Dialogic Manuals: A Road Map

There are almost 3000 pages of documentation about how to write programs for Dialogic products. For the class project, it has been decided not to require programming the IPLink board after all. It is there and functioning as a bus master for the D41/E card but for now you should conctrate on the low level libdxxmt.lib and the libsrlmt.lib libraries. These can be used to program the D/41E card (the one the phone lines are plugged into). Review the samples reachable from the Start->Program menu.

For further investigation, other manuals are listed below along with a brief description of their contents and some remarks about how they are interrelated.

voxapint.pdf 453 pages. "Voice Programmer's Guide for WinNT".
This documents the ATDX_ and dx_ calls, which are what are contained in libdxxmt.lib. Be sure also to consult the Release Guide, with new calls in it. Voice would be one of the "DM3 Resources", the one we are most interested in. Use this guide to program the D/41E board.

srlapint.pdf 135 pages. "Standard Runtime Library Programmer's Guide for WinNT".
This document describes Dialogic's multi-threaded library, libsrlmt.lib. It covers the various thread-based programming models; it could be helpful in understanding the data paths of the dialogic board. The point of this library is to interface with the threads libraries on various platforms: Unix, OS2, DOS, NT.

relnotes.pdf 53 pages. "Dialogic System Software and SDK DNA2 Release Catalog".
This is the key description of new features contained in IPLink release 2.1, like fileerrorno; it also contains the current bug list.

dm3apint.pdf 196 pages. "DM3 Direct Interface Function Reference for WinNT".
This manual describes all the calls in mnti.lib. These calls work directly with the WinNT platform and with Dialogic drivers loaded in the firmware on the boards in vada. It also describes some crucial NT functions like OVERLAP structures and I/O Completion Ports.

dm3udint.pdf 142 pages. "Using the DM3 Direct Interface for Windows NT".
This is the Guide that goes along with the Direct Interface Function Reference. It is loaded with examples of doing message passing among DM3 components; it describes stream I/O. It discusses the various thread-based programming models (see srlapint.pdf). Finally, it describes the tools and utilities that are available for the new IPLink card.

dm3afcnt.pdf 196 pages. "Application Foundation Code for the DM3 Direct Interface".
The so-called application foundation code is an extended programming example that calls the Direct Interface (mnti.lib) API. It contains a lot of subroutines that being with "dm3"; the source code is available on vada in \dialogic\samples\hoboken, and programmers are encouraged to use the code in their applications. The manual introduces the concept of "clusters" which are groups of resources that work on the same time-slot of voice data. The manual describes the GlobalCall resource, which includes the TSC (Telephony Services Component) and the NetTSC. GlobalCall relates to ISDN features, though, so it has not been loaded onto vada. The AFC is a pretty heavy-weight for a programming example.

iptgdnt.pdf 135 pages. "IPTGate Demo (IP - PSTN Gateway) User's Guide for WinNT".
This describes the IPTGate demo, an application demonstrating the application foundation code. We have not yet figured out how to get this demo to completely run on vada. But reading the various sources in Dialogic\samples\ipt\iptgate can be instructive.

iptugnt.pdf 144 pages. "DM3 IPLink User's Guide for Windows NT".
This document includes a description of the NetTSP resource (Net Telephony Service Provider) and the NetTSC (Net Telphony Services Component) and the H.323 component. The guide purports to tell you how to build an internet telephony application using the DM3 IPLink platform. However, Figure 1 in the IPT User's Guide certainly implies that you must have on-board NIC in order to use NetTSP/TSC. And we do not have onboard NIC. But then Figure 4 implies that we can use the NetTSP component even without an on-board NIC. However, further reading in the manual seems to say that NetTSC handles TDM data only. Can we also use any of this interface to handle our PCM data? This is an area for further research. In any casE, NetTSC handles inbound/outbound internet calls, and that will be needed for gateway applications.

What features do our IPLink boards have? Well, it does have 12 processors (6 on each daughtercard). The DM3 card (the IPLink card) does not have any on-board NIC. The card manages 4 analog phone lines via the CT Bus cable connecting it to the D/41EPCI card. We still are using the SCBus protocol, however (it is compatible with the CT Bus). The IPTGate demo is (probably) based on this guide.

(This document has also been called dm3guide.pdf)

dacapint.pdf 138 pages. "Dig. Audio Conferencing Software Ref for WinNT".
Specialized to conferencing.

dgnapint.pdf 219 pages Dig. "Network Interface Prog. Guide for WinNT".
This would be one of the DM3 resource guides.

dnarelnt.pdf 136 pages. "Dialogic System Software and SDK for WinNT".
Concentrates more on SCbus functions; not that useful for programming anything. It is also dated; there is no coverage of dx_open. But according to Figure 6 in the IPLink User's Guide, the native library (e.g. dxxlib.h) is what is called from the SRL layer (i.e. mnt routines).

gclapial.pdf 329+pages. "GlobalCall API Software Reference".
GlobalCall is one of the so-called "Application Foundation Code" resources (along with DM3 recorder, DM3 player, DM3 signal generator, and DM3 signal detector). However, it is really for ISDN applications, so we did not load it onto vada.

voxftgnt.pdf 125 pages. "Voice Features Guide for WinNT"
"Features" have to do with speed, volume, tone-detection. Fancy stuff - not needed for basic Dialogic board programming).

dm3msgal.pdf 105 pages. "DM3 Standard Component Interface Messages"
This book describes all of the DM3 Standard Messages.

dm3ovral.pdf 55 pages. "DM3 Mediastream Architecture Overview"
It has the details of the DM3 architecture that Dialogic has proposed as a multiplatform open standard for telephony applications. More stuff about clusters.

iptelref.pdf 87 pages. "IP Telephony Reference Guide"
The IPT Reference Guide describes all the TSC Messages (messages used for one NetTSC component to talk to another).

mscapint.pdf 163 pages. "MSI/SC Software Reference for WinNT"
Documents the ms_ calls. The MSI/SC is the "Dialogic modular station interface board" which we do not have. We don't even have a library on vada that contains ms_ calls.

Donna Bergmark, November 1998