Notes for Team 9-11
(From September 25 meeting with Prof. Keshav)
This is the wide-open project. You should come up with an application
that does "one thing" that involves the internet and telephone network.
You should worry about cutting your losses if the other teams don't get
all their stuff working. For example, come up with a way to "fake it"
e.g. by reading voice samples from a data file.
The idea of null implementations is to allow applications to start working
right from the beginning.
The main thing that is interesting for this group is the chance to think
up something really new and neat. It is a chance to come up with a
design and a specification. But don't waste you time on building GUIs.
How big should our project be?
About the same as the whiteboard with a conference call.
What can we assume from other teams?
Directory service, gateway, etc. But don't plan to build on top of
another application.
How do we test our application?
Once you have gotten null interfaces from other teams, you can begin to
test your application.