Network GUI Structure

Data Client
- listens to new data arriving on designated port
The main role of the data client is to update and dispatche changes to
appropriate network components
This part remains to be completed
Main Page
Show representation of physical network. The goal is to have a bunch of active
controls, such as a computer, telephone, server, pbx, and links interconnected
in one group. This group of controls will display the current state of the network.
Every time a new peice of information is received the data client will call
the update methods of the appropriate network components. For example, when
the status of a link changes from disconnected to connected, the link will
change color accordingly. Or if a computer goes down, a red light will be
displayed next to the computer.
The other part of the gui (to be completed) will display a table of relevant
information and network statistics. We will be able to display the names people who
are currently makeing a phone call as well as how many phone calls have
been made so far.
Also, each network component will have a context menu associated with it. By
clicking over a component with the right mouse button you will be able to select
from a list of relevant options for that component.

Helper Applets
- An applet capable of graphing received data And displaying statistics
By clicking on any network component a graph or statistics page will
pop up depending on which one of them is appropriate.

VJ++ 6.0 API
Evaluation version of Visual Studio expired.
- Had to purchase new version
- The Java API for VJ++ 6.0 changed from the evaluation release to
the final release
- had to modify code to fit new API
Might have a problem with running this version of java with other versions
- possible solution is to run the management GUI on a seperate computer
that has an updated Java VM