Date: 10/27/1998

Name of group: Keshav’s Kids

Team members: Edward Weiss, Bryan Camilli

Task: Management Integration Team



What you did since the first report: Describe, in a page or so, the work you did in the last month. Are you on schedule?

We had two items to on our schedule to get done before the submission of this report. The first of these was to setup software version control software (CVS) and instruct group members on the usage of CVS. We completed this task quite successfully. However, most of the team members have not checked in any code yet, so further instruction on CVS usage will probably be required.

The next task we had scheduled was to review interface specifications for all teams, and make sure that the teams are interfacing well and that the project is running on schedule. However, we have not done a very good job of coordinating the group so far. Only have the teams have showed up for the last general meeting and only have the teams have submitted their reports on babbage for us to review. We have come to the realization that our group needs more coordination and motivation – our group is not interfacing together as well as we would like them to. So we brought this to their attention and sent e-mails addressing this issue. In the coming weeks we will put more effort into coordinating our group.


Problems: What problems did you run into? Include both technical problems, and problems in coordinating your work with others.


As mentioned above, we’ve had problems with ensuring effective interfaces between teams.

Between fall break and the last puzzle our teams have had very little time to work together on interfaces. Plus we have not done a good job of coordination, in the future we are going to be "cracking the whip" a little harder.


What you learned: What did you learn by working on the project?

What would you do differently next time: Mistakes you don't want to repeat!


We have learned that nothing goes as planned. One important lesson is that we should have gotten firm commitments from each team. We would have been much more productive if we had obtained or made deadlines for each team to stick to. This way they would know exactly when their part is due and exactly what we expect from them.

We have also done some research on SNMP to better understand the requirements for a network management protocol. SNMP describes an effective way to monitor the components of our telephony system.


Interface that your team will provide to other teams or use: Please give the exact procedure calls that you will make or support.


Our team does not need to provide interface to other teams at this point.


What you need from the course staff: give details on documentation, advice, code, access to hardware


At this point we don’t need much from the staff besides what’s already provided for us.


References: What sources did you consult in working out the details of your project? URLs for Web pages are acceptable for references.