Course URL:
10:10 -- 11:25am Monday and Wednesday. Hollister 110.
Office hours:
Available after class and most afternoons, Mon -- Wed.
Feel free to drop by without an appointment.
Email is great for questions that require a short answer and
don't require much context.
But email is a horrible way to have a conversation, and
most questions about course content and procedures
are better discussed in person.
Besides, live interactions are more fun and more efficient.
Students are therefore urged to email the instructor only when it is
sensible. For example, email is a very sensible way to set up an appointment
to speak in person with the instructor---include choices for days and
times that you are available.
Michael Clarkson | | |
Tom Roeder | | |
Yee Jiun Song | | |
Vivek Vishnumurthy | |
Mon. | 12:00 - 2:00 (Song); 2:00 - 4:00 (Clarkson) |
Tues. | 1:00 - 3:00 (Vishnumurthy) |
Wed. | 12:00 - 3:00 (Song) |
Thurs. | 1:00 - 4:00 (Vishnumurthy) |
Fri. | 1:00 - 4:00 (Roeder) |
A text having a large intersection with what we will cover this semester and having a broad coverage of computer security at the MEng level is:
The following books, on-reserve in Carpenter Library, should also prove useful. Schneier's book is a classic reference and well worth owning. The Kaufman et al. text is a delightfully written treatment of material we will be covering on network security and cryptographic protocols.
Assignments and Grading. In keeping with the professional (and practical) orientation of this course, assignments are deliberately underspecified, open-ended, and motivated by problems that arise in the real world (messy as it is). You will have to think on your own, build tools, refine problem specifications, make reasonable and defensible assumptions, and be creative. Success in CS513 (and in life) depends heavily on you figuring out what's important and concentrating on that.
Undergraduate courses give explicit reading assignments and define homework problems closely tied to that reading. CS513 is not an undergraduate course and doesn't pretend to be. Instead, CS513 students are themselves responsible for identifying and reading the relevant sections of the textbook and on-line lecture notes after material has been covered in lecture. Moreover, assignments in CS513 may well take a student far beyond that material to other readings.
Your final course grade will be computed as follows:
All assignments are due on the date stipulated so that correct answers can be freely discussed after the due date. Late submissions are not accepted without prior approval from the instructor.
Academic integrity violations will be prosecuted aggressively. Collaborate with your group on the project; do not collaborate with anyone on the assigned homeworks.
Students are expected to be familiar with the University's and the CS Department's various policies on appropriate use of computers.