CS 5150: Software Engineering (Spring 2025)

Midpoint presentation

You should be meeting regularly with your client throughout the semester, getting feedback on your requirements modeling, UI designs, etc. But CS 5150 also requires two formal presentations attended by both your client and a member of the course staff. The midpoint presentation must be given during the third development session.

Your presentation time is limited to 1 hour, of which at least 15 minutes should be reserved for questions (you should expect, and encourage, interruptions by the audience, as client understanding and feedback is critical to a successful project). Every team member must present a portion of at least one of the two formal presentations. Be sure to come prepared and rehearsed and to practice good presentation etiquette.

The following topics would be appropriate for the midpoint presentation:

See the lecture 12 handout for an overview of presentation tips and expectations.

Teams working on external projects must invite the instructor to their presentation at a time when they are available; use their reservations link on Canvas to reserve a 1-hour slot (in addition to sending an invitation e-mail). In-person presentations are preferred, and course staff can assist teams with finding a room.