For a polynomial regression example.
First, we construct a random polynomial regression problem.
using PyPlot
using LinearAlgebra
using Statistics
using Random
┌ Warning: PyPlot is using tkagg backend, which is known to cause crashes on MacOS (#410); use the MPLBACKEND environment variable to request a different backend. └ @ PyPlot /Users/cdesa/.julia/packages/PyPlot/4wzW1/src/init.jl:192
# make a random dataset
n = 10;
x = 2 * rand(n) .- 1;
y = sin.(3*x) + 0.2 * randn(n);
n_va = 20;
x_va = 2 * rand(n_va) .- 1;
y_va = sin.(3*x_va) + 0.2 * randn(n_va);
scatter(x,y; label="training points");
scatter(x_va, y_va; label="test points");
# polynomial features
d = 32;
function phi(x::Array{Float64})
n = length(x);
phi_x = ones(n, d);
phi_x[:, 2] = x;
for i = 3:d
phi_x[:, i] = 2*x.*phi_x[:, i-1] - phi_x[:, i-2];
return phi_x;
phi_x = phi(x);
phi_x_va = phi(x_va);
function sgd(alpha::Float64, T::Int64)
tr_losses = Float64[];
va_losses = Float64[];
w = zeros(d);
ws = Array{Float64}[];
for t = 1:T
i = rand(1:n);
w = w - alpha * (dot(w, phi_x[i,:]) - y[i]) * phi_x[i,:];
tr_loss = mean([0.5 * (dot(w, phi_x[j,:]) - y[j])^2 for j = 1:n]);
va_loss = mean([0.5 * (dot(w, phi_x_va[j,:]) - y_va[j])^2 for j = 1:n_va]);
push!(tr_losses, tr_loss);
push!(va_losses, va_loss);
push!(ws, w)
return (tr_losses, va_losses, ws);
sgd (generic function with 1 method)
T = 20000;
(loss_tr, loss_va, ws_out) = sgd(0.02, T);
plot(collect(1:T), loss_tr; label="training loss");
plot(collect(1:T), loss_va; label="validation loss");
# ylim([-0.01,0.05]);
PyObject Text(24.000000000000007, 0.5, 'loss')
scatter(x,y; label="training points");
scatter(x_va, y_va; label="test points");
x_m = collect(-1:0.01:1);
phi_x_m = phi(x_m);
plot(x_m, phi_x_m * ws_out[end]; label="final model");
plot(x_m, phi_x_m * ws_out[1500]; label="early-stopped model");
# w_best = phi_x \ y;
# plot(x_m, phi_x_m * w_best);
PyObject <matplotlib.legend.Legend object at 0x7fb9e8fa88d0>