Electronic Voting System (Phase IV): Denial of Service
Due: 10:00am Thursday, May 6, 2004
General Instructions.
Students are required to work together
in groups of size 3 or 4. An assignment submitted on behalf of a
"group" having fewer than 3 students will receive a
grade of F. All members of the group are responsible for understanding the
entire assignment and will receive the same grade.
You need not work in the same group for this phase as you did for Phase III.
No late assignments will be accepted.
Academic Integrity. Collaboration between groups is prohibited and
will be treated as a violation of the University's academic integrity code.
Purpose of Assignment
Availability is perhaps the underrated security property.
Yet for some systems,
preventing a client from accessing the service can be more devastating
than revealing a secret or corrupting data.
A business cannot survive long without access to customers;
a control system becomes impotent when signals don't reach actuators.
This assignment gives you the opportunity to explore vulnerabilities
to denial of service attacks that might be present in an electronic voting system.
Some will find the different character of the assignment to be refreshing;
others will find it frustrating:
The emphasis in the assignment is on
analysis and identification of problems---not on writing programs.
Satisfactory defenses might not exist for some of the problems you identify.
You will be working with code that your group did not design and did not implement.
What to Do
Analyze a Phase II implementation built by some other group in CS513
this semester.
Pick a group and ask them for a copy of the set of phase II files they
submitted for grading.
Thereafter, you are barred from having discussions with
members of that group or any other group
about the system you selected or how it works (or doesn't).
Once you have in hand such a target system, analyze it
and identify vulnerabilities the server has to denial of service attacks.
Ignore denial of service attacks aimed at the client;
ignore denial of service attacks directed at incapacitating
infrastructure, like the internet routing
structure, the C# language run-time, or the operating system.
For each server vulnerability you identify, we ask that you:
Describe an attack that would exploit the vulnerability and thereby prevent
or delay the server from performing some or all of its job.
Sketch a program that implements the attack.
Explain how the voting protocols, client code, and/or server code
might be modified in order to
reduce or eliminate the vulnerability.
If you believe the vulnerability cannot be addressed by such
modifications, then explain why.
[Optional Extra Credit. Do this only for one vulnerability.]
Actually program your defense.
Document its effectiveness by running experiments and presenting real data that shows
the extent to which your programmed defense succeeds in blunting some
interesting class of
denial of service attacks.
Submission and Grading
Submission Procedure.
Create a .zip file containing the files you wish
us to grade. Then submit this .zip file using
Your .zip should contain the following files (at least):
TEAM.txt which contains the names (and net-ids) for all team members.
Also, for each team member, give a 1 or 2 paragraph description of the tasks
this team member performed and the number of hours this required.
TARGET.txt which contains the names (and net-ids) of the team that
wrote the system you chose to analyze for this assignment.
No name should appear in both TEAM.txt and in TARGET.txt.
A set of files V (you may choose the names, but they must be txt files)
which comprise a vulnerability analysis. Each file F in V should contain
an English description of some class of vulnerabilities
present in the system you analyzed. Limit yourself to at most 5 such files, by grouping vulnerabilities in a sensible way.
If the target system you chose to analyze has too many different vulnerabilities
than might naturally be accommodated in 5 files,
then you need only treat the 5 most problematic classes of vulnerabilities.
The contents of each file should be structured in terms of the following elements.
A section describing the general class of vulnerability
(e.g. "memory exhaustion").
A section describing
the procedure you used to identify instances of the vulnerability in
the target system.
Discuss any software tools you employed (including special-purpose tools you wrote)
to facilitate this task.
A section listing
all instances in the target system code where this vulnerability is present.
Feel free to refer to file names and line numbers in the code.
(The grader will have access to the code from what was submitted for grading
in the previous phase.)
A description of one or more attacks that exercise these vulnerabilities.
A description of how to defend against these attacks or why there is no
way to eliminate these vulnerabilities.
VulIndex.txt which contains a list of the names of the files in V.
For each file F in that list,
give a few sentence summary of the class of vulnerabilities
treated in depth within file F.
In addition to giving this list of files,
describe the methodology you employed to identify
classes of vulnerabilities in the target system, and also give an explanation
of the methodology you employed to select the 5 you treat in depth.
[Optional Extra Credit]
For one file F listed in VulIndex.txt, include
a file F.xtra in which you give:
A detailed explanation of changes that you made to the target system in order
to eliminate the vulnerabilities that are the subject of file F.
Experiments and measurements that demonstrate the extent
to which your new, programmed defenses succeed.
Notice, we are not requesting the code for the modified system.
However, we reserve the right to request the code and/or receive a demonstration
of your enhanced system so that we can validate performance data or other
experimental results you submit for Optional Extra Credit.
A good job on the Optional Extra Credit will earn at most a few points;
but it will double or triple the amount of time you spend on this assignment.
The extra credit in this phase
is thus designed to be attempted by and challenge the very top students in the class;
it is not a sensible way to increase your grade---time
spent working on the main body of the assignment will have a higher grade pay-off.
Your grade on the required parts of the assignment is based on the following elements:
Whether you followed a sound and sensible process for hypothesizing vulnerabilities
worth investigating in the target system.
Whether you have identified a range of real vulnerabilities in the target system.
Whether you have created sensible groupings of these vulnerabilities.
How credible, accurate, and complete is the procedure you advocate for identifying
each of the vulnerabilities within a grouping.
How careful is your characterization of where the vulnerability is present.
E.g., could a cs100 student find and understand the problem based on your explanation?
To what extent does the attack you propose exploit the vulnerability?
Or, do you argue correctly that no attack would?
To what extent would the defenses you propose eliminate the vulnerability.