CS486                        Applied Logic                        Final Assignment                        Due  Thurs, May 3, 2001



Reading:         Please read Stewart & Tall, p. 172-182, Chapter 13.




1.      Write a careful proof of the stamps theorem from lecture, showing explicit use of these rules:  induction on integers, recursive definition (reduce),
ÚL, ÚR, "L, "R, arith, and equality.


The equality rules include those for hd, tl and cons such as

hd(a.t)=a,  tl(a.t)=t   and   l¹[ ]Þ(hd(l).tl(l)=l).


2.      Write a program to compute the function specified by stamps.


3.      Sketch a proof of this conjecture:


Define x  is_on  l            =            if x=[] then 0;

else if x=hd(l) then 1;

           else x  is_on  tl(l).

Show "l:list.  "i:int. (1£i£length(l)Þ(index(i,l) is_on l)=1


4.      Discuss the issue of how logic can help in specifying programming tasks and how careful proof helps prevent errors in program design.
