Syllabus and Course Schedule

Date Tag Topic Slides + Readings + Other Miscellaneous Information
Week 1 - January 22 Lecture Introduction [slides] No reading material
January 22 Assignment HW0 released [pdf] [data] [solutions]
Week 2 - January 27 Lecture Language Modeling / N-grams [slides] JM chapter3 (focus on 3.1, 3.4, 3.6.1)
January 29 Lecture n-gram LMs revisited; POS tagging; Sequence tagging: HMMs intro [slides] JM ch17-17.2; 17.4.4
January 31 Assignment HW0 due (11.59 p.m.)
Week 3 - February 3 Lecture Viterbi; NER [slides] JM ch17.3, 17.4.5; JM ch3.6.2
February 3 Assignment HW1 released [hw1-release ed pointer]
February 5 Lecture Viterbi Walkthrough [slides], MEMMs [slides]
Week 4 - February 10 Lecture Text Classification [slides] JM ch5.1 - 5.62
February 12 Lecture Word Embeddings [slides] JM ch6.3 - 6.5, 6.8-6.11
February 12 Assignment HW1 Milestone due (11.59 p.m.)
Week 5 - February 17 Lecture [NO CLASS - February Break]
February 19 Lecture FFNNs[slides] JM ch7 - 7.3
February 21 Assignment HW1 due (11.59 p.m.)
Week 6 - February 24 Lecture Error backpropagation; cross-entropy loss; NNs for language modelling[slides] JM ch7.4 - 7.5.1; 7.5.5 - 7.8; For more background, start with JM ch5.4 - 5.6.4
February 24 Assignment HW2 released
February 26 Tutorial Pytorch Tutorial
Week 7 - March 3 Lecture RNNs[slides] JM ch8 - 8.4
March 5 Tutorial Midterm Review
March 6 Midterm Midterm
Week 8 - March 10 Lecture Backprop calculus; computation graphs[slides] JM ch7.5.2 - 7.5.5
March 12 Lecture Encoder-Decoder, Attention[slides] JM ch8.6 - 8.8
March 12 Assignment HW2 Milestone due (11.59 p.m.)
Week 9 - March 17 Lecture Transformers [slides] JM ch 9.1, 9.3, 9.4
March 19 Lecture Transformers [slides] JM Ch9
March 21 Assignment HW2 due (11.59 p.m.)
Week 10 - March 24 Lecture Transformers (Encoder-Decoder and Encoder-only) [slides]
March 26 Tutorial Elmo, BERT
March 26 Assignment HW3 out
Week 11 - March 31 Lecture [NO CLASS - Spring Break]
April 2 Lecture [NO CLASS - Spring Break]
Week 12 - April 7 Lecture ELMo, BERT
April 9 Lecture ModernLLMs: Pre-training, Fine-tuning
Week 13 - April 14 Lecture ModernLLMs: GPT2
April 16 Lecture ModernLLMs: GPT3, Prompting, In-context learning
April 18 Assignment HW3 due (11.59 p.m.)
Week 14 - April 21 Lecture LLM++: Factuality
April 21 Assignment HW4 out
April 23 Lecture LLM++: Evaluation
Week 15 - April 28 Lecture LLM++: Retrieval Augmented LLMs (RAG)
April 30 Lecture LLM++: Efficiency
Week 16 - May 5 Tutorial Review Session (Projects/Endsem)
May 6 Assignment HW4 due (11.59 p.m.)
[TBA] Endsem Endsem Exam