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CS 501
Software Engineering
Spring 2005
Project Suggestion:
Institutional Repository Submission System
Client Kenneth King, kmk7@cornell.edu. Institutional Repository Submission System An Institutional Repository is a system run by an organization, such as Cornell University, to store research papers. The Cornell University Library has recently installed an Institutional Repository, using the DSpace software. Faculty and other researchers are encouraged to deposit their papers in the repository, so that they are openly available for access across the Internet and are archived permanently by Cornell. As yet, this system is lightly used. A major reason for the slow pace in getting content into Institutional Repositories, such as DSpace, is the effort required by researchers to input a document. At a minimum, the title and author names must be entered in the required format, and an abstract and some metadata are desirable. The objective of this project is to build a system to automate this process,. The approach is to extract the information in the required format from the document and other sources, such as the authors' personal web pages, with a high degree of reliability (necessitating only minimal editing by the submitter), It is not the purpose of this project to carry out research into metadata extraction or the creation of abstracts. There are several existing systems that do this quite well. The project will begin with a survey of the existing systems and select those that are most appropriate for this purpose. |
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William Y. Arms
Last changed: January 17, 2005