Phase 0: Preparing for the CS513 Project
A good way to learn about techniques is by putting them into practice.
So, that's the goal of the CS513 programming project.
Besides methods in computer security,
this semester's project will involve two new elements for many of you:
- working in a group (with its tensions and joys) and
- using C# as a programming language and .NET Visual Studio
as a programming environment (with their tensions and joys).
As preparation for work on the project per se,
phase 0 will get you moving on each of these elements.
Note: This project has a deliverable that is due 5pm Thursday Feb 12.
1. Selecting a Group
Students are required to work together in groups of size 3 or 4.
You may change groups from one phase to the next, but you must be part of
a group for each phase.
- Please decide on the members of your Phase I group.
- Prepare a single .txt file for the group;
this file should contain the names and CU netid's of your group's
- Submit this file as your solution to the "Phase 0" assignment that we have set up
in CMS for CS513.
(Information about using CMS can be found here).
Due Date: 5pm Thursday, Feb 12.
2. Learning C# and .NET Visual Studio
Most of you know JAVA and will need to learn C#.
The languages are similar, so this should not prove too hard.
In the "real world" it is not unusual to pick-up a new programming langauge
when you start on a new project.
So, there is some merit in having this experience while you are still in school.
Kevin Hamlen's lecture on Monday night, Feb 9 ought to help.
You can download a copy of the slides.
Cornell offers two on-line books for mastering C#.
(These can be accessed only from a computer within the Cornell University domain.)
The second of these assumes less knowledge but is still a pretty efficient read.
In addition, here are some resouces that address specific matters relevant to
our project.
Here is a brief discussion of threading in C#.
Here is a brief discussion of streaming by Richard Grimes.
Here is a discussion of collections, courtesy of Microsoft.
Here are some notes on XML comments for C# source code,
also courtesy of Microsoft.
Due Date: There is no deliverable for this.