![]() |
CUGL 2.1
Cornell University Game Library
This is the complete list of members for cugl::TextureLoader, including all inherited members.
_assets | cugl::Loader< Texture > | protected |
_loader | cugl::BaseLoader | protected |
_magfilter | cugl::TextureLoader | protected |
_manager | cugl::BaseLoader | protected |
_minfilter | cugl::TextureLoader | protected |
_mipmaps | cugl::TextureLoader | protected |
_queue | cugl::Loader< Texture > | protected |
_wraps | cugl::TextureLoader | protected |
_wrapt | cugl::TextureLoader | protected |
alloc() | cugl::TextureLoader | inlinestatic |
alloc(const std::shared_ptr< ThreadPool > &threads) | cugl::TextureLoader | inlinestatic |
BaseLoader() | cugl::BaseLoader | inline |
complete() const | cugl::BaseLoader | inline |
contains(const std::string key) const | cugl::BaseLoader | inline |
dispose() override | cugl::TextureLoader | inlinevirtual |
get(const std::string key) const | cugl::Loader< Texture > | inline |
getHook() | cugl::BaseLoader | inline |
getMagFilter() const | cugl::TextureLoader | inline |
getManager() const | cugl::BaseLoader | inline |
getMinFilter() const | cugl::TextureLoader | inline |
getThreadPool() const | cugl::BaseLoader | inline |
getWrapS() const | cugl::TextureLoader | inline |
getWrapT() const | cugl::TextureLoader | inline |
hasMipMaps() const | cugl::TextureLoader | inline |
init() | cugl::BaseLoader | inlinevirtual |
init(const std::shared_ptr< ThreadPool > &threads) | cugl::BaseLoader | inlinevirtual |
keys() override | cugl::Loader< Texture > | inlineprotectedvirtual |
load(const std::string key, const std::string source) | cugl::BaseLoader | inline |
load(const std::shared_ptr< JsonValue > &json) | cugl::BaseLoader | inline |
loadAsync(const std::string key, const std::string source, LoaderCallback callback) | cugl::BaseLoader | inline |
loadAsync(const std::shared_ptr< JsonValue > &json, LoaderCallback callback) | cugl::BaseLoader | inline |
loadCount() const override | cugl::Loader< Texture > | inlinevirtual |
Loader() | cugl::Loader< Texture > | inline |
materialize(const std::string &key, SDL_Surface *surface, LoaderCallback callback) | cugl::TextureLoader | protected |
materialize(const std::shared_ptr< JsonValue > &json, SDL_Surface *surface, LoaderCallback callback) | cugl::TextureLoader | protected |
operator[](const std::string key) const | cugl::Loader< Texture > | inline |
parseAtlas(const std::shared_ptr< JsonValue > &json, const std::shared_ptr< Texture > &texture) | cugl::TextureLoader | protected |
preload(const std::string &source) | cugl::TextureLoader | protected |
progress() const | cugl::BaseLoader | inline |
purge(const std::shared_ptr< JsonValue > &json) override | cugl::TextureLoader | protectedvirtual |
Loader< Texture >::purge(const std::string key) override | cugl::Loader< Texture > | inlineprotectedvirtual |
read(const std::string key, const std::string source, LoaderCallback callback, bool async) override | cugl::TextureLoader | protectedvirtual |
read(const std::shared_ptr< JsonValue > &json, LoaderCallback callback, bool async) override | cugl::TextureLoader | protectedvirtual |
setMagFilter(GLuint magFilter) | cugl::TextureLoader | inline |
setManager(AssetManager *manager) | cugl::BaseLoader | inline |
setMinFilter(GLuint minFilter) | cugl::TextureLoader | inline |
setMipMaps(bool flag) | cugl::TextureLoader | inline |
setThreadPool(const std::shared_ptr< ThreadPool > &threads) | cugl::BaseLoader | inline |
setWrapS(GLuint wrap) | cugl::TextureLoader | inline |
setWrapT(GLuint wrap) | cugl::TextureLoader | inline |
TextureLoader() | cugl::TextureLoader | |
unload(const std::string key) | cugl::BaseLoader | inline |
unload(const std::shared_ptr< JsonValue > &json) | cugl::BaseLoader | inline |
unloadAll() override | cugl::Loader< Texture > | inlinevirtual |
verify(const std::string key) const override | cugl::Loader< Texture > | inlineprotectedvirtual |
waitCount() const override | cugl::Loader< Texture > | inlinevirtual |
~BaseLoader() | cugl::BaseLoader | inline |