CS486             Applied Logic                Assignment 7              Due  Thursday, April 5, 2001



Reading:            Please study all of Smullyan Chapter 5.




1.      Prove by Refinement Logic

a.    "xP(x)Ú$x.ØP(x)

b.      ($y"xA(x,y) Þ $v"uB(u,v)) Þ
"y$v"u$x(A(x,y) Þ B(u,v))


2.      Suppose that n={0,1,2,...,n-1}.  Show that if P(x) is a computable boolean expression, then there is a program to decide whether

"x:n.P(x)   or   $x:n.ØP(x).


What can you say about the relationship of this program to the proof in problem 1?


3.      Solve the exercise on p. 63 of Smullyan.