CS486             Applied Logic                Assignment 2              Due  Tuesday, Feb 13, 2001



Reading:         Please read Smullyan, Chapter II:

p. 15-24 by Thursday, Feb 8

p. 25-30 by Tuesday Feb 13

p. 30-40 by Thurs Feb 15




1.      Recall that B are the Booleans, {t,f} and Value was defined in Lecture 3 (see Lecture Notes).  Prove this valuation theorem in detail by induction on Form.

"X:Form. " v0:VarX®B.   $y: B.   Value(X,v0,y).


2.      Solve the Exercise on p. 24, items 2, 3, 6, and 7.


3.      What is the maximum number of nodes that can appear in an analytic tableau (considered as a tree) for a formula of degree n?  Explain your answer.


4.      Prove that truth tables considered as a proof system are consistent and complete (see Smullyan for definitions, p. 25).


5.      Extra credit.  Write a recursive definition for the type of an analytic tableau (see p. 24).