Group Member 1:  <Name and NetId>

Group Member 2: <Name and NetId>


·        Java Files Submitted: <All the *.java files in the submission>


·        Compilation Procedure: <Steps to compile the code from the command line assuming the user has jdk1.2 or 1.3.  No assumptions should be made about the presence of any other software, such as MSVJ++, CodeWarrior, GNU Make, etc>


·        Running the Proxy: <This should be as stated in the assignment specification, i.e. java WebProxy –c <cache size in kiloBytes> -p <port number>.   Other notes, such as limitations in cache size or values of port numbers, should be mentioned>


·        Cached Files: <The location of the cached files. No files should be stored outside your directory structure>


·        Proxy Features: <Does the proxy comply with the basic specifications of the assignment? Were you able to complete all the 3 phases? Otherwise, list the features that have been implemented. Details should be mentioned in DESIGN.txt>


·        Extra features implemented (if any): <Any optional features that have been implemented, such as HTTP/1.1 features, the If-Modified-Since header, or any other options that were not required in the assignment.  Again, just list the features.  Details should be in DESIGN.txt>


·        Execution Bugs (if any): <Websites for which the proxy behaves erratically or incorrectly.  Other problems faced, such as loading images, or other mime types should be mentioned.   Errors, such as ‘Object Expected’, or any other problems faced should also be stated>


·        Annotated Bibliography (if any): <Give pointers (or include copies) of code referenced. Describe the degree of influence on your own code. A sample was posted to the newsgroup>