Programming Assignment 2 Resources 1. General linux machines for all who have CSUGLab accounts: keiko, splash, stella, namu, nova ( Document on how to get started is available here: I've created linux home directories for everybody in CS519 (as listed in the students list used for homework submission). Their home directories are accessible from any of the hosts listed above. The getting started doc in the above URL encourages students to save their data files in their Unix home directories via samba share. In the future, as Linux being used more regularly for courses, we will make Linux home directories part of the standard setup. Note: Unix host (Sun Solaris 8) for general CSUGLab users is "". 2. For MEng students with CUCS accounts, they have access to the following hosts inside CS department ( Linux: cfs01 - cfs20 Sun Solaris 8: suzy-q, ringding, snoball, zinger 3. Linux project machines (per Ranveer): a) VMware and additional disk drives are installed on 7 machines marked with red dots in Room 315 Upson. b) RedHat 7.2 installations are available on 7 machines marked with red dots in room 330 Upson (ask Ranveer for root access).