1. |
Historical studies: |
- Read about the origins of first-order logic in From Frege to Gödel
and relate to our account in class.
Read about the controversy over the law of excluded middle.
There is good material on the Web. |
2. |
Develop first-order logic as a Hilbert system. See books such as A. Church,
Introduction to Mathematical Logic, Vol I. Compare to tableau.
3. |
Develop propositional logic from the start using refinement logic by rewriting Smullyan, p. 15-17.
4. |
Write up a complete account of our treatment of order and algebraic structures in first-order logic.
5. |
Give a proof that first-order monadic predicate logic is decidable.
6. |
Prove Church's theorem that validity in first-order logic is not decidable by formalizing
Turing machines or a simple programming language.
7. |
Using refinement logic with primitive recursive functions over Z (lambda-PRL), prove some
interesting program correct. Read the article Proofs as Program, by Bates and
Constable (see Nuprl Web page).
8. |
Interactions with the PRL research group. Various researchers are willing to talk with you
about specific projects: |
- Reflection in first-order logic, a topic that leads to Tarski's theorem about the
undefinability of truth. Contact Eli Barzilay (eli@cs.cornell.edu).
The towers of Hanoi problem stated and solved as a theorem. Contact Dr. Stuart Allen
(sfa@cs.cornell.edu). |
Reading and explaining a formal theory of lists from the Nuprl 5 library. Contact
Tina Nolte (tan4@cornell.edu). |
Learning to operate JProver, a fully automatic first-order theorem prover. Contact
Dr. Kreitz. |
9. |
Reading interesting papers about logic and reporting on them. Here are some examples
that I have copies of: |
- Assigning Meaning to Proofs, R. Constable.
- Implementing Metamathematics, R. Constable, Douglas Howe.
- A Basis for a Mathematical Theory of Computation, John McCarthy.