CS 519: Computer Networks
Spring 2002
MW 2:55-4:10pm, Upson B17
  W. Richards Stevens, TCP/IP Illustrated Volume 1, The Protocols , Addison-Wesley , ISBN 0-201-63346-9, online copy .

James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-down Approach Featuring the Internet, Addison-Wesley , ISBN 0-201-47711-4 .
Note: online subscription to full text of book available for $25, ISBN 0-201-71375-6. Here is one place to buy it . Login and read it .

Introduction to computer networks with an emphasis on evolving Internet standards. Detailed introduction to networking protocols for reliable data transfer, flow control, congestion control, naming and addressing, routing, error control and multiple access. Fundamentals of layered protocols and techniques for protocol design and implementation.
COM S 314 or permission of instructor; COM S 414 highly recommended ( if you have not taken this course or an equivalent please talk with me)

Questions? Contact Jeanna Matthews
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