Notes for Team 2

(From September 25 meeting with Prof. Keshav)



  1. Is this team responsible for the data? No. Coordinate with Team 1. Data will be in RTP format.
  2. What happens when the phone hangs up? The PBX gets the signal, sends a protocol message to the gateway saying this has happened, who then breaks the association with the PC, and makes the line a now-available resource.
  3. What if the PC goes down? This is harder. The data team has to notice no traffic after a while and tell you. You can then send another invite. If no ack in a reasonable time, tear down the call.
  4. Must we allow conferencing? SIP allows you to join multi-party calls, so yes, you should allow conferencing.
  5. Do the signalling software and the client run on the same machine? Typically not. The directory service gives you the current IP number and port of the client. The directory is a "location server".