Notes for Team 7-8
(From September 25 meeting with Prof. Keshav)
You get to use all the services provided by the other teams. You can
assume location services (person's identity and location, as provided
by directory service).
Voicemail application:
The gateway gets and sends email on one side, and handles telephone
calls on the other.
You will need to handle both audio and email files. RealAudio, fun
to use, converts binary files to audio. There is a RealAudio server in
the department.
You will also use text-to-speech software, which produces binary files.
You will need to collect passwords (PINs) from the telephone.
Whiteboard application:
The whiteboard is implemented for participating PC's. You can get it
off the net (ftp:/, in conferencing/).
An easy implementation would be a java applet in your browser.
This application stresses the multipoint function of the dataflow team.
For example, how do you find out which conferences are in session?
You might implement public and private channels.
When implementing a join, you might want to find out where the closest
point is.
How to handle multiple conversations is an issue. You could collect
all at a bridge and average all incoming voice samples and send it back.
Or you might do a tree of bridges. Or you could use a conference
control-moderator which "passes a baton" to the next speaker. Another
alternative to a bridge is a multicast group.
You need a directory to keep track of people.
Where to start: 2 parties sharing a whiteboard. Then you can move on
to decide whether to use a bridge or not. Then add in the telephone,
and then add conference control.
Flow management: the data flow team will have to separate out the
sessions into separate [audio] streams for you.
What is a MIME attachment?
A method for attaching standard format files to email, supported
in most of today's mailers.
Do we need to worry about encryption?
There is no need to encrypt PIN data, since it comes in over the phone
network, which is already secure. If you have time, you can encrypt email
What should we use for storage?
You can use Access via JDBC, or MSQL (mini-SQL), or just a file.
What is our audio signal?
8-bit, 8KHz, PCM samples.