CS 5150: Software Engineering (Spring 2025)

Project report #4

As with reports #2 & #3, the content of your intermediate reports will depend on your selected development methodology and on the milestones you laid out in your project plan (including any updates you have made to it). Remember that their purpose is to provide visibility to the client and demonstrate whether or not your project is on track. To that extent, these reports should always address the status of any milestones whose target dates have passed and include updates to the project plan (especially schedule and risk) if changes are required. They should also include or account for any deliverables ready by the report deadline (including summaries and takeaways from client demos). For heavyweight methodologies, these reports may be a natural place to request client approval of gating deliverables (be sure to request such approval explicitly in separate communication with your client).

Here are some additional recommended elements to include in your fourth report for methodologies commonly used by CS 5150 projects:

Modified waterfall
Evidence of completion of the majority of implementation (including testing progress)
Iterative refinement
Final refinements to requirements and design, demo of final prototype, plan for implementing production-ready version
Products of second sprint (production-ready code & documentation), evaluation of second sprint (slipped tasks, discovered work, velocity), final sprint plan

Additionally, your fourth report must document the state of testing in your project. This documentation should include: