CS 5150
Software Engineering
Fall 2013

Project Suggestion:
Mars Rover Virtual Laboratory


Mars Rover Virtual Laboratory


Walker White, Computer Science Department

Student contact

Aleksey Polesskiy (ap495@cornell.edu) is setting up a team for this project. If you are interested in joining the team, please contact him.


NASA Inspires EVE

The Astronomy department, together with the Game Design Initiative, is looking for a team to help develop a virtual laboratory experience set on Mars. Students will control the Mars rover and use it to conduct virtual experiments on the soil and terrain. The program will be similar to a game, in that students will need to account for power usage in budgeting the experiments.

The project will have access to 3D scan data from the Mars rover missions. However, the project should focus on the laboratory experiements and not attempt to be a vehicle simulator (like the recently released "Take on Mars"). The project should be developed in Unity 3D (unity3d.com) so that it is cross-platform and available on a wide variety of devices.

Game design experience is desirable, but not necessary.

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Last changed: August 2013