work. You should also drop these materials off with Kathy Carpenter in 4115 Upson and then send mail to cs519. If your regrade request is for programming assignment 2 and you need to make an appointment to demonstrate your code (ie. you would like to be present at the regrade), please indicate this in your regrade request. The graders will then contact you to make an appointment. We would like these appointments to occur as early as possible. For next week, Tuesday 5/7 is the preferred date for appointment. In all cases, the appointment must be completed by Friday, 5/10.

If you have received a zero on any assignment because it was late, I encourage you to submit a written description of the circumstances. I would encourage you to submit a copy of the graded work along with your note. I will place your note in a file and I will read through all these notes before I assign final grades. If it would substantially change your grade and it is an isolated incident, I will likely return some or even most of the points you would have earned to you.

There is no final exam in this class.

We will hold regular office hours the week of 4/29/02. After that, if you would like to make an appointment, please send mail to cs519.

Questions? Contact Jeanna Matthews
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