CS 5150
Software Engineering
Fall 2011

Project Suggestion:
C-TRAC: Cornell’s Transportation Reporting and Analysis Coalition


C-TRAC: Cornell’s Transportation Reporting and Analysis Coalition


Michele Malski, Cornell University 2012 Industrial Labor Relations: Law & Society
Founder & President of C-TRAC: Cornell's Transportation Reporting and Analysis Coalition

(570) 498-0935


What we do:

Excite the Cornell Community about public transportation by promoting public transportation’s cost efficiency, reliability, and sustainability.

How we work:

Members of C-TRAC join because they believe in change, a change that starts right here at Cornell. To become a team beacon, our members must complete a minimum of one written testimonial about their experience with any form of public transportation that they have encountered based on five criteria; cost, comfort, convenience, sociability, and reliability. It is a really easy club to join, and basically just talking about public transportation and jotting down a few notes about it, gets prospective members membership for a whole year. Our members will be encouraged to share their stories that may be surrounding their public transportation endeavors and so many will have more than one entry. These entries are then to be compiled on a online database that all of the Cornell Community and beyond can access and see, share and learn from. What we need to have created is a user friendly system that anyone looking for a way to be sustainable and not to use their car to get from say, Syracuse to New York City, can look up ways to do so on our C-TRAC web portal. Then, all a researcher should have to do is type in a origin and arrival destination, and upon clicking “search” should then receive a screen populated with all of the public transportation experiences from our members that have traveled from Syracuse to New York City, or any other relevant trip.

What we need:

C-TRAC is in desperate need of your help to get this new organization up and running. Your commitment and services will provide our organization the ability to enlighten the entire University about public transportation and its importance to our connectivity around the world. We need you, the experts, to help stabilize our cause, and ensure our future here on campus through this online system. I would be more than willing and excited to meet with you whenever you need and so desire, as the president and founder of this great organization that fosters great potential for knowledge that has been neglected for too long, the knowledge and power of public transportation.

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Last changed: September 2011