Scripting Languages CS5142, Fall 2013 hw04
- Dates:
Assigned Thursday 9/19/2012, due Friday 9/27/2013 at 6pm.
- Topic:
Textual data processing (Perl)
- Total points:
- Instructions:
Please put your solutions to all concept questionsin a single plain-text file,
such as what you get when using Emacs, Vi, Notepad, or the “save as
text only” feature in Word. Please put your Perl programming questions
in plain-text files with a .pl extension.
Reading Assignments
Concept Questions
hw04_1 Weak, strong, static, and dynamic typing
- 1a.
- (3 points) Compare Perl and VBA in terms of the strength
of their type system. Which one is more strongly typed, and why?
- 1b.
- (3 points) Compare Perl and VBA in terms of the
dynamicity of their type system. Which one is more dynamically
typed, and why?
- 1c.
- (4 points) Given an equivalent level of dynamicity of
the type system, what advantage might a more weakly typed language
have over a more strongly typed language?
hw04_2 Context in Perl
Consider the following Perl script:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
sub f1($) { my ($v) = @_; print "f1 $v\n"; }
sub f2(@) { my ($v) = @_; print "f2 $v\n"; }
my $s = "ww";
my @a = ("xx", "yy", "zz");
f1 $s; f1 @a; f2 $s; f2 @a;
- 2a.
- (2 points) What does it print?
- 2b.
- (4 points) Explain the behavior.
- 2c.
- (4 points) Why is it useful to support this behavior in
a programming language?
Programming exercises
hw04_3 Priority queue class
(10 points) Write a Perl class that implements a priority queue of
numbers. Your class should have two methods: insert(key) and
extractMax(). Your implementation should be robust with
respect to queue size, growing the underlying data structures if
necessary. Your code does not need to be efficient, so you do not need
to find the fastest possible algorithm to solve this. Consider the
following driver script:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use PriorityQueue;
my $q = new PriorityQueue();
print $q->extractMax() . "\n";
print $q->extractMax() . "\n";
print $q->extractMax() . "\n";
print $q->extractMax() . "\n";
This should print 4.2, 3.1, 1.9, and 0.5, in other words, it should
output the previously-inserted numbers in descending order by value.
To solve this question, you need to put your code in a file, so that the driver can pick it up via the
use PriorityQueue statement.
hw04_4 Gunning fog index
(10 points) Quoting wikipedia, “the Gunning fog index measures
the readability of English writing”. Write a Perl script that
computes the Gunning fog index for an input text. You should use the
following algorithm:
- Determine the average sentence length (divide the number of
words by the number of sentences). You can assume that every
sentence ends in one of the punctuations period, question mark,
or exclamation mark [.?!]. Words are sequences of
upper-case or lower-case versions of [a-z].
- Count the “complex” words: those with three or more
syllables. You can assume a one-to-one correspondence between
syllables and separate groups of vowels. Vowels are upper-case or
lower-case versions of [aeiouy]. Do not include the
common suffixes -es, -ed, -ing, or
-ly as a syllable.
- Add the average sentence length and the percentage of complex
words, and multiply the result by 0.4.
For example, given the following input text from wikipedia:
The fog index is commonly used to confirm that text can be read
easily by the intended audience. Texts for a wide audience generally
need a fog index less than 12. Texts requiring near-universal
understanding generally need an index less than 8.
This text has 3 sentences and 41 words, including the 6 hard words
audience, audience, general, universal, understand, and general.
There are around 13.7 words per sentence with 14.6% hard words. The
resulting fog index is therefore around 11.3.