What we learned

We learned how to use basic Dialogic SDK functionality if synchronous and asynchronous modes. We also learned basics of SCBus routing. We learned how to write user-defined I/O functions for Dialogic SDK.

In the process of learning how to use Dialogic SDK, we also learned that Dialogic does not write good documentation. Although it is very complete, there is absolutely no help for beginners. Actually, it turned out we were lucky we were able to figure out SCBus routing in a few hours, since most other groups couldn't and ended up asking us how to do it.

We learned how use J/Direct to call C functions from Java and to provide Java callbacks so that C functions could call Java functions.

In the process of learning how to use J/Direct, we also learned that Microsoft does not write good documentation. Although it is very helpful for beginners, it is not complete at all.

We learned about various audio formats (linear PCM, mu-law, etc) and how to convert data between these formats.

In process of learning about various audio formats, we also learned that you can find some really good documentation on the Web.

This was my (Alexey) first time using MSDev, so I learned how to use it.

I (Alexey) never programmed in Java before, so I learned the basics of Java programming.

We now know what the Sun vs. Microsoft trial is about.

Integration is much more difficult than we imagined. Murphy's Law runs rampant.