CS 5150
Software Engineering
Fall 2013

Project Suggestion:




This project now has a full team.


Jesse McElwain <jdm299@cornell.edu>
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Client team members

Kai Keane <kik27@cornell.edu>
Luke Ackerknecht <lma58@cornell.edu>

The client team is an entrepreneurial team who intend to carry this project through to completion and launch within a year. Members of the team have experience managing projects locally and internationally, and have founded well known campus institutions, including POPSHOP and Cornell University Sustainable Design, with strong connections to Cornell Tech, Entrepreneurship@Cornell, and the Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise.


The client writes,

"CoProject is a web application that connects people and projects based on skills, interests, and experience. It empowers individuals to discover projects that they love doing, with people who love doing them.

"We are a professional team looking to expand on campus. We expect to have a close and collaborative working relationship throughout the semester; we will work alongside each other developing the platform.

"The CS 5150 project is to

  • Develop a scalable back-end
  • Develop a collaborative tagging system

"There are also opportunities to work in UI/UX, but this is not expected.

"The deliverable will consist of a functional prototype of “phase 1” of CoProject. This prototype will include user authentication, user/project/organization profile system, and a searchable tagging system for user and projects.

"You’ll be in this from the beginning, building the application from the ground up. You’ll take the project from an idea into a real application, with the freedom to explore options and make the best technical decisions."

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Last changed: August 2013