Advice for the course staff

Get the hardware earlier.

Define the task boundaries between teams better. Otherwise, some teams end up doing nearly half of the whole project (in our group, Signaling really did a lot).

The gateway machine should be in the same lab as the other project machines - it is very difficult to debug and test when it is necessary to run back and forth between different rooms.

If the gateway remains in the Systems lab, then the Management teams should get access to the Systems lab as well, if only to aid in communication between the people working with the gateway and the rest of the team.

Sharing Vada has been somewhat awkward.  The Dialogic board should be shared by at most two or three groups. 

And it would have been nice to have a lab to ourselves, complete with several futons, a shower, and a well-stocked refrigerator.

Group machines should have permissions to access undergraduate lab fileservers, as well as the babbage samba server.