Software Engineering
Spring 2008

Assignment 1: Survey

Survey 1


Every student should submit an individual survey. In order to speed processing of the surveys, please submit your response according to the following guidelines: 

The response should be a plain text email (no HTML, no attached files). It should be addressed to cs501-l@lists.cs.cornell.edu with the subject "Survey 1", followed by your NetID and the name of the project in the subject.

Remember that to send messages to cs501-l@lists.cs.cornell.edu you must use an email address from the cornell.edu domain. Messages sent from other domains will be rejected.

Question 1

The aim of this question is to identify students who make extra special contributions to the project and to ensure that everybody plays a significant part.  Each part of the question refers to a task. For each task, estimate what percentage of the total effort each member of the team (including yourself) contributed. If, for example, you estimate that one member of your team did a quarter of the work for the first task, then write 25% against that person's name for question 1a. For each question, the total percentages should add up to 100%.

1a. Creating the team 

This question covers the organization of your team - contacting the client, setting up meetings, developing plans, assigning tasks, and general coordination. List the members of your team. Against each person's name, estimate what percentage of the work that person did. 

1a. Feasibility study and report 

This question covers the feasibility study and writing the report. It includes all the work that was needed to provide the content of the report and the actual task of writing and editing it. List the members of your team. Against each person's name, estimate what percentage of the work that person did. For each person, list all of the percentages on a single line.

Here is a sample message: 


To: cs501-l@lists.cs.cornell.edu
Subject: Survey 1 -- XYZ project 
From: abc123@cornell.edu


Q1a Q1b
Jane Doe 10% 30%
John Smith 20% 20%
Anne Jones 30% 40%
Bill Park 40% 10%


Questions 2 

The purpose of this question is to provide visibility on the progress to the course team. Write your personal summary of how you feel about the project to date, not more than 100 words. What has gone well? What problems do you see?

Here is a sample summary:


Question 2

Forming the project team took longer than expected. Two people have been sick, which caused a delay. Our project team is technically strong, but has little experience in user interface design.

The client seems very helpful, but she has warned us that she may not be available for two weeks in the middle of the semester.

The scope of the project is still vague. I worry that we may be attempting to do too much in one semester.



William Y. Arms
Last changed: February 11, 2008