CA501 Software Engineering Questionnaire for Assignment 2, Requirements Presentation and Report The aim of this questionnaire is to identify students who make extra special contributions to the project and to ensure that everybody plays a significant part. Instructions: (a) Every student should submit a questionnaire individually. (b) Each question refers to a task. For each task, estimate what percentage of the total effort each member of the team (including yourself) contributed. If, for example, you estimate that one member of your team did a quarter of the work in writing the report, then write 25% against their name for question 3. For each question, the total percentages should add up to 100%. Question 1. Project management. This question covers the organization of your team – contacting the client, setting up meetings, developing a project plan, assigning tasks, and general coordination. List the members of your team. Against each person's name, estimate what percentage of the project management that person did. Question 2. Requirements analysis. This question covers the requirements analysis – meeting with the client, conducting interviews, developing the requirements definition, and modeling and specifying the requirements. It does not include writing documentation and the report. List the members of your team. Against each person's name, estimate what percentage of the requirements analysis that person did. Question 3. Documentation and report. This question covers writing documentation and the report. It includes all written materials (online or paper) that were created since the feasibility study, excluding the presentation. List the members of your team. Against each person's name, estimate what percentage of the documentation that person did. Question 4. Preparation for the presentation. This question covers the preparation for the presentation – planning what to present, preparing presentation materials, conducting rehearsals. List the members of your team. Against each person's name, estimate what percentage of the preparation for the presenation that person did. Question 5. Other work. This question covers other any work that has been done by your project since the feasibility report. If Questions 1 to covered all the work 4 do not answer this question. If other work has been done: (a) Give a short description of the other work. (b) List the members of your team. Against each person's name, estimate what percentage of the other work that person did. wya 2/28/02