CS 501
Software Engineering
Spring 2003

Project Concepts

Web Archiving


Bill Kehoe, Cornell University Library (wrk1@cornell.edu)
Nancy McGovern, Cornell University Library (nm84@cornell.edu)

Project outline

Cornell University Library needs several tools for its work in preserving digital information.  Two projects have been suggested:

Data file version monitor

Wanted: a file-system agent that will 

The version registry will also have to be created and a mechanism for update and maintenance of the registry will have to be provided.  The registry, the controller, the file systems to be searched, and any data storage/database for marked-file lists should be assumed to be on distributed machines.  The system should be portable between Unix and MS environments. We would prefer some combination of Java, Perl, MySQL, and XML because they are commonly used in the library world and would simplify maintenance.  

Website capture 

Wanted: a turnkey web-site capturing tool that will 

The system should be portable between Unix and MS environments. We would prefer some combination of Java, Perl, MySQL, and XML because they are commonly used in the library world, are free, and would simplify maintenance.

[CS 501 Home Page]

William Y. Arms

Last changed: January 29, 2003