CUGL 2.1
Cornell University Game Library
cugl::Font Member List

This is the complete list of members for cugl::Font, including all inherited members.

alloc(const std::string file, Uint32 size)cugl::Fontinlinestatic
buildAtlases(const std::string charset)cugl::Font
buildAtlases(const std::vector< Uint32 > &charset)cugl::Font
buildAtlasesAsync(const std::string charset)cugl::Font
buildAtlasesAsync(const std::vector< Uint32 > &charset)cugl::Font
getAscent() constcugl::Fontinline
getDescent() constcugl::Fontinline
getGlyph(Uint32 thechar, Vec2 &offset)cugl::Font
getGlyph(Uint32 thechar, Vec2 &offset, const Rect rect)cugl::Font
getGlyphBoxes(const std::string text, const Vec2 origin)cugl::Font
getGlyphBoxes(const char *substr, const char *end, const Vec2 origin)cugl::Font
getGlyphBoxes(const std::string text, const Vec2 origin, const Rect rect, float track=0)cugl::Font
getGlyphBoxes(const char *substr, const char *end, const Vec2 origin, const Rect rect, float track=0)cugl::Font
getGlyphBoxes(Mesh< SpriteVertex2 > &mesh, const std::string text, const Vec2 origin)cugl::Font
getGlyphBoxes(Mesh< SpriteVertex2 > &mesh, const char *substr, const char *end, const Vec2 origin)cugl::Font
getGlyphBoxes(Mesh< SpriteVertex2 > &mesh, const std::string text, const Vec2 origin, const Rect rect, float track=0)cugl::Font
getGlyphBoxes(Mesh< SpriteVertex2 > &mesh, const char *substr, const char *end, const Vec2 origin, const Rect rect, float track=0)cugl::Font
getGlyphs(const std::string text, const Vec2 origin)cugl::Font
getGlyphs(const char *substr, const char *end, const Vec2 origin)cugl::Font
getGlyphs(const std::string text, const Vec2 origin, const Rect rect, float track=0)cugl::Font
getGlyphs(const char *substr, const char *end, const Vec2 origin, const Rect rect, float track=0)cugl::Font
getGlyphs(std::unordered_map< GLuint, std::shared_ptr< GlyphRun >> &runs, const std::string text, const Vec2 origin)cugl::Font
getGlyphs(std::unordered_map< GLuint, std::shared_ptr< GlyphRun >> &runs, const char *substr, const char *end, const Vec2 origin)cugl::Font
getGlyphs(std::unordered_map< GLuint, std::shared_ptr< GlyphRun >> &runs, const char *substr, const char *end, const Vec2 origin, const Rect rect, float track=0)cugl::Font
getGlyphs(std::unordered_map< GLuint, std::shared_ptr< GlyphRun >> &runs, const std::string text, const Vec2 origin, const Rect rect, float track=0)cugl::Font
getHeight() constcugl::Fontinline
getHinting() constcugl::Fontinline
getInternalBounds(const std::string text) constcugl::Font
getInternalBounds(const char *substr, const char *end) constcugl::Font
getKerning(Uint32 a, Uint32 b) constcugl::Font
getLineSkip() constcugl::Fontinline
getMetrics(Uint32 thechar) constcugl::Font
getName() constcugl::Fontinline
getPadding() constcugl::Fontinline
getPointSize() constcugl::Fontinline
getShrinkLimit() constcugl::Fontinline
getSize(const std::string text) constcugl::Font
getSize(const char *substr, const char *end) constcugl::Font
getStretchLimit() constcugl::Fontinline
getStyle() constcugl::Fontinline
getStyleName() constcugl::Fontinline
getTracking(const std::string text, float width)cugl::Font
getTracking(const char *substr, const char *end, float width)cugl::Font
hasAtlas(Uint32 thechar) constcugl::Fontinline
hasAtlases(const std::string charset) constcugl::Font
hasAtlases(const std::vector< Uint32 > &charset) constcugl::Font
hasAtlasFallback() constcugl::Fontinline
hasGlyph(Uint32 a) constcugl::Font
hasGlyphs(const std::string glyphs) constcugl::Font
hasGlyphs(const std::vector< Uint32 > &glyphs) constcugl::Fontinline
Hinting enum namecugl::Font
init(const std::string file, Uint32 size)cugl::Font
isFixedWidth() constcugl::Fontinline
setAtlasFallback(bool fallback)cugl::Fontinline
setHinting(Hinting hinting)cugl::Font
setKerning(bool kerning)cugl::Font
setPadding(Uint32 padding)cugl::Font
setShrinkLimit(Uint32 limit)cugl::Fontinline
setStretchLimit(Uint32 limit)cugl::Fontinline
setStyle(Style style)cugl::Font
Style enum namecugl::Font
usesKerning() constcugl::Fontinline