CS 5150
Software Engineering
Fall 2011

Project Suggestion:




Jeff Shaffer, InfoSci '12, CTO, Cognection Inc, jeff@cognection.com


Cognection is an early stage startup fresh out of NYC's exploding startup accelerator scene. We have recently commercialized three decades of research in consumer psychology and behavioral economics to generate a new type of product recommendation that makes the online retail experience less frustrating for consumers, and more profitable for retailers. Our product recommendations combine the most important product attributes with implicit user preference data to enhance the customer experience by enabling choice justification. We identify, quantify, and fix human irrationality to nudge consumers to guide them through the conversion funnel in a manner optimized for better choices that ends frustration in e-commerce.


Project details will be announced in class.


Interested? Contact Jeff Shaffer (jeff@cognection.com) with a quick introduction and any of your relevant skills/ strengths. Looking to fill all types of roles on the project team.

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Last changed: August 2011