CS 519: Computer Networks
Spring 2002
MW 2:55-4:10pm, Upson B17
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How does Cs 519 compare to the Computer Networks course taught by Zygmunt Haas (EE 445)?
A. The goal is for there to be two major differences (Feedback from those of you who have taken both would be very helpful.) First, ee445 focuses on theoretical performance analysis while cs519 would focus on implementation and possibly performance evaluation of actual implemenations. Second, ee445 will focus more on the IP layer and below while cs519 will focus more on IP layer and above. Both courses will cover the full protocol stack for students taking only one course, but the emphasis will be different. Students taking both courses would see some of the material twice but the overall courses should give students two very different but complementary windows on the same material.
Q. Do I need to buy both textbooks?
A. I would recommend buying a hardcopy of the Stevens book and getting an online subscription to the Kurose and Ross book. The Kurose and Ross book is great for the high level overview and motivation. It also proceeds top-down through the protocol stack as we will be doing in class so reading it will seem more natural. The Stevens book is a gem for its clear presentation of the details. You could probably get the high level overview on your own but it would be hard to get the details without the Stevens text. Of course, having both in hardcopy isn't a bad idea and the Kurose and Ross hardcopy comes with access to the on-line text.
Questions? Contact Jeanna Matthews
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